
Planting methods and key points of maintenance and management of bowl lotus

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bowl lotus, alias potted lotus and potted lotus, as the name implies, are lotus flowers planted in the bowl, specially for Chen on several tables in the room, in order to beautify the living environment. Bowl lotus is native to Jiangsu and is most famous for Suzhou. There are many records in Chinese ancient books, which are now often used as desk ornamental plants to beautify the working environment.

The bowl lotus, alias bowl lotus, pot lotus, as the name implies, is the lotus planted in the bowl, specially for Chen on several tables in the room, in order to beautify the living environment. The bowl lotus is native to Jiangsu and is most famous for its production in Suzhou. There are many records in our ancient books, which are now often used as desk ornamental plants to beautify the working environment. Today, the editor will share with you the planting method of bowl lotus.

The planting environment of lotus bowls

Like to have plenty of sunshine, but can't bear shade. Like heat, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃, and the growth stagnates when the temperature is lower than 15 ℃. Like wet and afraid of dry, like relatively stable still water. It is appropriate to use fertile clay rich in organic matter. The suitable pH value is 6.5.

Sowing time of bowl lotus

Lotus seeds have no dormant period, and can be sown in four seasons as long as the water temperature is kept above 16 ℃. Under the conditions of suitable temperature and light, it takes 50-60 days from sowing to flowering in spring and 60-80 days in autumn.

Seed treatment of lotus bowlis

The shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense, and it must be artificially broken before soaking the seed. There is a small protruding tip on one end of the lotus seed and a small concave spot on the other. Wear out the small concave end and wear out a layer of skin on the rough cement floor, be careful not to hurt the kernel inside, and don't shell it. The purpose of skin grinding is to let water seep in through this gap, so that the seed absorbs water and expands. How to deal with the seeds of lotus? There are many ways to deal with one end of the concave spot, and the conventional method is that ① grinds off the seed coat on the cement floor. The ② was crushed with pliers. ③ cut off a small seed coat with a sharp little beauty knife. Soak the ④ for a few days so that the seed coat becomes softer and easier to deal with.

Seed soaking and sprouting of lotus

Soak the seeds with broken shells in warm water of about 20-40 degrees. When the water temperature is lower than 20 degrees, the seeds germinate and grow too slowly. When soaking a small amount of seeds in the family, it can be put into a thermos to keep warm. The speed of germination is also related to the temperature. under the condition of 30 degrees, generally soaking seeds to accelerate germination for 3-5 days, the germ protrudes from the breach.

During this period, change the water every 1-2 days. Under normal circumstances, as long as the seed coat can absorb water and expand, it can sprout. What are the precautions for seed soaking and budding of bowl lotus: ① if the temperature is low, you can use an insulation cup, 30 degrees lukewarm water. Indoor and outdoor bubbles are fine if the temperature is above 20 degrees. ② changes water twice a day, and I usually change it once in the morning and once in the evening; ③ water needs to be flooded beyond the depth of the seeds; ④ has a high temperature and germinates quickly. Generally above 20 degrees, sprouting from 3 days to a week.

Flowerpot selection of bowl lotus

Although it is called a bowl of lotus, if it is cultivated in a vegetable bowl, it is too small and too shallow. The nutrient soil in the bowl is too shallow to make the plant get sufficient nutrients; it is too small to accommodate the stretched fibrous roots, and it will not grow well. A suitable size is to ensure that the diameter of the container is about 25~87.5cm. The depth is about 20~62.5cm. Make sure the soil around the 37.5cm is deep enough for the roots to grow fully.

Soil selection of lotus bowls

Bowl lotus requires pond mud or paddy field mud rich in humus to be used as cultivation soil, and do not use industrial pollution soil. The viscosity of yellow mud is high, and the usage should be appropriate, too sticky will affect the elongation of lotus root whip and the expansion of lotus root; sandy soil is loose and not sticky enough, and is easy to be damaged by wind damage, which hinders the growth of root system. Generally, it is appropriate to mix yellow mud and sandy soil at the ratio of 7:3. If there is no sandy soil, yellow sand can be added, but the proportion is slightly smaller. In the suburbs of the city, the garden soil of the vegetable field can be selected directly, and the dormitory soil in which the spring potted flowers change pots can also be used in the city, plus half of the yellow mud as the cultivation soil.

Seedling transplanting of lotus bowleri

Choose 45cm~75cm pottery pot without bottom hole or plastic flowerpot, add half a pot of pastoral soil or river and pond mud without chemical pollution, soak in water two weeks in advance, do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water.

Fertilization methods of lotus bowls

Bowl lotus likes fertilizer, but if it is lack of fertilizer, it will take root and grow leaves slowly and lack vitality. Therefore, before planting, a small amount of cooked cake fertilizer liquid or bean bran and peanut bran should be mixed into the pot soil as base fertilizer. However, although the bowl lotus is a fertilizer-loving plant, it should not be fertilized excessively, especially because the bowl lotus container is small, the plant is small, and the amount of fertilizer needed is also small. If more fertilizer is applied, there will be the phenomenon of light and long leaves not blooming. If it is more serious, it can also wither the plant. If excessive fertilization is found, it is necessary to change the water frequently to float away part of the fertilizer liquid and desalinate it. Bowl lotus likes to be fat, but it can't bear heavy fertilizer. Generally, when planting, a small amount of base fertilizer such as cake fertilizer is mixed into the culture soil, which can meet the needs of the whole year, and there is no need to apply topdressing to avoid overgrowth. However, in order to prolong the flowering period, you can use a grain of rotten cake the size of a plum stone as topdressing in summer and stuff it into the mud in the middle of the bowl. Do not apply it around the bowl wall. It is easy to cause root damage. Base fertilizer should not be applied too much, otherwise the light ones will have sparse leaves and flowers, and the heavy ones will "burn" the lotus roots.

The bowl lotus is full of sunshine, if the light is less than 4 hours a day, it can not form flower buds. During childbearing, it should be placed on the sunny balcony or windowsill to the sunny place, so that it can receive all-day sunshine. When the floating leaves are covered with the basin surface, the floating leaves should be pressed into the bowl mud in time, so as not to affect the ventilation and light transmission. Bowl lotus plants are delicate and should be properly shaded around noon in summer and early autumn to avoid direct light. If exposed to strong light, leaves and petals are easy to scorch.

When the bowl lotus sutra is cultivated for one year, the fertility decreases and the underground rhizomes are dense, so it is appropriate to turn the bowl and change the soil before germination in early spring every year.

Pruning technique of bowl lotus

When the leaves grow too much and too dense, part of the leaves can be removed properly to facilitate the plant to absorb air. It also helps with the flowers. When using the same container for multiple culture, when it is found that the leaves compete for strong sunlight, they should be cultured in separate pots in time.

Is the bowl lotus good to grow? Planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network editor for you to share is about the bowl lotus good seed? Let's take a look at the articles on the planting methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus.

Wanlian is a kind of mini lotus with high height and round leaves like butterflies. It is especially suitable for planting in containers with smaller caliber. When will the bought lotus seeds be planted? How do you plant it? And what else do you need to prepare before planting bowl lotus?

Preparation time for planting bowl lotus

Many flower lovers like to plant bowl lotus at home, shaped like lotus flowers. Although they do not have the proud posture of Daming Lake, a small bowl of lotus at home is enough to make you feel the beauty of immersion. But the question is, when to buy seeds and when to plant them?

In fact, the seeds of lotus can be sown all the year round. As long as the water temperature is controlled at about 16 ℃, the seeds can germinate normally. The suitable growth temperature after seed germination is 15-30 ℃. For families with lower indoor temperature in winter, we can choose to sow seeds in spring.

Material preparation

Bowls of lotus seeds, files, mud, white flowerpots, sand.

Seed treatment of planting method of lotus bowleri

First of all, the seeds are treated with broken shells. When eating lotus seeds, people will notice that there is a layer of green epidermis outside the lotus seeds. After the lotus seeds mature, the outer epidermis becomes black and hard. It is said that as long as this layer of white skin is preserved, lotus seeds can be buried in the soil for a hundred years or even the year before last. If you don't deal with the seed before planting it, you may not see it sprout for the rest of your life.

The lotus seed is pointed at one end and round at the other. Make a small opening at the end of the circle, grind it on the rough cement floor or break it with a file. In short, you must open your mouth, let the water seep into the seeds and germinate as soon as possible.

Soaking seeds to accelerate germination

The next step is to soak the broken seeds in 30 ℃ warm water to accelerate germination, soak for 2-7 days, and change the water 2-3 times a day. The average seed will sprout on the 5th day, and if it hasn't sprouted in 7 days, it won't sprout again. Throw away this kind of seed.

In addition, the water temperature of soaking seeds should be controlled at about 30 ℃, which should not be higher than 40 ℃ or lower than 20 ℃, otherwise the seeds would germinate slowly.

Hydroponic seedling cultivation

After the seeds germinated, the seeds were hydroponically cultured in the environment of 25 ℃ for 5-7 days. In the process of hydroponics, ensure that the moisture is about 10 cm, the light is sufficient, do not often change water and turn, so as not to affect the growth of leaves.

Hydroponic culture for a period of time, the first leaf unfolds, the second leaf is about to expand, and grow white roots, which can be planted in mud.

Selection of basin and planting

According to the needs of planting, put the prepared silt or fine sand into the flowerpot, add soil, water and fertilizer, stir evenly and rest. When the water is clear, plant the seeds of the lotus bowl. All the seeds are in the mud, the leaves stretch freely on the surface of the water, and the water must not pass the leaves. In addition, in the process of planting, handle it gently and do not break the petiole.

Family planting, for the sake of beauty, after the seeds are planted, lay a layer of stone on the water surface to ensure that the water surface is clear and increase ornamental.


The flowering time of different varieties of bowl lotus is different. generally speaking, bowl lotus grows 5 or 17 standing leaves and slowly begins to show buds. However, some varieties grow buds and blossom soon after they grow standing leaves. As long as you take good care of it, it is only a matter of time before the bowl lotus blossoms!

Matters needing attention in planting bowl lotus the container should be large

The container for planting bowl lotus should be a little larger, if only the ordinary bowl at home is too small and too shallow, the nutrient soil is too little, the bowl lotus can not grow fully, and the root leaves can not be well stretched, then the bowl lotus planted in this way does not make any sense!

The sun needs enough.

In the maintenance of bowl lotus, can not blindly put bowl lotus in indoor decoration environment, indoor maintenance for a long time, bowl lotus can not see the sun, slow growth. Often take the bowl lotus outdoors, accept the sun, only bask in the soil warm up, the growth will be more exuberant.

Fertilization should be light.

Bowl lotus like fertilizer, like nitrogen fertilizer, during the growth period to ensure adequate nutrients, in addition to adding enough nutrients to the soil before planting, but also timely topdressing. Topdressing is based on the size of the flowerpot, the plant is small, the flowerpot is small, you should apply less fertilizer. If fertilizing too much, there will be light long leaves do not blossom phenomenon, more serious, the plant withered.

The leaf length needs to be cut.

In the process of maintenance, the leaves of bowl lotus will be longer and denser, which will affect the growth of bowl lotus to a certain extent, it is necessary to remove some leaves properly to promote plant respiration and air permeability.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of bowl lotus

The planting technology of bowl lotus is different from that of other flowers. now let's take a look at the planting technology and matters needing attention. See how the bowl lotus grows. Conditions for the growth of a bowl of lotus 1. Fertile river pond mud is the most ideal soil for soil cultivation. If it is difficult to obtain river pond mud, immortal soil can also be used (black fairy soil is the best). 2, the sun must give the lotus plenty of sunshine. Flower growers should not only pay attention to the bowl lotus indoor decoration environment and appreciation, keep it indoors for a long time so that it can not see the sun, forget that it is a plant that loves plenty of sunshine, only when the pot soil is warm, can it grow rapidly. 3. The amount of water varies according to different stages. When the bowl lotus is first planted, there should not be much water, which will lower the temperature, not conducive to the rooting and development of seedlings, and affect its respiration and ventilation, and even cause rotten roots. When the leaves of the plant grow up, the bowl needs to be filled with clear water gradually in order to meet the needs of photosynthesis when the leaves float on the water surface. Otherwise, the leaf edge will be scorched and yellowed.

Planting points of two bowls of lotus 1. Sowing time: Lotus seeds have no dormancy period, as long as the water temperature can be kept above 16 ℃, they can be sown in four seasons. Under the conditions of suitable temperature and light, it takes 50-60 days from sowing to flowering in spring and 60-80 days in autumn. 2. Seed treatment: after breaking the shell of the seed, the pericarp of lotus seed has a strong and thick special structure. after the seed is fully ripe and dried, the water and air are not easy to penetrate, the respiration is very slow, and it is forced to dormancy. So lotus seeds can be buried in the soil for hundreds or even thousands of years without germination or decay, which is the reason for the longevity of lotus seeds. In order to make the lotus seeds absorb water and oxygen after sowing, break the forced dormancy and enter into germination and growth, the seeds must be treated with shell breaking before germination.

Lotus is an anatropous ovule, and the germ is born at the top of the seed. When breaking the shell, the base end of the seed should be broken, that is, the end where the seed is placed on the receptacle, that is, the sunken end of the lotus seed. It can be broken with scissors or pliers. Generally speaking, before sowing, as long as the pericarp (that is, the hard shell of the lotus seed) is worn, the brown seed coat is seen; when the shell is clamped, there is only a 2mm crack at the base, do not clip it too deep, so as to avoid damaging the embryo. After one day of seed soaking, when the embryo expands and the pericarp becomes soft, the peel can be peeled off by hand along the broken shell to expose the embryo to facilitate the elongation of the germ. It must be noted that the broken shell should not be too large. If the hard shell of the lotus seed is removed, the germ will lose its protection and rot easily. 3. Soaking seeds to promote germination: the summer water temperature of 20 ℃-30 ℃ is very suitable for lotus seed germination, depending on how much water is filled in bowls or pots to soak the seeds. Put it indoors and change the water twice a day. It can sprout within a week. After sprouting, put it in the sunny place to strengthen the light and can not lack of water. Fine roots and 2-3 young lotus leaves grow after 2 weeks. When the leaves are in the shape of money, the roots can be divided.

4. Seedling transplanting: choose 18cm~30cm pottery pot without bottom hole or plastic flowerpot, add half-pot garden soil or river and pond mud without chemical pollution, soak in water two weeks in advance, do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water. 5. Autumn and winter management: after transplanting for 2-3 weeks, when the leaves turn yellow, a small amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ternary compound fertilizer can be applied and dilute fertilizer is applied frequently. The lotus likes warmth and light, but is not tolerant of darkness. When the external temperature is lower than 16 ℃, the growth is slow and should be moved to the sunlight greenhouse.

(experience version) key points of maintenance after germination of bowl lotus

The bowl lotus is a kind of lotus, which is called lotus in Chinese and is also known as white lotus, hibiscus and lotus in folk. Although the bowl of lotus is small and exquisite, it does not lose the freshness and delicacy of the lotus, which is placed on several tables in the room to beautify the environment and make your room more fresh. So, do you want to know what are the planting techniques of bowl lotus? Do you want to raise a good bowl of lotus? Today, the editor, next we will come to know the plant Wanlian.

What if the seeds sprout?

Seed germination is a good thing, it's no big deal, just take care of it as usual. However, for the buds to grow fast, you need to do the following:

Often change its water and take it out to bask in the sun.

Change to a bigger bowl and give it enough room to grow. The buds that grow well can grow to more than 20 centimeters.

The seed takes root very slowly, and then transplants into the silt after it has grown. Do not put too many lotus bowls in each basin, a basin with a diameter of about 16, just one plant. Do not put the soil too thick, the basin is large, the shop is 4 cm 5 cm, the basin is small, 8 cm 10 cm. Later, just change the water and bask in the sun.

Key points of post-germination maintenance

The perfect state of seed germination

Two leaves with one heart + long roots, it is obvious that there are two floating leaves, and the milky white top red roots have begun to grow.

Transplant time

The fourth leaf unfolds, the fifth leaf has just emerged, this time is the best time to plant. If it has not been planted, you will find that the fourth leaf is getting smaller and smaller. Mainly because, at present, the nutrients of bowl lotus are basically exhausted, and the required nutrients need to be obtained by root contact with the soil. If they are not transplanted in time, it is very difficult for bowl lotus to survive.

Fixed value timing

Cloudy days are the best, only in the evening and early morning. Don't plant at noon. In addition, three days after planting is the slow seedling time, it is recommended that these three days be placed in a place where the sun is not in direct sunlight, and then move back to the sun.

This is what I know about aquatic plants today. I hope it will be helpful for you to read this article. If you want to know more about aquatic flowers, please continue to pay attention to our succulent flower beds. We will provide you with more relevant content for the first time!