
Propagation methods, planting techniques and matters needing attention of potted flowers Anthurium andraeanum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Anthurium andraeanum is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flower, which likes warm, hot, humid and well-drained environment. It is afraid of drought and strong light exposure. It is suitable for growth of 2632 ℃ in daytime and 213.32 ℃ at night. The highest tolerable temperature is 35 ℃ and the tolerable low temperature is 14 ℃. It is native to South America.

Anthurium andraeanum is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flower, which likes warm, hot, humid and well-drained environment. It is afraid of drought and strong light exposure. It is suitable for growth of 2632 ℃ in daytime and 213.32 ℃ at night. Can bear the highest temperature for 35 ℃, tolerable low temperature for 14 ℃, originated in South America, Europe, Asia, Africa are widely cultivated, the following editor to introduce the cultivation methods and points for attention of Anthurium andraeanum what!

Culture conditions of Anthurium andraeanum

Red palm sex likes warm, hot, humid and well-drained environment, afraid of drought and strong light exposure. The suitable day temperature and night temperature for its growth are 2632 ℃ and 2132 ℃ respectively. The highest tolerable temperature is 35 ℃ and the bearable low temperature is 14 ℃. The light intensity should be 16000-20000 lx, and the air relative humidity (RH) should be 70%-80%.

Anthurium andraeanum is native to Costa Rica, Colombia and other tropical rain forests. Often epiphytic on trees, sometimes epiphytic on rocks or growing directly on the ground, sexual preference for warm, humid, semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight. Native to the moist, semi-shady valleys of the tropical rain forests of South America, it is widely cultivated in Europe, Asia and Africa through introduction and improvement and greenhouse cultivation with light, temperature and water regulation systems.

Propagation methods of Anthurium andraeanum

The propagation of Anthurium andraeanum includes cutting propagation, sowing propagation, tissue culture and so on. at present, excellent plants are mainly obtained by sexual hybridization. However, because Anthurium andraeanum is a cross-pollinated plant, the offspring of hybrid seeds with high hybrid will have extensive character segregation and great variation. Therefore, asexual propagation methods such as ramet, cuttage and tissue culture are often used in production in order to obtain plants with the same characters as the mother plant.

1. Ramet propagation

Anthurium andraeanum has strong tillering ability, which can be combined with inter-seedling, seedling transfer and bud removal of cut flowers to separate the small and medium-sized lateral buds from the mother, and then cultivate the lateral buds into new plants. the specific methods should be carried out in the following aspects:

The ramet period of ① is mainly in the cool and humid spring, and it can also be ramified in the cool weather in autumn. Never split in a hot summer or in a dry and cold season.

② should pay attention to the principle of not harming the mother plant, too large lateral buds, too tight lateral buds, too weak lateral buds, mainly separate lateral buds that are easy to separate from the mother plant and are more robust, with at least two main roots or more.

When transplanting seedlings of ③, the lateral buds can be separated from the mother plants by uniform force by hand, and when it is difficult to separate, the lateral buds can be cut open at the bud eyes with a sharp disinfection blade. Cut flowers to remove buds should first be plucked from the soil layer, pay attention to the distribution of the root system and the bud eye of the underground stem, carefully cut the bud eye, and then take out the lateral bud.

The lateral buds cut by ④ were planted in a cool place after the wound was slightly dried to promote root and restore growth. When planting, the root system should be flattened, the plant should be upright, it should be supported if necessary, it can not be watered immediately after planting, it can be sprayed to the leaf surface to maintain humidity, and watering or thin fertilizer solution can be applied according to the situation after 2 days.

The disadvantages of ramet and cutting propagation are slow growth, difficult disinfection of materials and easy to carry diseases and insect pests (such as root-knot nematodes, bacteria and viruses, etc.). Ramet seedlings and tissue culture seedlings have the same technical requirements, except that the former is taller and stronger than the latter.

2. Sowing and reproduction

In Anthurium andraeanum breeding, sowing is the main way to obtain new varieties of Anthurium andraeanum. Anthurium andraeanum fruit is a kind of berry, it must be sowed with picking, peel and pulp should be removed before sowing in order to avoid rot and mildew and affect the germination rate of seeds. Sowing method can use pure sand germination method, sowing seeds in clean river sand, sowing depth of 0.5-0.8 cm, maintain a certain humidity, generally about 15 days can germinate, new leaves will soon grow. When the leaves reach 5 to 6 leaves, they can be transplanted to the substrate of pure perlite mixed with peat soil or coconut bran at 1:2 for pseudo-cultivation.

3. Tissue culture

Tissue culture is a propagation method in which plant materials are cultured in medium and new plants are obtained. the whole process is completed under aseptic conditions in the laboratory. The breeding materials must be strictly sterilized and detoxified in order to provide guarantee for the acquisition of non-toxic clone seedlings.

The propagation materials of Anthurium andraeanum are mainly callus and leaves. The reason for using callus as breeding material is that the cloned seedlings are not easy to mutate, but it is very difficult to obtain non-toxic calli. The leaves are easy to disinfect and easy to operate, but the disadvantage is that the leaves are not smooth, and the plants formed by culture are prone to mutation, but this mutation can be controlled artificially.

In the bottle seedling stage, the tissue culture seedlings completed the growth process under a variety of artificially provided optimal growth conditions. The experimental conditions are very different from the external natural conditions, so it is necessary to let the bottle seedlings go through a transitional process of strengthening and refining seedlings, so that the bottle seedlings can adapt to the external natural conditions smoothly.

[note] the culture method of Anthurium andraeanum is divided into hydroponic culture method and pot culture method according to the different culture conditions. then the editor will introduce the hydroponic culture method and pot culture method of Anthurium andraeanum.

Culture method of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum

The blooming Anthurium andraeanum stands quietly in the water, below is the pure root system, above is the lively flower, looks makes the person feel full of joy, relaxed and happy. Among the foliage hydroponic plants, the hydroponic culture of Anthurium andraeanum is relatively difficult. The phenomenon of rotting root is easy to occur. This is related to the characteristics of Anthurium andraeanum itself. The root of Anthurium andraeanum belongs to aerial root, which is more sensitive to the ventilation of the environment. If you want to raise Anthurium andraeanum well, you must control the number of times of changing water and the capacity of filling water. The amount of dissolved oxygen in water and so on.

1. Selection of nutrient solution

It is recommended to choose foliage plant nutrient solution, which must be replaced every 7-10 days. Regularly changing the water of Anthurium andraeanum can remove the mucus and some algae secreted from the roots of Anthurium andraeanum. When the temperature is high in summer, it is more frequent to change water than in winter. It is recommended to change the water of Anthurium andraeanum every 2-3 days. The water should not be too full to prevent Anthurium andraeanum from rotting. It is best to keep about half of the roots of Anthurium andraeanum out of the water. It can ensure that the root system absorbs oxygen.

2. Light and temperature

Anthurium andraeanum likes semi-overcast, warm and humid environment is also one of the requirements of Anthurium andraeanum growth environment. It is afraid of sun exposure, so it should pay special attention to the location in the process of breeding, preferably in a place where it is ventilated and can avoid strong light. In summer, hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum should pay attention to the temperature of the surrounding environment should not be higher than 28 degrees. The relative air humidity should be maintained at 80%, and sprinkle some water on the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum when the weather is dry. The temperature of Anthurium andraeanum cultured in water in winter can not be lower than 14 degrees. When the temperature is lower than this temperature, Anthurium andraeanum is prone to frost injury. Be careful to keep it warm and warm. And control the air humidity at about 80%, and must not put Anthurium andraeanum outdoors, otherwise it is easy to cause anthurium frostbite.

3. The way of increasing oxygen

The problem faced by hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is that it will cause rotten roots of Anthurium andraeanum if there is little dissolved oxygen in water, so it is necessary to increase the oxygen content in water in time. The easiest way is to vibrate, fix the flower plant with one hand, and gently shake the vessel with the other for more than 10 times. After shaking, the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution can be increased by about 30%. Or add 1% hydrogen peroxide (3% hydrogen peroxide) to the nutrient solution, and if possible, a miniature submersible pump or aeration pump can be used to add oxygen to the nutrient solution.

[note] hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum must choose the nutrient solution suitable for the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, have suitable light and temperature and maintain it carefully. when hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum is cultured, part of the original roots can be removed and the roots can be removed slightly. If you want to enhance the aquatic adaptability of the root system, you can seriously remove the root.

Matters needing attention of hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum

1. What if the Anthurium andraeanum leaves in the water turn yellow?

Answer: it is necessary to disinfect Anthurium andraeanum. It is recommended to buy hydroponic domestication solution in flower market to promote rooting. It is safe to grow flowers with it after dilution, the water temperature should be close to room temperature, tap water should not be used directly, and yellowed leaves should be trimmed off. Generally speaking, flowers have yellow leaves. Just trim them. When the flowers have new leaves, they are healthy.

2. Hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum now that the leaves and flowers are dry to death, how to do?

A: putting too much nutrient solution will cause leaves and flowers to change water, but don't put the nutrient solution yet.

3. Often change water but hydroponically cultured Anthurium andraeanum stink, and some leaves turn yellow?

Answer: yellowing leaves can be identified as lack of nutrition. The stench of the water is caused by root rot. It is suggested to disinfect the roots and then add a special nutrient solution for hydroponics to improve it.

4. How to apply fertilizer for hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum?

Answer: hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum had better choose special liquid fertilizer of Anthurium andraeanum, because Anthurium andraeanum has a large demand for magnesium, so the general compound fertilizer is not only alkaline, but also has less magnesium content! After each change of water, drop 1-3 drops into the water, depending on the size of the container.

5. The reason for the blackening of the root of Anthurium andraeanum in hydroponic culture.

Answer: hydroponic Anthurium andraeanum should be placed in a bright place in front of the window with diffuse light. Unlike soil flowers, hydroponic flowers cannot have direct light to illuminate their roots, otherwise they will inhibit the roots or cause photooxidation injury of the roots, resulting in blackening of the roots and loss of activity due to severe decay. You need to cut off the rotten roots and let them all soak in the nutrient solution.

Culture method of potted Anthurium andraeanum

1. Selection of soil matrix.

The soil matrix for planting Anthurium andraeanum must keep good permeability and no stagnant water. When family farming, you can choose to buy prepared culture soil in the horticultural shop and add a mixture of ceramsite and dry bark (ceramsite: dry bark = 2:1) as the substrate. The substrate needs to be disinfected before planting to prevent Anthurium andraeanum from being affected by insect pests in the later stage of growth.

2. Temperature requirements for culture

The most suitable growth environment temperature of Anthurium andraeanum should be controlled between 14 and 35 degrees. In winter, when the temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it is easy to cause red frost damage. Pay attention to keeping the anthurium warm and warming. In summer, when the temperature is higher than 35 degrees, you should humidify Anthurium andraeanum and spray water around it. Do this even if it is high temperature, but if the humidity is high, Anthurium andraeanum is not easy to be hurt.

3. How to apply fertilizer correctly

Anthurium andraeanum has a higher demand for magnesium fertilizer than other foliage plants. When family farming fertilizes Anthurium andraeanum, it is recommended to buy Magic Kang fertilizer and apply it together with foliar fertilizer in the horticultural shop. Or fully water-soluble compound fertilizer such as Huaduoduo universal fertilizer is diluted to 800Mel 1000 times liquid fertilizer and applied regularly (not less than once a week). The principle of Anthurium andraeanum fertilization is to apply less thick fertilizer and frequently apply thin fertilizer.

4. Appropriate watering cycle

Water Anthurium andraeanum according to the dryness of the substrate in the basin. If the temperature is high in summer, it is recommended to water once every two days, and spray water to the leaves at noon to increase the relative humidity of the room. In winter, watering every 5-7 days is recommended. Watering in the cold season should be carried out between 9 am and 4 pm to avoid frostbite to the roots. Generally speaking, water can be watered every 3 days in spring and autumn. Avoid adding water when the plant is seriously short of water, which will affect the growth and development of Anthurium andraeanum. In the process of watering, dry and wet must be carried out alternately, do not water in the case of serious water shortage, this will affect its normal growth and development.

5. pay attention to the control of humidity

High temperature and humidity are beneficial to the growth of Anthurium andraeanum. When the indoor temperature is higher than 28 degrees, the relative humidity of the air needs to be increased. At this time, tools such as air humidifiers can be used to increase the humidity of the air. Temperature is closely related to humidity. When the indoor temperature is lower than 20 degrees, it is necessary to maintain the indoor ambient temperature and humidity. However, in winter, even if the temperature in the greenhouse is higher, it is not suitable to cool and moisturize too much, because the plant leaves are too wet at night but reduce their ability to keep out the cold, making it easy to frostbite, which is not conducive to safe overwintering.

[note] the methods of hydroponic culture and pot culture of Anthurium andraeanum are introduced here, and then the editor will introduce the pest control and breeding points for attention of Anthurium andraeanum.

Pest control of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Bacterial leaf spot

Bacterial disease is almost a fatal disease of Anthurium andraeanum. There are two symptoms of bacterial leaf spot.

① appeared on the leaves and flowers, and there were water-like spots on the back of the leaves and flowers at the early stage, and brown spots on the leaf margin at the later stage, accompanied by a yellow halo.

② was expressed on the stem, and the bacteria infected the stem at the initial stage, infected the cells through microtubule bundles and rapidly expanded to the whole plant. In the early stage of the disease, it can be found that the color of the new leaves is dull, because the microtubule bundles are blocked by bacteria, which hinders the flow of water and nutrients in the body, which makes the leaves dim and the leaves yellow. it will cause pedicels and leaves to fall off from the plant in a short time, and the growing point will rot quickly and bacterial pus will flow out. Sometimes when sap carries bacteria to the leaves, there will be water-like spots on the leaves, similar to the infection of leaves and flowers, except that these water-like spots often appear near the main vein in the middle of the leaves.

2. Anthrax

[pathogen] Alternaria or Alternaria, the symptom of the disease is to form a round brown spot along the leaf vein, and then the spot is linked together to form a large spot with a brown edge, and the disease finally dries up. The disease of Alternaria is similar to that of Alternaria, which has black necrosis on the conidium, which can cause flower rot and form black necrotic spots on the inflorescence of fleshy spike.

[prevention and treatment] ① strengthens the management of greenhouse, regularly ventilates and cleans up diseased leaves and plants in time. In the early stage of ②, 50% methyl topiramate, 80% mancozeb, 75% chlorothalonil, 50% carbendan and so on were sprayed in time. Take the medicine every 7 to 10 days, a total of 2 to 3 times.

3. Leaf spot

[pathogen] the main symptoms of Cercospora fungi are brown spots on the leaves, death of the central tissue of the spots and a circle of yellow tissue on the outside.

[control] ① adjusted the proportion of fertilizer, increased the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improved the disease resistance of plants, and found that diseased plants and diseased leaves should be destroyed or buried in time. ② drug prevention and treatment can be sprayed regularly with 50% carbendan, 75% chlorothalonil, 50% prohydantoin and 64% disinfectant alum M8, once a week for 4 to 5 times.

4. The disease of Alternaria

[pathogen] Alternaria disease is a fungal disease, the main symptoms are that the leaves gradually dry, yellowing and wilting, and the base of the plant turns brown.

[prevention and treatment] 5% Prochloraz and 50% methyl topiramate can be used.

5. Insect pests

The main pests on Anthurium andraeanum are mites, thrips, nocturnal moths, whiteflies, snails, locusts and so on. Among them, the occurrence of nocturnal moths is more serious, especially after July, and the batch occurrence is about 6-7 times a year, followed by snails. Thrips only harm some varieties, but occur in all seasons of the year, and the occurrence of mites is more serious from July to September.

Matters needing attention in culture of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Humidity control

Anthurium andraeanum in culture should pay attention to moisturizing, if you can correctly control the humidity needed during the growing period of Anthurium andraeanum, it can make Anthurium grow healthily, the petals are fiery red, extremely bright, and the posture is very beautiful.

2. Lighting control

Anthurium likes the sun. If there is not enough sunlight during the growing period, it is difficult to blossom, but it is not suitable for direct sunlight, and there will be leaf burning. The best way is to put it in a bright shady place, which can be protected from both strong and refracted sunlight.

3. The temperature is suitable

Anthurium andraeanum culture should pay attention to temperature control, its suitable temperature for growth is 18 ℃-- 28 ℃, the highest temperature should not exceed 35 ℃, the lowest temperature is 14 ℃, freezing injury may occur at any time below 10 ℃, so high temperature in summer should pay attention to ventilation and watering, and greenhouse culture should be carried out in winter.

The breeding methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum are introduced here. Under normal circumstances, it can blossom about 150 days after planting. The florescence is mostly between summer and autumn, so we should always pay attention to watering the plants and keep the soil moist. If the weather is dry, spray water properly on the leaf surface to help it wash the dust. Lighten the burden of absorbing water from the roots. Topdressing once every 15 days or so can be soaked with peanut bran and diluted 10 times after maturity which has a significant effect on promoting flowering.

The function of Anthurium andraeanum Culture methods and matters needing attention of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum can adjust indoor air humidity, absorb harmful gases and improve indoor air quality. There are also many people like it, today will take you to further understand it, tell you the role of Anthurium andraeanum and the breeding methods and matters needing attention.

I. introduction of Anthurium andraeanum

Anthurium andraeanum, formerly known as Anthuriumandraeanum (scientific name: Candle), Araceae, Genus. Perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers. The flower is unique, has the Buddha flame inflorescence, the color is bright and gorgeous, the color is rich, each flowering period is long, the color of the flower changes greatly, the inflorescence expands from the bract to the withering of the flower, the color changes a series, from beige to milky white at the beginning, and finally to green and yellow before withering. Leaf-shaped bracts, common bracts are red, pink, white and so on, which are of great ornamental value. It can be propagated by sowing, ramet and other methods. The flower language of Anthurium andraeanum is to show great ambition and enthusiasm.

The world scientific research of Anthurium andraeanum has been in a more in-depth stage, in which the level of Europe is higher, Asia is the second, and Africa is the worst. The Netherlands takes the lead in the systematic research of Anthurium andraeanum. Introduction and cultivation began in China in the 1970s.

Second, the function of Anthurium andraeanum

The role of Anthurium andraeanum is mainly used for viewing, because the flower of Anthurium andraeanum is unique, for the Buddha bud, bright and gorgeous color, rich colors, is the world's precious flowers. The florescence of Anthurium andraeanum is long, cut flowers can be raised in water for up to one and a half months, and cut leaves can be used as leaves for flower arrangement. And the biggest advantage of Anthurium andraeanum is that it can be used as a potted plant. the single flowering period of potted plants can be as long as 4-6 months and can blossom every year. Therefore, Anthurium andraeanum has obvious ornamental characteristics and high ornamental value, so it is loved by many people.

Third, the culture method of Anthurium andraeanum

1. Humidity

Anthurium andraeanum needs about 70% air humidity for normal growth, which is generally difficult to achieve in ordinary family farming. You can use clean wet towels to wet the leaves several times a day, or spray water around the plant regularly to increase air humidity. (but do not sprinkle the flowers with water, so as not to affect the ornamental quality.)

2. Watering and fertilizing

Under normal growth conditions, dry wetlands can be seen to water the cultivated soil every week. Generally grasp the principle that the soil surface is not dry or irrigated, and the soil surface is thoroughly watered. The watering times and amount of water can be reduced appropriately in spring, autumn and winter. 7-8% special nutrient solution or 500 times diluted fertilizer water should be applied with watering every half month.

3. Pruning

In general, during the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, the basal petiole degenerates gradually, and the stipules can be cut off in time when the stipules become dry. When the pedicel turns yellow after anthesis, it should also be cut off from the protective post of 2 cm at the base as soon as possible.

4. Temperature

For family breeding of Anthurium andraeanum, the temperature should be guaranteed as much as possible. The optimum growth temperature of Anthurium andraeanum is 16-24 ℃, and the lowest temperature should be above 12 ℃. If ordinary families have heating facilities, this condition is easy to achieve. But at the same time, it must be noted that the flowerpot should not be placed on or too close to the radiator. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, the flowers should be moved to a ventilated room opposite to the north, and water can be sprayed around the plants to cool down.

5. Lighting

The normal growth of Anthurium andraeanum should have sufficient scattered light, and family culture should generally pay attention to: avoid strong light directly on leaves and flowers in summer, and move to the vicinity of the window in autumn and winter to increase light. It is also necessary to rotate the plant regularly to ensure that it receives uniform light and promote the perfection of its crown shape.

Matters needing attention in Anthurium andraeanum culture

For pot soil, it is better to use 6 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of river sand (or perlite) and 1 part of organic fertilizer such as rotten cow manure or chicken manure. When it was planted in the pot. The bottom of the basin is filled with soft broken bricks and other materials with a depth of 1 pound, 4 grains and 3 grains, so as to facilitate the drainage of basin soil.

The pots of adult plants were changed once every 2 to 3 years. When changing pots, the old soil was removed and the new culture soil was replaced, and the ramet propagation was carried out. Apply liquid fertilizer every 10 to 15 days in the growing season, keep sufficient water in the basin soil, and often spray water to the leaf surface and the ground around the basin to increase air humidity, but do not spray water on the flowers, so as not to affect the quality of flowering. Proper shade should be given in spring and autumn. Light can be seen sooner or later; about 50% or 70% of the sun can be shaded in summer; and no light can be shaded in greenhouse cultivation in winter. It can be placed near the south window in the family.

Anthurium andraeanum flower culture method how to raise Anthurium andraeanum? Anthurium andraeanum is native to the rainforests of South America. Sex likes warm, humid and semi-shady environment, but does not bear shade, likes sunshine but avoids direct sunlight, is not resistant to cold, likes fat and avoids salt and alkali. Potted red palm should choose the substrate with good drainage, and the mixed substrate of peat, perlite and sand for large-scale production, the ratio is: 1 cubic meter of peat: 4 to 5 kilograms of perlite: 0.15 cubic meter of sand. Its PH value remains between 5.5 and 6.5. The optimum growth temperature is from 20 ℃ to 30 ℃, the highest temperature should not exceed 35 ℃, and the lowest temperature is 14 ℃. Freezing injury may occur at any time when the temperature is lower than 10 ℃. The optimum air relative humidity is 70% to 80%, and should not be less than 50%, because keeping the high air humidity in the cultivation environment is the key to the successful cultivation of Anthurium andraeanum. Therefore, foliar spraying should be carried out all the year round. The optimum light intensity is 10000 Lux, which should not be higher than 30000 Lux. Anthurium andraeanum is not tolerant to strong light and should be cultivated in a shady environment throughout the year, that is, it should be cultivated in a greenhouse with protective facilities. It should be properly shaded in spring, summer and autumn, especially 70% shading in summer. Direct sunlight will make the leaf temperature higher than the air temperature. If the leaf temperature is too high, there will be burns and scorched leaves, which will fade the bud and slow the leaf growth. Anthurium andraeanum can be propagated by ramet, sowing and tissue culture. Ramet, you can choose a sunny day in spring, summer and autumn, gently peel the plant from the pot and suck buds, and the two plants (the same size) are potted. First, plant 1. The specification of the basin. Potted Anthurium andraeanum from small seedlings to large seedlings of different growth stages of different specifications of the basin requirements, the small seedling stage has generally been completed in the seedling company, we buy red palm seedlings (about 15cm) above, so, in the pot planting, the choice of pot can be one-time use 160x150 mm red straight edge plastic pot planting. 2. Cultivation substrate cultivation. The matrix must have the properties of strong water and fertilizer retention, good permeability, no stagnant water, no toxic substances and can fix the plant. Before planting, the substrate must also be thoroughly disinfected to kill diseases and insect pests and maintain its normal growth. 3. Planting Anthurium andraeanum in the pot is a shade-loving plant, and a shading net with 75% shading capacity is needed to prevent excessive light. Double-plant planting is better than single-plant planting. When planting in the pot, it is very important to make the growth point of the heart of the plant expose the horizontal plane of the substrate, and at the same time, the plant should not be contaminated with the substrate as far as possible. When going up the basin, first fill the lower part of the basin with 4-5 cm granular gravel as a drainage layer, then add 2-3 cm of culture soil, and at the same time put the plant in the center of the basin to fully expand the root system, and finally fill the culture soil to 2-3 cm on the basin surface, but the growing point in the center of the plant and the leaflets at the base should be exposed. Bacterial agents must be sprayed in time after planting to prevent the occurrence of Phytophthora and Pythium. Second, water management Anthurium andraeanum is a salt-sensitive variety, so the PH value of matrix should be controlled between 5.2 and 6.2 as far as possible, and the most suitable PH value for Anthurium andraeanum growth is 5.7. The EC value suitable for Anthurium andraeanum growth is 1.2 ms / cm. Because the high EC value will lead to smaller flowers and shorter stems, thus reducing the ornamental value. Spring water is suitable for planting Anthurium andraeanum, but the price is expensive; natural Rain Water is the best water source in Anthurium andraeanum cultivation. Potted Anthurium andraeanum has different water requirements at different growth and development stages. At the seedling stage, due to the weak root system, shallow distribution in the substrate and not resistant to drought, water should be sprayed 2 to 3 times a day after planting, always keep the substrate moist, urge it to draw more new roots early, and pay attention to the dry humidity of the pot substrate; plants grow fast in the middle and large seedling stage, and water supply must be sufficient; watering should be reduced and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased to promote flowering at flowering stage. The key to the success of large-scale cultivation of Anthurium andraeanum is to maintain a relatively high air humidity, especially in the high temperature season. Spray system and atomization system can be used to increase the air relative humidity in the greenhouse (be careful not to spray the leaves in the evening. Be sure to make sure that there are no water droplets on the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum at night), so as to avoid high temperature burning leaves and the phenomenon of aberration and discoloration caused by scorched leaves and flower buds. Grasp the alternation of dry and wet in the watering process, and do not water the plant in the case of serious water shortage, which will affect its normal growth and development. In the high temperature season, it is usually watered every 2 to 3 days, and the sprinkler system should be used to spray water to the leaves at noon to increase the indoor relative humidity. Watering should be carried out between 9 am and 4 pm in the cold season to avoid frostbite to the roots.