
Pot culture methods and matters needing attention of longevity flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Longevity flowers, that is, dwarf cabbage, are perennial succulent herbs, with opposite leaves, succulent and succulent leaves, easy to break; terminal Cymes with orange-red, yellow and red colors, short and short plant shape, long florescence, luxuriant flowers and high ornamental value. Today, let's take a look at the culture methods of longevity flowers with editors.

Longevity flowers, that is, dwarf cabbage, are perennial succulent herbs, leaves opposite, succulent, easy to break; terminal Cymes, flowers with orange-red, yellow, red and other colors, longevity flower plant shape short, long florescence, luxuriant flowers, high ornamental value. Today, let's take a look at the breeding methods of longevity flowers with the editor.

Selection of flowerpots

Breeding longevity flower pots should be small and permeable, loose and breathable sand soil culture should be longevity flowers to grow in soil pottery pots with good permeability, but the home is not beautiful, it can be covered with plastic pots or porcelain pots, and can also be planted directly in small purple sand pots or plastic pots. When breeding longevity flowers, layer charcoal blocks or hard plastic foam blocks are placed at the bottom of the pot to enhance its permeability. Although it does not choose soil very much, it is easy to rot roots in heavy clay, and it is most suitable to grow in loose, breathable and fertile micro-PH acid sandy loam. Family potted plants should be mixed with rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden topsoil, and then add 5% to 8% sand as cultivation and conservation soil. In the process of breeding, add some bone meal or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer as base fertilizer.

Moisture control

Moderate water control makes longevity flowers luxuriant, rich phosphorus and potassium flowers, colorful longevity flowers are pulpy plants, contain more water in the body, so they are more resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, and grow well under the condition of dry air in high-rise buildings. About 3 days in spring and autumn, you can see that the basin soil is dry and watered once, often keep a little moist. It is advisable to water less in summer, and it is better to water once every 5 to 7 days. Longevity flowers cultivated outdoors should be protected from the rain in the rainy season, and the roots and leaves should wither and even die. If the soil is dry and wet, the branches will flourish and the flowers will flourish. After entering the room in winter, it is appropriate to use water similar to room temperature in the afternoon, about once a week.

Reasonable fertilization

Longevity flowers like fertilizer, young plants can be planted in pot for 15 days or old plants can be planted in pot for 15 days, and liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen can be applied 2 to 3 times to promote the growth of stems and leaves, and once after flowering to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, we can only apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the flowers and leaves are easy to rot, if you accidentally stain the leaves, rinse them off with water. The flowering period of longevity flowers is long, so it is necessary to break the commandment of not applying fertilizer during flowering period, and apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a month, so that the later flowers will not become small and pale due to lack of fertilizer.

Control of light

Longevity flowers like the sunny environment, except for a little shade in the midsummer afternoon, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, at least 4 hours of direct light can be seen every day in order to grow healthily and exuberantly.

When raising longevity flowers on the balcony of the building, the flowerpot should be rotated 180 degrees every 15 days to make it receive light evenly, avoid partial crown and reduce the ornamental value. Although it can also grow in the semi-shade, the stem, thin leaves, thin flowers and light color are far less luxuriant than in the sunny place. If it is too shady, it is not only easy to lose leaves and no flowers, but also the whole flowering plant placed in the shade will become dim, and then the flowers will fall off and wither and wither.

Suitable temperature

The most suitable temperature for breeding longevity flowers is 15 degrees Celsius to 25 degrees Celsius, growing slowly above 30 degrees Celsius, entering a semi-dormant state, stagnant growth below 10 degrees Celsius, reddish leaf color below 8 degrees Celsius, florescence delayed, and easy to freeze to death below 0 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in order to raise longevity flowers well, we must create a small environment that is warm in winter and cool in summer. In midsummer afternoons, we should avoid strong light exposure and place them in half-shaded places with sufficient scattered light, such as under big trees, under eaves or northward balconies, and pay special attention to ventilation and cooling. You can sprinkle water on the ground nearby, but not on the whole plant.

After the Beginning of Autumn, sunshine can be seen gradually from late August to early September, and more sunshine should be seen from October to promote its transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. When the minimum temperature drops to about 10 degrees Celsius, move into the bedroom and put it in front of the south or west balcony, so that it can see more sunshine, keep 10 degrees Celsius at night, 15 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius during the day, and bloom in December.

How to raise longevity flowers the culture methods and points for attention of longevity flowers

The longevity flower thinks its moral meaning is very good after hearing the name, many people will choose to raise it, how to raise the longevity flower? Following the footsteps, let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of longevity flowers.

Culture methods of longevity flowers:

1. Growth temperature

The most suitable temperature for longevity flower growth is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, higher than 30 ℃, growth retardation, semi-dormancy, growth stagnation below 10 ℃, redness of leaf color below 8 ℃, delayed florescence, and easy to freeze to death below 0 ℃. Therefore, in order to raise longevity flowers, it is necessary to create a small environment that is warm in winter and cool in summer. At noon in midsummer, you should avoid strong light exposure and place it in a semi-shady place with sufficient scattered light, such as under big trees, under eaves or north balconies, and pay special attention to ventilation and cooling. You can sprinkle water on the ground nearby, but not on the plants.

2. Plenty of sunshine

Longevity flowers like a sunny environment, except for a little shade at noon in midsummer, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, at least 4 hours of direct light can be seen every day in order to grow healthily. The balcony of the building should rotate the flowerpot 180 degrees every half month to make it receive light evenly, avoid partial crown and reduce the ornamental value. Although the semi-shade can also grow, but the stem thin leaves thin flowers less light, far less luxuriant than the sunny place. If the shade is not only easy to lose leaves and no flowers, even if the flowering plants are placed in the shade, the flower color will become dim, and then the flowers will fall off and wither.

3. Water is suitable.

Longevity flower is a succulent plant, which contains more water, so it is more resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, and grows well under the condition of dry air in high-rise buildings. About 3 days in spring and autumn, you can see that the basin soil is dry and watered once, often keep a little moist. It is advisable to water less in summer, and it is better to water once every 5 to 7 days. The longevity flowers should be placed outdoors. In the rainy season, the water is prone to rot, roots, leaves and even death. If you properly control the water basin, the soil will be dry and wet, then there will be more branches and leaves and flowers. After entering the room in winter, it is appropriate to use water similar to room temperature at noon, about once a week.

4. Adequate fertilizer

Longevity flowers like fertilizer, and the seedlings can be planted in pot for half a month or the old plants can be divided into two or three times to promote the growth of stems and leaves, and nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer can be applied once after anthesis to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, we can only apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, do not put fertilizer on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot, such as accidentally dirty leaves, rinse off with water. The flowering period of longevity flowers is long, so it is necessary to break the commandment of not applying fertilizer during the flowering period, and apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution once a month, so that the later flowers will not become small and pale due to lack of fertilizer.

5. Beware of diseases and insect pests

With the improvement of the mildness of the environment, longevity flowers are very vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. Pay attention to keep indoor ventilation and prevent diseases and insect pests from entering the room. At the same time, some pesticides should be mainly used to prevent the infection of diseases and insect pests. The main diseases are downy mildew and anthracnose.

6. Sandy soil should be loose.

Longevity flowers grow best when planted in clay pots with good permeability, but they are not beautiful indoors. They can be covered with plastic pots or porcelain pots, or they can be planted directly in small purple sand pots or plastic pots. When planting, put a layer of broken charcoal block or broken hard plastic foam block at the bottom of the basin to enhance its permeability. A basin with an inner diameter of 10 cm to 20 cm, with 3 to 6 species. Although it is not very selective, it is easy to rot roots in heavy clay, and grows best in loose and fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. Family potted plants should be mixed with rotten leaf soil and vegetable garden topsoil, and then add 5% to 8% sand as culture soil.

7. Suitable for pruning

In the early stage of exuberant growth of longevity flowers, we should pay attention to heart-picking, promote branching and make potted flowers grow fuller; cut off the residual flowers in time after the flowers are shedding, so as not to consume nutrients and affect the number of the next flowering.

Matters needing attention in the culture of longevity flowers:

1. Longevity flowers like to have plenty of sunshine. If they are raised at home, they should be placed in a place with direct sunlight all the year round. However, it is appropriate to shade properly around noon in summer, which can be transferred to the room, otherwise the strong light is easy to make the longevity flowers and leaves yellowing. If the light is not enough, the branches will become thin and slender, the leaf surface is thin and the plant shape is not beautiful, and the number of flowers is small, the color is not bright, and there will be a large number of leaves falling off, losing the ornamental value.

2. Although longevity flowers are perennial herbs, the old roots will rot when cultured for more than 2 years. In order to make the branches of longevity flowers more robust, it is suggested that cuttings should be cut every 1-2 years. Winter maintenance should pay attention to cold prevention, the best is 15 ℃ ~ 18 ℃ in daytime and more than 10 ℃ at night. If the temperature is too low, the leaves of longevity flowers will be red, affecting the florescence, resulting in normal flowering, and then affect the festival viewing.

How to cultivate longevity flowers the culture methods and matters needing attention of longevity flowers

Before and after the Spring Festival every year, there will be a large number of longevity flowers in the flower market. The flowers are colorful, glossy, with high ornamental value and auspicious meaning. People like to buy potted plants and raise them at home. But many people do not know the breeding method of longevity flowers, nor do they know what they need to pay attention to, so that the longevity flowers they buy do not stay at home for a long time, and then they die. What can be done?

Culture method

The longevity flower is a green flowering plant that likes a warm, moist, sunny environment. It likes to grow in a warm environment between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. It grows slowly when the temperature is higher than 30 degrees, and stops growing when it is below 10 degrees. In addition, the cultivation of longevity flowers need to be given sufficient light, if the light is not enough, it will make its plants grow too long, or the branches are weak, the leaves are thin and small, and the number of flowers will be significantly reduced, which will significantly reduce his ornamental value.

Matters needing attention

1. Sunlight adjustment

Sun regulation is the place that people should pay attention to when raising longevity flowers. Longevity flowers like plenty of sunshine, but they can't be placed in an environment with direct sunlight all the year round, especially after entering summer, the sun is strong. It should be properly shaded around noon, or move it indoors, otherwise too strong sunlight will make the leaves of longevity flowers yellow.

2. Change the basin in time

Although the longevity flower is a perennial herb, but after two years of breeding, its old root will rot. In order to make the longevity flower grow more robust, it should be changed every 1 to 2 years. When changing the pot, cut off its rotten old root. If the plant is too large, it can also be ramet treatment, which can make the longevity flower grow more exuberant. In addition, breeding longevity flowers is winter, but also pay attention to cold, put longevity flowers indoor temperature can not be lower than 10 degrees, otherwise its leaves will be red, and will affect the florescence.