
The second is the seed of the seed of the seed.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Preface Focus on Encyclopedia·Meet Beautiful (WeChat Signal: duoroubaike) Text Start: Thank Xianzhenhuan Author [Warm II] Original Exclusive Authorization Sharing Editor: Encyclopedia Jun Coordinates: Gansu Province Tianshui City and Autumn Broadcasting...


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

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Thanks to the author of Xianzhen Yuan [warm two] for her original and exclusive license to share.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Tianshui City, Gansu Province

It's time to broadcast in autumn again. I guess a lot of friends can't bear it. Think of sowing brain pain ah, brain pain! There is too much work to do! Don't want to do it!

Let's start with the environment. The individual feels that the temperature can be adapted to sow seeds. We avoid spring sowing and choose autumn sowing because the hot summer will make the seedlings die or stiff, which is more harmful than other seasons, so we generally choose autumn sowing. Here, I would like to say that sowing basically does not have the germination rate and survival rate of 100%. The charm of sowing is that it changes every year, a variety of selections and a greater sense of achievement, so sowing requires a lasting and patient mind. Don't worry too much about individual deaths!

The temperature feels between 15-25 degrees. Note: the temperature is between 15-25 degrees, not 15-25 degrees today, and 30-35 degrees tomorrow. Personally, I feel that I need a cold and hot temperature difference alternately, and the germination rate seems to be better!

Then talk about the choice of flowerpot: the root of the seedling will not be too long, so I choose the flowerpot will not be too deep, generally 7 cm black square depth, remove the bottom pad 2 cm ceramsite, the basic depth is 5 cm. If the flowerpot is too deep, the size of the seedling will often be relatively small, and it will be a waste of soil! Although the lunch box is a good choice, but the lunch box is often seriously weathered, not easy to move, a little careless, the potted flowers are separated.

So I usually choose a thickened black square of 7 centimeters. First of all, there won't be too many seeds in it, so it's easy to count. The second is neat and easy to manage. Third, it is durable.

If sowing a hundred-grain variety, I usually choose Alice imitation purple sand basin, the specification is 16-12 cm, just 100 grains over the density.

Sowing density: for larger varieties such as purple smoke and sun wheel, I usually sow 20 grains in 7 cm black, while those with small size are generally 25 grains. Other potted flower friends can convert them according to this density. Sowing density if the family sows seeds, it is best to follow the principle of sparse rather than dense, because the ventilation at home is not better than the greenhouse, it is better to have a larger gap between them.

Matching soil: I am poor, so matching soil is relatively simple, that is, peat + sand other I do not have any relevant proportion, just based on experience (no proportion is because of laziness, do not record! () the principle is loose and breathable, if you find that the seedlings you sow are relatively weak, or easy to grow moss, or easy to melt water, it means that there is too much peat and needs to add particles.

Peat I choose is the big man's 413 or 876 can, need to be finer, if too thick, small seedling roots can not grow. Peat had better sift through, sift out the small lumps inside, otherwise if the root of the seedling sprouts and meets the hard lump, it is not easy to stick down, and it is easy to stiff the seedling.

Disinfection: I have better sunshine here. I usually put the sifted soil in the sun for a few days. See a lot of students mix soil with carbendazim, but my personal experience seems to be poor control of carbendazim, too much will inhibit the root after germination (maybe it is my personal illusion, I mixed carbendazim twice, never grow well). Then I soaked in potassium permanganate solution for one night before sowing, be careful not to dissolve potassium permanganate with hot water, otherwise it will not play the role of disinfection, and pay attention to the proportion of the solution is not too strong. As for the students who take the microwave oven or steam in the pot, I can only say that my conscience is greatly broken! Heating the earth into the microwave oven may explode, and the classmate who steams in the pot must have no wife at home to kill you!

Sowing points for attention: I will not repeat the process, the seeds are evenly scattered on the soil one by one, the main points for attention.

1. Don't load too little or too much soil, just 1 cm away from the basin mouth. Too little light is not enough, the seedling is bean sprouts, too much, flat with the mouth of the basin, it is easy to burn the sun.

2. Before sowing, the surface of the soil must be flattened, not compacted, but gently flattened. Put pressure on what? Cut a piece of cardboard, a little smaller than the basin. Must not be compacted, compacted root can not be drilled, why flattened? It is difficult for seeds to sprout if they are not flattened, and it is easy to crack when the soil dries in the later stage. What? It doesn't matter? There is a mine in your house!

3. Sowing density: for larger varieties such as purple smoke and sun wheel, I usually sow 20 grains in 7 cm black, while those with small size are generally 25 grains. Other potted flower friends can convert them according to this density. Sowing density if the family sows seeds, it is best to follow the principle of sparse rather than dense, because the ventilation at home is not better than the greenhouse, it is better to have a larger gap between them.

4. Please write the label in pencil, insert it in the basin and watch the label broadcast. Don't ask why!

5. Remember to pad ceramsite or insect-proof net at the bottom of the basin, otherwise you will eat half of it in those 2 days. If you are fat, your body color is still bright yellow!

6. The shop surface can be sprinkled in advance or later, but it should not be thick. Once thick, the big seeds will germinate slowly.

7. When replenishing water, please do not spray at the seed, make the pot parallel to the basin, and let the water fall gently on it, especially when it is not sprouting.

Notes for waiting for sprouting:

1. Need to be stuffy.

2. Astigmatism. What is astigmatism? It's cloudy! Is it cloudy before the rainstorm? You want to go to heaven!

3. Open the ventilation every morning or evening. Don't overdo it. If it is too dry, it will die as soon as it sprouts. Ventilation is for not growing hair!

4. Don't turn on the supplementary lights all the time!

5. open the cover for culture after half of the sprout, and pay attention to replenishing water.

6, soak the basin as far as possible, do not spray, soaking basin can induce roots, and spray too wet, the plant is easy to water!

7, the variety is different, the germination speed is also different, Quyu barren jade is easier, the chrysanthemum medallion purple fumigation sun wheel is more difficult, so don't worry, the chrysanthemum feels need a bigger temperature difference, the sun wheel and purple fumigation need more water.

8, please do not take toothpicks, tweezers and other fiddle with it, especially when it is just sprouting, really can not help it, please tie yourself!

Points for attention after budding:

1, suddenly found that Xiaomiao bright, the color is very crystal clear, this is not out of the state, this we call the light back! Either there is too much water or it has been basked in!

2. When you find something gray around the seed, congratulations, this is a long fungus, need some dry ventilation, of course, moldy can not be saved, you can buy some seeds! Remember to take it out of the dirt, or you will die. Students who need to spray carbendazim pay attention to the amount, not too much, the concentration would rather be less than more!

3. Attention, milky white, tender ground is the root! It's not moldy!

4, green in addition to seedlings, there is a kind called moss, the soil is too fat, give less fertilizer, a small amount of nothing, there will always be symbiosis! If the surface is thicker and the seedling is too small, it is easy to freeze the seedling. The shop surface can be watered and soaked in more pots. If the seedling is already big and the root is good, the moss will be fine.

5. There are small white or yellow maggots in the soil. Pay attention to the small tide worms that do not run very fast. If you need to pay attention to the small tide worms, you can put a few small white drugs in the soil. If you have more, use the granule medicine, and do not spray it with insecticides. It is easy for the insects to be fine, and the seedlings are finished! If not, it is best not to use medicine, generally there are fewer bugs in the family!

Finally: the feeling of looking forward to growing up every day is the joy of sowing, but peeling at the beginning of peeling is not recommended, because the seedlings grow very fast and do not need your assistance, peeling is easy to die, and then peeling off can not see any lines. The raw stone pattern road can only be seen in Santuo.

High or low germination rate is not necessarily the problem of seeds, temperature difference, humidity, ventilation, soil quality and other conditions will affect the germination rate, sometimes gentle treatment, sowing is the pursuit of a surprise, is the joy of selection!

The label had better have the origin of the seed, so that if you meet a good seed, you will know where it comes from next year!

I wish you all a happy sowing, stone flowers basically three generations, feel far away, in fact very fast, do not believe, just look at childhood photos, look at parents, look at children, time is very fast, cherish the present, society is too impetuous, years need to precipitate!

I have about one more article to finish, and I intend to write the next one about the various problems encountered in breeding, but after all, the situation encountered by individuals is incomplete. I hope flower friends can help me and give me more of the problems you encounter. Let's finish the last one together! Thank you. Just leave a message at the bottom of this article. I really appreciate it!

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