
How to raise snow in June? Introduction to the breeding and Culture methods of June Snow

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, June snow is afraid of strong light, likes warm climate, can tolerate cold and drought slightly, likes well drained, fertile and moist loose soil, has low environmental requirements and strong growth, and is pleasing to the eye when raised indoors. It is a common household breeding plant. The following editor will introduce the breeding methods of June snow.

Environment is very important for flower cultivation, June snow is no exception, June snow in China's Yangtze River flow city and other areas have wild (open field planting on the number), distributed in the forest or stream, mostly in the shade slope. Like warm and humid environment, more cold-resistant, sunny also tolerant of shade, but if it is potted June snow growth period should be placed in the semi-shady humid shade, etc., otherwise it will affect growth due to too strong light, unfavorable viewing.

3. June Snow Farming-Fertilization

June snow is more fertile, daily maintenance should give more fertilizer, but remember, although more than June snow, but if too much fertilizer, it will make the branches too prosperous, easy to cause new branches to grow, so generally only in winter before and after the application of decomposed cake fertilizer water.

3. June Snow Farming-Watering

June snow has a certain drought tolerance, but also relatively like water, but not water and humidity, watering to master the principle of asking dry and wet, not dry and not watering, rainy season to prevent ponding in the basin, if in rainy weather, should put the basin side; summer high temperature dry season, morning and evening to spray water to cool down, increase air humidity, so as to facilitate its growth and flowering. (For watering, many flower friends really don't understand, say dry for a while, flower friends should learn to understand, potted plants and ground planting are different, potted plants are limited by a variety of factors, such as the depth of pots, water permeability of soil, etc., so flower friends must not refer to time when watering, but touch the soil, the best state should be wet, occasionally dry, this is more conducive to plant growth).

IV. June Snow Farming_Breeding

Flower friends often need to reproduce two pots of June snow as backup, or share with other flower friends, June snow propagation to cutting-based, but also can be used layering, sub-plant, cuttage and other methods, generally early spring season with hard branches, but in the plum season with paid branches, old branches can be, branch bottom with sharp knife oblique 45℃, inserted into the stone or sand, cover film insulation, pay attention to water spray, about 40 days can take root, at this time to transplant.

V. June Snow Farming_Pruning

As mentioned above, June snow is very resistant to pruning, easy to shape, so it can also be made bonsai, flower friends do not have to worry about cutting bad, every winter after half-deciduous to the beginning of spring before germination, carry out a plastic pruning, cut short long branches, excessive long branches, thinning too dense thin branches, cut off pest branches and other influence ornamental messy branches; during the growth period, timely picking, wiping buds, removing branches, etc., so as to keep it beautiful shape.