
Propagation and breeding techniques and pot culture methods of Fructus przewalskii

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tieshu likes a warm, hot and humid environment, is not resistant to cold, grows very slowly, and has a life span of about 200 years. Trees more than 10 years old in the tropics and subtropics of southern China blossom and bear fruit almost every year, while iron trees cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and northern parts of China often do not blossom for life, or occasionally blossom and bear fruit. The iron tree likes the light.

Tieshu likes a warm, hot and humid environment, is not resistant to cold, grows very slowly, and has a life span of about 200 years. Trees more than 10 years old in the tropics and subtropics of southern China blossom and bear fruit almost every year, while iron trees cultivated in the Yangtze River basin and northern parts of China often do not blossom for life, or occasionally blossom and bear fruit. Iron tree likes light, likes iron element, and is slightly resistant to semi-shade. When planting in the open field in Shanghai, warm measures such as straw bandaging should be taken in winter. Like fertile, moist and slightly acidic soil, but can also withstand drought. The growth is slow and the plants more than 10 years old can blossom.

The Propagation method of Iron Tree

Reproduce with seeds and tillers; harvest mature seeds in autumn and sow them in high-temperature sunny sandy soil, furrow sowing, ditch depth 6-10cm, furrow distance 20-40cm, hole sowing plant spacing 10-15cm, covering soil thickness equal to 2 times of seed diameter, slightly suppressing, covering grass and watering to keep moist. After emergence, scatter the cover grass.

1. Tillering propagation. Cutting tillers on the trunk and planting in sandy loam with row spacing of 20-30cm, plant spacing of 10-15cm, covering soil of 6-8cm, shade, easy to survive under semi-shade condition.

2. Trunk cutting propagation. Cut the trunk into 10cm or so segments, buried in sandy soil, covered with 4-6cm, often watered to keep moist, wait for the cadres to send out new buds, they can be planted separately.

3. Sowing and reproduction. The seeds are collected at the end of autumn, sowed with picking and sowing, and sowed on demand in spring; the seed coat is thick and hard, and the bud is slow, which usually germinates after 4-6 months; the temperature should be above 15 degrees, the soil cover should be deeper, about 3 cm, and it can germinate in about 2 weeks at 30-33 ℃; the seedlings grow slowly, and the seedlings need 2 to 4 years to transplant.

Cultivation methods of Iron Tree

1. Cultivate soil. Preferably fertile sandy loam. The matching ratio is one part of loam, one part of compost humus soil and one part of coal ash, which is fully mixed. This kind of soil, loose and fertile, permeable and breathable, is very suitable for the growth of iron trees.

2. Trim. When the stem grows as high as 50 cm, the old leaves should be cut off in spring, and then cut once a year, or at least once every 3 years. If the plant is still small and the degree of expansion is not ideal, you can cut off all the leaves, which will not affect the angle of the new leaves and make the plant more perfect. When pruning, you should cut to the base of the petiole as far as possible to make the stem neat and beautiful.

3. Change the basin. Potted iron trees should pay attention to changing pots, at least once every 5 years. When changing the basin, the basin soil can be mixed with phosphate fertilizer such as bone powder, and the best time to change the basin is about 15 ℃. At this time, if the growth is exuberant, some old roots should be cut off appropriately to facilitate the growth of new roots in time.

Field Management of Iron Tree

Always keep the soil moist after sowing, pay attention to weeding and topdressing after emergence, and plant once after 2-3 years of cultivation. In 4-5 years after planting, weeding was carried out 3 times a year, in April, June and October, and topdressing twice in April and October, and fertilizer could be used in human and animal manure or soil fertilizer. After that, it was only ploughed once in spring and autumn every year, and soil and miscellaneous fertilizer was applied in autumn.

Tieshu likes micro-tide soil environment, because its growth rate is very slow, so we must pay attention to the amount of water should not be too large, otherwise it is not conducive to the normal physiological activities of its roots. From March to September every year, applying dilute liquid fertilizer to the plant once a week can effectively promote leaf growth. Try to keep the environment ventilated, otherwise the plant is easy to get shell insects. Tetranychus likes warmth and avoids severe cold. The suitable temperature for its growth is 20-30 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃.

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of iron tree

1. Spots: fungal diseases. After the leaf is infected, it is a small light brown spot at the beginning, and then spreads into a nearly round or irregular shape, with a diameter of 1 mm to 5 mm. The center of the disease spot is dark brown to gray-white, the edge is reddish brown, and there are black spots on the disease spot. A section of spot is formed due to the connection between the disease spots, causing the leaves to die and break. In high temperature and rainy weather, the disease is easy to spread. In the aspect of prevention and control, the cultivated soil should be suitable for slightly acidic sand, more water should be drenched in summer, and diseased old leaves should be removed in time. At the initial stage of the disease, spray Bordeaux liquid or 75% chlorothalonil wettable agent 600x liquid, or 50% topazine wettable powder 800x to 1000 times liquid, or potassium permanganate 1000 times liquid, about 10 days spray, the effect is better.

2. Shell insects: when planted and maintained on the balcony, the ventilation and light transmittance is not good enough, and the leaves are often vulnerable to shell worms. There are the following prevention and treatment treatments at the initial stage of the disease:

① watered the topsoil thoroughly with liquor at 1:2, poured it once every half a month, and achieved results for four times in a row.

② repeatedly rubbed the killed leaves with alcohol to kill adults and larvae.

③ soaked rice vinegar with water cotton balls and gently rubbed the damaged leaves, which can wipe off the shell insects and make the leaves green again.

Potted Culture techniques of Iron Tree

When changing the basin in early spring, the tiller buds (also known as sucking buds) at the base of the mother plant were cut and planted in the pot after the incision was slightly dry. You can also go to the flower market in spring to buy iron tree stalks for potted plants.

The basin soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus about 4 parts of river sand and a small amount of base fertilizer, or 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 4 parts of garden soil and 2 parts of river sand. Put broken tiles on the basin floor pad to facilitate drainage. Suck buds and plant them in a mud basin, pour water through them, place them in a semi-shaded place, and gradually accept the sun after they survive.

After the temperature rises to 20 degrees in early summer, the new buds begin to grow and pull out new leaves, indicating that the lower roots have grown and cannot be placed in the semi-shade, otherwise the new leaves become slender and elongated, and new leaves are drawn out, indicating that the lower roots have grown and cannot be placed in the semi-shade, otherwise the new leaves become slender and affect the ornamental value, and should be placed in a place with good ventilation and sufficient sunshine. Watering should be sufficient during the growth period, and the potted soil should always be kept moist when the new leaves grow vigorously, and water should be sprayed in the morning and evening to keep the leaves fresh. Should pay attention to the basin can not accumulate water, otherwise it will cause rotten roots and stems; but the basin soil is too dry, it will make the leaves yellow and wither.

When iron trees are maintained, the soil moisture should be kept at about 60%, and watering should follow the principle of dry and wet. During the vigorous growth period of leaves in spring and summer, especially in the high temperature and dry climate in summer, more watering should be done in the morning and evening, and the leaves should be sprayed to keep the leaves fresh and green. It can be watered every 2-5 days after autumn. Compound fertilizer or urea can be applied once or twice a month during the growing period. It is best to spray leaves with 0.2% aqueous solution as foliar fertilizer, and foliar fertilizer should follow the principle of "eat less and eat more". Peanut bran is applied once a year in early spring. Peanut bran can be directly applied on the basin surface or buried in the basin soil without water retting. Family rice washing water before cooking every day, do not be stained with oil stains, filled with buckets and pots, and irrigated with liquid fertilizer the next day, which has a certain fertilizer effect.

Water is watered once or twice a day in summer. The water should be properly controlled after autumn, and it should be watered once every 3-4 days. Winter watering interval needs to be longer, less watering, basin soil can be dry as well. If it continues to be too wet, the perishable roots will make the leaves yellowing and scorching. Fertilize during the growth period, apply 40% diluted rotten bean cake fertilizer and add 0.5% ferrous sulfate once a month. Can also use rusty nails, iron sheet on the soil, let the iron gradually infiltrate into the soil, for iron tree absorption, so that iron tree leaves green. Avoid exposure to the sun in summer, keep warm in winter, and survive the winter safely above 0 degrees. For the withered and yellow basal leaves, it is necessary to properly trim the old leaves and let them regenerate new leaves.

Pictures and introduction of Iron Tree

(2012-01-09 18:17:36) tag: iron Tree Picture and introduction Entertainment Classification: beautiful scenery Iron Tree Picture and introduction English name: Cycas Scientific name: Cycas revoluta

Family and genus: Cycaceae, Cycas alias: Phoenix tail coke, fire avoidance tree, Phoenix tail pine, no missing son, thousand-year-old jujube, longevity jujube, sea jujube, golden fruit, iron banana, Persian jujube, jujube, fire banana, banana

The iron tree is named because its trunk is as hard as iron and likes iron-containing fertilizer. In addition, because the branches and leaves of the iron tree are like the Phoenix tail, and the trunk is like the trunk of plantain and pine, it is also known as the Phoenix tail banana and the iron tree is an evergreen plant. The stems are stout, and the plant height can reach 8 meters. The florescence is from July to August. Dioecious, with male flowers on the inside of the leaf and female flowers on the top of the stem. Like strong sunshine, warm and dry environment. It requires fertile, sandy, slightly acidic soil with good permeability. The cold tolerance is poor, and it is mostly planted in the south. Garden use: beautiful ornamental plants, suitable for solitary planting in lawns, such as parks, with some tropical flavor

Tillering propagation 1. Tillering time: can be carried out when the growth stops in winter. It can also be carried out from early spring to February to early summer. 2. Take tillering buds: cycads often sprout tillering buds at the base of stems and cadres. Full buds of more than 3 years or 4-5 leaves should be selected as propagation materials. Because this kind of tillering bud has a high degree of Lignification, contains a lot of nutrients and strong adaptability, it is easy to take root and survive. Never choose tender tiller buds, otherwise they are perishable. The method of taking buds is to cut off the root where the tiller bud is connected with the mother plant with a sharp knife. Cut the bark of the stem as little as possible. After the incision is slightly dry, it is planted in a bowl of humus soil with high coarse sand content and maintained in a half-shade place, and the temperature is maintained at 27 ℃. It is easy to survive. For those that have taken root, they can be directly planted into the culture soil rich in humus, good drainage and strong air permeability. For those who have not taken root, they should be hung in a cool and ventilated place for 2 to 3 days, and then rooting treatment should be carried out after the cut is slightly dry. The stem can also be cut into 15ml 20cm pieces and buried in sandy loam to make new buds appear around it and then be planted and cultured.

3. Root: planted in plain sand, the depth is the height of tillering buds. In order to prevent the wound from rotting, plant ash, charcoal powder or sulfur powder should be applied to the wound before planting. After planting, water it once, and then put it in an indoor light place for maintenance. New roots germinated in about 2 months, and 1 or 2 new leaves were produced in 3 to 4 months. 4. Transplanting: when all the new leaves are unfolded, they are moved into the culture soil for management. The cultured soil is composed of 45% rotten leaf soil, 20% mycorrhizal soil, 30% river sand and 5% calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer. Never use clayey soil as culture soil, otherwise it will cause root rot due to poor drainage. 5. Management: it can be planted in the open field in the warm area of South China. Colder places should be protected in winter with straw. Cycads are planted in many pots in the Yangtze River Basin and North China, and the bottom of the pot should be planted with more tiles to facilitate drainage, and to cultivate fertile loam and compact it. When the growth is exuberant in spring and summer, it needs more watering, and in the summer high temperature period, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves in the morning and evening to keep the leaves green and fresh. Rotten cooked cake fertilizer and water can be applied once a month. People should control watering after autumn and master proper watering in daily management. due to too much water, they are prone to root rot. Cycads grow slowly and grow only one round of leaves every year. When new leaves unfold and grow, the lower old leaves should be properly cut off to maintain their neat and elegant posture.

Pay attention to problem 1, cultivate soil and change basin cycad should grow in fertile, slightly acidic sandy soil. According to horticultural technicians in Huibaichuan, Fujian, the culture soil can be prepared with 1 part of coarse sand and 2 parts of pastoral soil, or 3 parts of rotten leaf soil and 1 part of fine sand and stone, or 2 parts of sandy soil and 1 part of rotten leaf soil, plus a small amount of 0.5% ferrous sulfate (used as acid-base regulator). Cycad is an iron-loving plant. When preparing the culture soil, a small amount of iron filings can be infiltrated, or the iron shavings can be placed on the basin soil or buried in the basin in early spring, and the iron can be gradually infiltrated and absorbed. 0.5% ferrous sulfate can also be used to supplement iron to make the leaves firm and green. The change of the basin is carried out before the sprouting in early spring, the small basin is changed once every 1 to 2 years, and the large basin is changed every 3 to 4 years. The basin can be changed without changing the basin, or it can be changed into the basin. Generally, after 2 to 3 years of cycads, the seedlings are slightly larger before they are planted in large pots. When changing the pot, first hit the edge of the flowerpot with your hand, then hold the leaf by hand and take out the side of the flowerpot with the soil, be careful not to break the leaf, peel off the edge of the mud ball and the upper soil, keep 1/3 of the old soil, and properly trim the old root, fibrous root and old leaf. Leaves that keep green and straight are generally not trimmed. Then put it into the basin, put the new soil in the gap and compact it. The bottom of the basin should be padded with tiles to facilitate water penetration. After changing the basin, pour enough root water, soak all the basin soil thoroughly, until the bottom of the basin comes out of the water, put it in the cool place of the balcony, and move it to the sun after ten or eight days.

Second, watering and fertilizing cycads should keep the soil moisture at about 60%, and watering should follow the principle of dry and wet. According to the technical guidance provided by Huibaichuan Horticulture in Fujian Province, the vigorous growth period of leaves in spring and summer, especially the high temperature and dry climate in summer, should be watered once in the morning and evening, and the leaves should be sprayed to keep the leaves fresh and green. After entering autumn, it can be watered once every 2 to 5 days. During the growing period, compound fertilizer or urea can be applied once or twice a month. It is best to spray leaves with 0.2% aqueous solution as foliar fertilizer, and foliar fertilizer should follow the principle of "eat less and eat more". Peanut bran is applied once a year in early spring. Peanut bran can be directly applied on the basin surface or buried in the basin soil without water retting. Family rice washing water before cooking every day, do not be stained with oil stains, filled with buckets and pots, and irrigated with liquid fertilizer the next day, which has a certain fertilizer effect.

Third, pruning and placing cycads like warm and humid climate, sunshine and shade resistance. The growth is relatively slow, only one round of leaves grow every year, and the lower old leaves are cut off every time the new leaves unfold and mature, keeping 2 to 3 rounds of leaves without frequent pruning. Even if you transplant or change the basin, you don't need too much pruning. When the leaves are harmed by diseases and insect pests, the natural environment is bad and yellowed and dry, it should be cut off in time. Different balcony orientation, different light intensity, affect the growth of cycads is different. Balcony facing south, the most suitable to put potted plants, north, east balcony, you can also put potted plants, west balcony summer afternoon sun is strong, hot and dry, easy to cause cycad scorched leaves, leaf yellow phenomenon, not suitable to put potted plants. In the hot and dry weather in summer, wet the balcony floor several times a day to lower the temperature and increase the humidity of the air. Cycads should not be placed in the living room for too long, lack of light, slender leaves, leaves turn green. Cold winter can be placed in the hall for a long time, when the sun shines on the shape of evergreen trees, up to 20 meters high. Stem Terete, unbranched. After the destruction of the growing point, it can sprout clusters of branches and buds under the wound, showing a multi-head shape. Leaf bases and leaf scars persistent on the stem, scalelike. Leaves growing from stem tip, pinnately compound, large. The leaflets are linear, curled at birth, oblique upward, slightly V-shaped, with edges curled downward, thick leathery, hard, shiny, apex acute, dense rust-colored tomentose on the back of the leaves, and spiny basal leaflets. Dioecious, flowering from June to August, the male cone is cylindrical, yellow, densely yellowish brown tomentose, erect at the top of the stem; the female flower is oblate, the upper part is pinnately divided, and there are 2 or 4 exposed embryo balls on both sides of it. The seed matures in October, the seed is large, ovate and slightly flat, reddish brown or orange when ripe. Growth habits like light, slightly resistant to semi-overcast. Like warmth, not very cold-resistant, when planting in the open field in Shanghai, take warm measures such as straw bandaging in winter. Like fertile, moist and slightly acidic soil, but can also withstand drought. The growth is slow and the plants more than 10 years old can blossom. Cycads grow slowly, live for more than 200 years, and produce a new round of leaves from the top of the stem every year. Potted iron trees often bloom irregularly, and it is not easy to see them, so there is the saying that "thousands of years of iron trees bloom", saying that they bloom less. If cultivated properly, old trees of 15-20 years old can also blossom once a few years. When the growth environment is good in the south, they can blossom every year, and the flowering period can be as long as 1 month. Generally, male flowers bloom between June and August, and female flowers bloom from October to November. Dioecious and inconsistent in florescence, it is not easy to receive seeds in the north. There are 17 species in the world, which are distributed in tropical and subtropical regions such as eastern and southeastern Asia, Oceania and Madagascar. There are 8 species in China, which are produced in Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces. Such as South China cycads, Hainan cycads, Yunnan cycads, Taiwan cycads, grate cycads, Sichuan cycads, forked leaf cycads and so on. Cultivation technology family cultivation family cultivation of iron tree, generally not suitable to choose and buy too large plants, flowerpots usually choose a medium pot with a diameter of 20 to 30 centimeters. According to horticultural technicians in Huibaichuan, Fujian, 2 cm thick coarse sand or gravel is placed at the bottom of the pot before irontree planting as a seepage layer, and the cultivated soil should be mixed with 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 powder of bone powder, 2 parts of river sand and 200 grams of rusty iron shavings, and the rotten bean cake fertilizer is used as base fertilizer. After planting, pour water thoroughly, put it in the shade for half a month, and then move it to the north wind to maintain. Always keep the basin soil moist, but not too wet. From April to May, you can generally water once every two days. Iron trees are not resistant to water stains, so pay attention to timely drainage after rain. The growth is faster from June to August, when the temperature is high, the evaporation is large, and the amount of water can be increased appropriately. Except for rainy days, water should be watered once a day. Control watering after September and master the principle of "dry and wet". During the growing season, liquid fertilizer was applied every 15 to 20 days. Stop fertilizing after autumn. Tieshu likes the sun, and in spring and autumn, it is best to keep it in direct sunlight (but not in the sun) in the seedling stage, and wait for the new leaves to grow and then move indoors to watch. When the winter temperature is below 0 degrees, it should be moved indoors to survive the winter. The room humidity is kept at 5-10 degrees. He went out in April of the following year and changed the basin every 2-3 years. In the process of growth, when the trunk of the plant is as high as 40cm and 50cm and the new leaves grow, the lower withered yellow leaves should be cut off once or at least once every two years to keep the tree neat and plump. Under the condition of normal development, iron tree can produce 2 rounds of new leaves every spring. If it is found that the plant does not send new leaves or the leaves turn yellow and dry for 2 or 3 years, the root system should be checked in time. If there is root rot, the rotten part should be removed, moved into the indoor planting with plain sand, controlled watering, and can continue to grow after a period of time. Some iron tree leaves are curled artificially with iron wire. The potted iron tree can go out of the house from April to May and change the new soil every 2-3 years. The pot culture soil is the fertile and loose sandy loam. When turning the pot, the broken tiles and coarse-grained stone are used as the drainage layer, and 2-3 horseshoe slices are applied, and the cake fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer. During the peak growth period in summer, thin mature cake fertilizer and water should be applied once or twice a month. If "black alum water" (ferrous sulfate) is added to topdressing, the leaf color can be dark green and bright. Stop fertilizing after autumn. Potted cycad watering, for the new pots of iron trees, basin soil is not too wet, basin soil is not dry, keep properly dry, so as not to rot roots. The amount of water should be increased appropriately after the new leaves are stretched out, and there can be a little more in summer when the growth is exuberant. Once a day, the growth tends to slow down after entering autumn. We should also pay attention to control the amount of water, and avoid stagnant water in the basin in the rainy season. When the new leaves are on display, the withered and weak yellow leaves should be cut off to maintain the richness of the plant. Open field planting should dig big ridge, guest soil and apply garbage fertilizer, livestock manure and so on as base fertilizer, generally do not need artificial watering, less fertilization. The vigorous growth of spring, summer and early autumn should ensure water supply, no more watering, let alone stagnant water. The southern winter temperature is not lower than 2 ℃ to survive the winter safely, and the adult trees should keep the temperature above 12 ℃ to blossom normally. Iron tree does not require much fertilizer, as long as enough slow-acting base fertilizer is applied, and sufficient phosphorus and potassium content, especially potassium, can be ensured in topdressing, and the best ratio of nitrogen: phosphorus: potassium is 1:2. At the same time, 0.5% ferrous sulfate is applied once a year. Seedling techniques 1, commonly used sowing, tiller propagation. The seeds are large and thick, so sowing should be followed by picking and sowing, or they can be stored in wet sand after harvest and sown in spring the following year. Sowing with pot-on-demand, covered with soil 2cm, can germinate in two weeks at a high temperature of 30 to 33 degrees. The seedlings need to be cultivated for 2-4 years before transplanting. Before sowing, soak the seeds in a thermos flask with about 50 ℃ of warm water for 12 hours, pour out and stand for 1 hour, then add 0.1% ferrous sulfate and potassium dihydrogen phosphate at the same water temperature, and then soak them in a thermos flask for 12 hours. 2. Tillering should be carried out during basin change from March to April in early spring, and the tillering plants next to the mother plant should be plucked out. It usually takes 2 to 3 years for the tiller to form, and the stem bark should be cut as little as possible. After cutting, 1500 times indolebutyric acid (IBA) should be sprayed for 2 hours. After the shade is removed, it is planted in a basin containing coarse sand and nutrient soil and preserved in a half shade place. It is easy to survive when the temperature is kept at 27 ℃ and 30 ℃. 3. The stem segment of cycad can also be used for reproduction, sawing it into stem segments about 10cm length, dividing it into 4, 6 or 8 pieces according to its diameter, scraping the pulp and disinfecting it with 1500-fold carbendazim, soaking it with 1500-fold indolebutyric acid (IBA) for 2 hours after shade-drying, burying it into the clean sand with about 3cm, with the skinned side or the original side facing up, keeping the soil temperature at about 25 ℃, covered with glass or film to maintain humidity. After about 2-3 months, the hidden buds on the stem germinated and grew into sucking buds. When the sucking buds grew to 2~3cm, they were removed and boiled with plain sandy soil to promote their rooting. Pest control 1, in high temperature, dryness, poor ventilation, leaves are vulnerable to shell insects, control can be brushed off with a brush or timely with 50% omethoate emulsion or 50% persistent phosphorus or 80% dichlorvos EC 1000 times. 2. White spot disease and coal fouling disease are easy to occur in high temperature and high air humidity. Carbendazim 50% wettable powder or tobujin 70% wettable powder can be mixed with water 1000 times to spray the diseased plant in the early morning.

It is impossible for every household to have a small courtyard and live on the first floor, and there is a better small environment for growing flowers. It is more common to grow and raise some resistant ornamental plants on the balcony to decorate the interior, improve the living environment, and create an atmosphere of returning to nature. In March, you can also take advantage of the potted flowers before leaving the room, first set up the doorway shelf of the potted flowers on the balcony, and choose the support point of the summer sunshade net. once the potted flowers come out of the room and encounter excessive sunlight, shading measures can be quickly put in place. In March, we should also prepare the cultivation soil to change the basin and prepare all kinds of fertilizers and pesticides to meet the needs of planting flowers on the balcony in a year. The cultivation of potted flowers on the balcony in March 1. The species of flowers suitable for planting on the balcony are suitable for ornamental plants planted on the balcony. One is the more drought-tolerant plant species, whose surface or stratum corneum proliferates or is covered with wax. or the plant is fleshy and contains more juice, or the leaves are smaller, which are transformed into needles and consume little water. Or it is native to arid desert areas and can withstand wind and heat, so it is very resistant to drought. such as iron tree, fairy cactus (yellow hair palm, mountain shadow boxing, green lock dragon, golden carp, big wheel column, Prajna, rat tail palm, coral tree), purslane, jade tree, gemstone, stone lotus, epiphyllum, lotus, leaf cactus, longevity flower and so on. There are Chimonanthus, Yingchun, Lycoris, silver-bract taro, Guangdong Wanqing, hanging orchid and so on, these flowers are generally not watered in 2 to 3 weeks in spring, will not be killed, balcony planting is more appropriate. Another kind of potted flowers in the family balcony in March is relatively resistant to sun exposure and dry and hot wind, which can accept full light and can withstand abnormal high temperature for a short time, and is also suitable for balconies (especially high-floor balconies). Such as pomegranate, rose, banyan, stick orchid, lobular privet, tequila, Zhu Dinghong, sparrow, oak, hammer elm, triangular maple, bayberry, black pine, juniper, juniper, cypress, wolfberry, holly, bauhinia, weeping spear, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, sunflower and so on. In addition, jasmine, pearl orchid, five-needle pine, Milan, one-leaf orchid, bergamot, daidai, lemon, rubber tree, tortoise back bamboo, spring feather, camellia, goose palm wood, Nanyang fir, etc., can also be used as lower balcony potted plants, but water and shade management should be strengthened. The breeding of potted flowers on the balcony in March 2. The reproduction of potted flowers on the balcony is suitable for potted flowers on the balcony, such as a string of red, colorful peppers, winter coral, marigold, impatiens, petunia, etc., which can be sowed and raised in shallow pots at this time. If picked a small amount of asparagus, gentleman orchid seeds, wash clean, you can first sow seeds indoors, wait for outdoor temperature up to 15 ℃ or so, and then move to the outdoor balcony to cultivate. Succulent plants such as arrow lotus, epiphyllum, Yushu, gemstone, stone lotus, purslane, coral tree, green lock dragon, etc., can be cut indoors with plain sand or clean sandy loam soil, and then moved to the balcony after spring return to heat. Use large flowerpot gorgeous clothing loose sandy soil, or vermiculite, perlite as cutting substrate, in the indoor windowsill light cutting propagation of gardenia, upside down golden bell, Fusang, triangular plum, Luohansong, rose pomegranate, stick stem begonia, southern bamboo, Ruixiang, rich seeds and so on, but the pot mouth should be covered with plastic film to moisturize. On the balcony, grafting five needles pine, Jinsong, plum blossom, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, red maple, wax plum and so on, should carry on bagging moisturizing, otherwise it is not easy to survive. The cultivation of potted flowers on the family balcony in March. 3. The management of potted flowers on the balcony 1. Most of the ornamental plant species suitable for balcony potted plants are still indoors in March. While taking measures such as heat preservation and cold protection, ventilation and light, the plants that need to be changed should be changed in time. Flowers and trees with strong resistance placed on the balcony should keep the potted soil from freezing. If the potted soil freezes and pulls out, it will not only affect the normal growth of the plant in that year, but also cause plant death in serious cases. It can be protected by building a shed on the spot or moving into the room or shed to protect against cold. two。 Pruning the stumps of wintersweet, wolfbone, holly, black pine, five-needle pine, Luohan pine, triangular maple, hammer elm, Finch plum, bayberry, lobular privet, etc., can be pruned and reshaped, and the trunk and branches that need to be shaped can be modeled in March, and the soil can be changed for plants that have not changed pots for 2 to 3 years. Put the bonsai on the balcony to keep the basin soil moist, can be watered every 3 to 5 days, and spray water appropriately. Plum blossom, spring welcome, Golden Bell, Chimonanthus, Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, Camellia, etc., can carry out necessary shaping and pruning after flowering to promote a good plant shape, carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the plant, cut off the branches and leaves infected with diseases and insect pests, and destroy them; the dry cross section on the stump can be treated with stone sulfur mixture. 3. Preparatory facilities if the conditions allow, but also on the balcony to build a small pool, on the hard board (cement steel prefabricated), the use of pool evaporation production humidity, summer put some more like the air moist flowers, such as orchids, tortoise back leaves, hulk, cherubs, rich seeds, southern bamboo and so on. Among them, water storage is ideal for watering flowers.