
Matters needing attention in the cultivation of indoor potted rich trees

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to the Malay Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands. In recent years, through cultivation and breeding, it has widely entered the urban and rural families of our country. As a family cultivation, it should be based on its living habits of high temperature, humidity, frost, cold and dryness.

The rich tree is a perennial evergreen shrub, native to the Malay Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands. In recent years, through cultivation and breeding, it has widely entered the urban and rural families of our country. As a family cultivation, we should pay attention to the following four points according to their living habits of high temperature, humidity, frost and dryness:

Pay attention to the sunshine

The rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, so it can't be shaded for a long time. Therefore, in the maintenance and management should be in the indoor sunny place. When placed, the leaves must be facing the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, spray water to the leaves every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

Pay attention to watering

Watering is an important link in the process of maintenance management. If the amount of water is small, the development of branches and leaves will stagnate; if the amount of water is too large, it may lead to the death of rotten roots; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic. The first principle of watering is rather wet than dry, followed by "two more and less", that is, more watering in summer and less in winter; large and medium-sized plants with vigorous growth should be watered more, and small plants newly planted in pots should be watered less. When the amount of watering is too large, it is easy to make the roots of the plant rotten, causing the leaves to sag, lose luster, and even fall off. At this time, it should be moved to a cool place immediately, the amount of water should be reduced to a minimum, as long as the basin soil is not dry, spray water on the leaves many times a day with a spray can, stop fertilizing water, about 15 to 20 days can gradually recover.

Pay attention to fertilization

The rich tree is fond of fertilizing flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than other common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1 / 3 or even more. Fertile soil comes from a wide range of sources, which can be collected from deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees and mixed with a little pastoral soil and mixed bean cake dregs. This fertile soil is highly effective and easy to obtain, but attention should be paid to full maturity so as not to "burn" the leaves. In addition, during the growing period of rich trees (from May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can be applied every 15 days to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves.

Pay attention to temperature and humidity

The rich tree has higher requirements for temperature and humidity. If the temperature is low or the humidity is missing, the leaves will often fall, and when the branches are bald, it will not only hinder the ornamental, but also easily cause plant death. Therefore, attention should be paid to keeping the temperature above 15 ℃ and often spraying water to the branches and leaves to increase the necessary humidity. In late autumn and winter, we should pay attention to overwintering cold prevention, anti-freezing management and protection.

How to raise the rich tree of indoor potted plants? Culture methods and matters needing attention of rich trees

Culture methods and matters needing attention of rich trees

Indoor cultivation

Viewing should be placed in a certain place of scattered light, should not be continuous for more than 30 days, if there is a phenomenon of vitality turning bad and growing, you should gradually accept the sun, do not be quickly exposed to strong light, in case you do not adapt to death. During the growing period of potted plants, it is necessary to keep the potted soil moist, not dry and irrigated, its inflated stems can store certain water and nutrients, pot drainage is smooth, dry rather than wet, not moist stagnant water, such as too much stagnant water, the growth is poor, or the rhizome is rotten; but the soil should not be too dry, especially when the air is dry in sunny days, it is necessary to spray water properly to ensure that the leaves are oil-green and shiny.

During the growing period, it is not necessary to apply rotten peanut bran fertilizer water or organic matter nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium fertilizer or compound fertilizer 1m / m twice a month. However, compound fertilizer is applied once every 2 months, about 8 grams per pot, and it is better to apply it thinly, avoid thick fertilizer, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to make the stem expand.

Or foliar fertilizer spray 1mi twice, with Lvwang + phytotin + 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other nutrient solution to make the leaves thick and dark green, spray once every 10 min 15 days, can keep the leaves green and shiny. Winter should be warm and avoid light to survive the winter, the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, the soil should not be too dry, and spray water properly when the air is dry in sunny days.

The branches and leaves should be trimmed once in spring to promote the renewal of branches and leaves. Like high temperature and humidity, poor cold tolerance, seedlings avoid frost, adult trees can withstand light frost and long-term 5-6C low temperature, South China can live in the open winter, the north must be moved into the greenhouse in winter, like fertile loose, permeable and water-retaining sandy soil, acidic soil, avoid alkaline soil or clayey soil, more resistant to water and moisture, but also slightly resistant to drought. When it is mature, it should be sowed as it is picked. Watch the potted plants indoors.

Points for attention in maintenance


The lowest temperature in winter is 16-18 degrees, below which the leaves turn yellow and fall off; below 10 degrees, it is easy to die.


The rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in the open field in Hainan Island and other places, but the plant has strong shade tolerance and can be enjoyed continuously in places with weak indoor light for 2-4 weeks. And then put it in a place with strong light.

Moisture content

In the high temperature growth period, there should be sufficient water, the drought tolerance is strong, and it will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. But avoid stagnant water in the basin. Reduce watering in winter.

Air temperature

Growth makes it like higher air temperature; it can often spray a small amount of water to the leaf surface.

Change the basin

The basin can be changed in spring as needed.

Be afraid of the cold

The rich tree is afraid of the cold, so you should enter the house when it is 10 degrees. If it is below 8 degrees, it will cause cold injury, light fallen leaves and heavy death.

Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted rich trees

I. Culture methods of rich trees

Method 1: the sun should be appropriate to cultivate rich trees

Rich tree culture should be placed in an indoor sunny place, should pay attention to the leaves facing the sun, can not make it shaded for a long time, otherwise it will distort the branches and leaves. It is best to spray water on the leaves of the rich tree every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

Method 2: cultivate rich trees and water them properly.

The rich tree has a strong adaptability to water, generally in outdoor flooding or no watering indoors for more than ten days, and there will be no waterlogging and drought, but watering is still an important link in the breeding of rich trees. If the amount of water is too little, the development of branches and leaves will stagnate; if the amount of water is too large, the roots may rot and die; if the amount of water is moderate, the branches and leaves will be hypertrophic.

The first principle of watering rich trees is that it is better to be wet than dry, to water more in summer and less in winter, and to water more in prosperous periods and less in newly planted plants. Under normal circumstances, it is OK to water once every 15 to 20 days.

Method 3: how to fertilize rich trees

The demand for fertilizer of rich trees is greater than that of other flowers and trees, and the proportion of fertilizer soil can be 1/3 when changing pots. Fertile soil includes humus fallen leaves, mixed bones, mixed bean cake dregs and so on. These fertile soils are highly effective and easy to obtain. However, care should be taken to make it fully mature so as not to "burn" the leaves. It is worth noting that during the growth period of the rich tree (that is, from May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or flower fertilizer should be applied every 15 days to make it deep-rooted and luxuriant.

Method 4: temperature and humidity of farmed rich trees

Rich tree culture has higher requirements for temperature and humidity, if the temperature is too low or humidity is not enough, there may be fallen leaves, serious branches will be bald, not conducive to ornamental, but also may cause plant death.

The cultivation of rich trees should pay attention to keep the temperature above 15 ℃, and often spray water to the branches and leaves to increase humidity, while in late autumn and winter, we should pay attention to cold prevention and anti-freezing work. Indoor farming should be watered every 3-5 days in summer and 5-10 days in spring and autumn. It depends on the room temperature in winter. If the room temperature is about 12 ℃, water can be watered once a month. The most suitable growth temperature is 18-30 ℃.

Method 5: how to change pots for breeding rich trees

The newly introduced rich tree plants did not have to change pots in that year to prevent the tree from getting out of shape. The suitable season for changing pots is spring, or in July and August, when plants are in a semi-dormant state during the high temperature period. The rich tree has strict requirements on the basin soil, which should be slightly tidal and well drained, and the basin soil can use acidic sandy loam containing humus.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of rich trees

Note 1: the rich tree likes high temperature, humidity and sunlight, and can not be shaded for a long time. Therefore, in the maintenance and management, it should be placed in a sunny place indoors, and when placed, the leaves must be directed toward the sun. Otherwise, because the leaves tend to light, the whole branches and leaves will be distorted. In addition, spray water to the leaves every 3 to 5 days, which is not only conducive to photosynthesis, but also make the branches and leaves more beautiful.

Note 2: the rich trees are fertilizer-loving flowers and trees, and the demand for fertilizer is greater than that of other common flowers and trees. When changing the basin every year, the proportion of fertile soil can account for 1 / 3 or even more. Fertile soil comes from a wide range of sources, which can be collected from deciduous humus soil of broad-leaved trees and mixed with a little pastoral soil and mixed bean cake dregs. This fertile soil is highly effective and easy to obtain, but attention should be paid to full maturity so as not to "burn" the leaves.

Note 3: during the growing period of rich trees (May to September), mature liquid fertilizer or mixed flower fertilizer can be applied every 15 days to promote deep roots and luxuriant leaves. Usually keep the basin soil moist, dry in winter, avoid dampness; otherwise, the leaf tip is easy to cause scorch, or even the leaves fall off, trim and change the basin every 1 to 2 years, and change a slightly larger basin year by year, at the same time, add base fertilizer and replace new nutrient soil to make it thrive.

Note 4: the rich tree has relatively high requirements for temperature and humidity, if the temperature is low or humidity is missing, the leaves will often fall, and when the branches are bald, it will not only hinder the ornamental, but also easily cause plant death. Therefore, attention should be paid to keeping the temperature above 15 ℃ and often spraying water to the branches and leaves to increase the necessary humidity. In late autumn and winter, we should pay attention to overwintering cold prevention, anti-freezing management and protection.