
How to grow peonies? Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Peony Flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, China is the origin of peony, and peony is also loved by the majority of people. In order to better develop tree peony and give full play to its ornamental value, this paper analyzes the related morphology and ecological habits of tree peony from the cultivation history of tree peony, and describes the breeding methods, cultivation management and flowering regulation of tree peony.

China is the origin of peony, and peony is also loved by the majority of people. In order to better develop tree peony and give full play to its ornamental value, this paper analyzes the related morphology and ecological habits of tree peony from the cultivation history of tree peony, through the description of the breeding methods, cultivation management and flowering regulation of tree peony. the cultivation techniques of tree peony were discussed.

Cultivation History of Peony Flower

Peony has been known as the king of flowers since ancient times, known as "national color Tianxiang", known as "rich flowers". Peony has a long history of cultivation in China for more than 1500 years. The Tang Dynasty was already a precious flower in the imperial palace, and the Peony Garden was specially opened up in Lishan. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the peonies in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, Bozhou, Caozhou, Jiangnan and Lanzhou all shone brilliantly, pushing the peonies into the "king of flowers". Now, China, the United States, Japan, the Netherlands and other countries, through cross breeding, have cultivated new commercial potted peony varieties.

Biological characteristics of peony flower

1. Morphological characteristics. Peony belongs to deciduous shrubs of Paeoniaceae. Generally, the stem is 1 ~ 2 meters high, and the one who is as high as 3 meters. Branches are clustered from the ground, with obvious nodes and leaf scars. Fleshy taproot, without lateral roots. 2-Ternate-pinnately compound leaves, surface dull, green, glabrous, abaxially powdered, nearly glabrous. Flowers solitary; branches apical, large, 10-30 cm in diameter. Most of the cultivated varieties are double flowers with rich colors, such as yellow, white, red, pink, purple, green and so on. The florescence is from April to May. Follicles, seeds black. The ripening period is from mid-August to early September.

2. Ecological habits. Tree peony is a cultivated species, and the original tree peony is produced in northwest China and Qinling Mountains. It likes cold winters that contribute to dormancy and mild summer climate conditions that are favorable for flower bud differentiation. It is more cold-resistant than heat-resistant. It can usually withstand a low temperature of-20 degrees, but if the temperature exceeds 32 degrees, it will have an adverse effect on the peony. I like light, but I don't like basking in the sun. Its root is fleshy, likes dryness, dislikes dampness and is afraid of waterlogging. It is suitable for fertile pine and well-drained soil, and the soil PH value is neutral or acidic; it can also grow normally in alkaline calcareous soil, but avoid saline-alkali soil. The growth of the plant is slow, and the new shoots wither every year, resulting in the phenomenon of "retreating branches", so it is said that the peony grows by one foot and retreats eight inches. Seedlings are usually 5 or 6 years old.

Cultivation techniques of Peony Flower

1. Methods of reproduction

(1) ramet propagation. Asexual reproduction can keep the excellent characters of mother plant basically unchanged, and this method is mainly used in the reproduction of ornamental peony. Peony has no obvious trunk and is a tufted shrub, which is very suitable for ramet and is relatively simple and easy to do. The methods and steps are as follows:

① chose the suitable ramet time. The ramet of tree peony is generally from late September to early October, during which the ground temperature is very suitable for the formation of new roots of tree peony. If it is planted early, because the external temperature is still high, it is easy to cause winter buds to sprout and produce new branches, that is, "autumn hair", which not only consumes nutrients, but also reduces the ability of cold and drought resistance, which is very disadvantageous to the flowering of the next spring growth. If the new roots are planted too late, the new roots are weak or do not produce new roots, and the plant grows weakly in the following year, with few tillers, short and thin branches, and is easy to die in case of drought.

② ramet method. Tree peony can be propagated after growing for 3 years, but it is suitable for 4-5 years old. First, the mother plant was dug out of the ground and dried in the sun for 2 days, so that the root became soft but not overdried, and crackled in the place where it was easy to separate. the lower part of the new ramet should have a better root system, and each plant should have 3-5 tillering buds. The plant can be divided again after 5 ~ 6 years. The old branches on the upper part of ramet seedlings should be cut off at the upper 3-5cm of the root neck before planting. If there are no tillering buds or too few or thin tillering buds, there should be 3 latent buds below the cutting site. The main purpose of cutting off the old branches is to avoid the consumption of nutrients in the roots by the leaves and flowers of the old branches, promote tillering and enhance the growth potential of ramet seedlings.

The planting method of ③ plantlets. The seedlings were quickly dipped in the mixture of methyl isophosphates and Luheng No.1, and then planted after drying. At the same time, in order to stimulate the formation of new roots, rooting agents such as indolebutyric acid and naphthylacetic acid of 50-200mg/L can be added to the mixture to promote rooting and enhance growth potential. When planting, it is like "three buries, two steps and one lift" in forest production, that is, first put the seedling vertically into the hole, put its root, gently lift the seedling with one hand, and fill the pit with the other. When the soil is in the middle of the pit, gently lift the seedling by hand, gently shake it left and right, make the fine soil close to the root, tamp it around the seedling with a stick, then fill the soil, tamp it, and finally fill the planting hole. After planting, the planting hole is sealed into a mound with loose soil, and the mound is generally higher than the ground 15-20cm.

(2) Graft propagation

The main considerations are grafting time, rootstock, scion and grafting method.

① grafting time. Peony can be grafted from late September to early October, and it is suitable for White Dew (September 7-8) to the Autumn Equinox (September 23-24), especially before and after White Dew, the survival rate of grafting is the highest, which may be the response of peony grafting to specific temperature and humidity. Before and after White Dew, the air temperature is 20 ℃ and the deep ground temperature of October is 18 ℃, so the survival rate is high.

Selection of ② rootstocks. The rootstock is usually peony root bean or peony root. Using peony root as rootstock, grafting is not cheap because of its thinner and more hardware. the propagated plant grows slowly at the beginning, but the base of scion is easy to root and sprout more, which is beneficial to later ramet and longer life. The root of Paeonia lactiflora is used as rootstock, because its Lignification is relatively weak, the operation is more convenient, and the survival rate is relatively high. However, the root of the scion has fewer roots, less tillers, and a shorter life span. The rootstock should be dried for 2 days and then grafted after losing water and softening, so that the incision is not easy to crackle and easy to operate.

③ scion. Scion is best to pick soil buds to grow into branches, its tissue is full, vitality is exuberant, the base is easy to produce new roots and sprouting new branches, and the survival rate is high. If there are few sprouting branches, only the annual branches in the upper part of the crown can be used as scions. The length of scion is generally 5-10cm, the thickness is more than 0.5cm, and there are 2-3 full buds.

④ grafting. After crackling or cutting, bind with hemp instead of plastic film strip, coat it with mud and plant it into a deep and wide basin. The basin soil should be watered and moisturized by covering the soil.

(2) sowing and propagation

Ornamental peony is often used in cultivating new varieties, with the exception of medicinal peony. When the peony fruit is ripe and naturally crack and scatter black seeds, it is necessary to pick the fruit before the fruit is about to crack, put the fruit in a sieve to dry, and sow the seeds immediately after the seeds are collected in September. Pay attention to keeping the soil moist. After the seeds spent the winter in the soil, due to the stimulation of low temperature, the epicotyl elongated in the spring of the second year, and the seedlings were unearthed.

The Management method of Peony Flower

1. Watering. When potted, it is best to choose peony with peony root. Because the peony avoids stagnant water, the bottom of the basin should put more tiles that are conducive to drainage. After planting, as long as the soil is moist, you don't need to water it immediately, let alone flood it. The growing season should be watered appropriately. In the arid areas of northern China, water before flowering, water after flowering and frozen water are generally watered.

2. Fertilization. Peony likes fertilizer, and fertilization can be divided into three times a year, which can be divided into nutritional fertilizer, supplementary fertilizer and overwintering fertilizer. Nutrient fertilizer should be applied 15-20 days before flowering, usually at the end of March. Supplementary fertilizer is usually applied within 15 days after anthesis. The overwintering fertilizer was applied in late October, and the amount could be increased moderately. Fertilization is generally dominated by rotten organic fertilizers. The method of fertilization can be combined with loosening soil, spreading and hole application. Pot load can be combined with watering to apply liquid fertilizer.

3. Pruning. In the year of planting, it can be allowed to grow. After sprouting in spring every year, the tillering buds of the plant base and the adventitious buds at the base of the stem were completely removed and concentrated nutrition to make the flowers bright in the second year. After flowering, cut off the residual flowers and keep them from giving them to the seeds. In autumn and winter, dry branches and leaves as well as thin and non-flowering branches should be cut off. When it is loaded in the basin, it can also be trimmed into different shapes according to your favorite and needs.

4. Spraying. There are not many pests in peonies. The main diseases are black spot and purple feather. Black spot can be sprayed with Bordeaux liquid after anthesis and in summer. If a small amount of diseased leaves appear, they should be removed and burned immediately. Purple stripe plume disease, because its harm lies in the roots of peony, so it is found that the root of the disease should be disinfected with 20% lime water. For prevention and treatment, stone-sulfur mixture was sprayed before germination in early spring, and a mixture of insecticidal and fungicides was used in summer, once every 2 weeks depending on the disease. At the same time, should be combined with fertilization, it is appropriate to add chemical fertilizers and growth regulators.

Regulation of florescence of peony flower

The application of tree peony is mainly used in medicine, garden, bonsai and so on. The Development of the ornamental value of Peony

It is from ancient times to the present. However, the natural flowering period of a single tree peony is about 10 Mel 15 days, which shortens with the increase of temperature, 3 Mel 8 degrees Celsius, which can last for more than a month. Therefore, how to regulate the florescence is also a key point of peony cultivation.

1. The selection of flowering plants. In order to increase festivals or celebrations, peony is usually urged to blossom. First of all, we have to make a choice of plants. First of all, choose the variety of promoting flowers. The varieties with active dormant flower buds, semidouble late flowers or middle and late flowers should be selected for restraining cultivation. Such as fat red, purple heavy building, purple hydrangea and so on. The early flowering varieties with later flowering and higher flowering rate should be selected to promote cultivation. Secondly, the quality of flowering seedlings. Generally speaking, flowering plants should choose strong seedlings with strong growth, compact plant type, strong branches, full buds, well-developed roots, no insect pests and flower buds have differentiated.

2. Measures for regulation and control of florescence. When promoting flowering, according to different varieties, the peony can be heated about 50 days in advance, and the normal temperature is controlled at 10 Mel 25 degrees Celsius, with an average of about 15 degrees Celsius per day. Pay attention to keeping the plant moist in the early stage, ventilating and transparent after budding, and controlling the temperature according to the requirements of flowering stage after budding. Foliar fertilization should be applied at ordinary times to ensure adequate water supply. In this way, flowers can be seen at any time in winter and spring. In order to prolong the viewing time, field planting can use temporary sheds to shelter from the wind and light; potted plants can be moved to places where the sun cannot be exposed directly; the temperature can be kept at 5 mi 10 degrees Celsius; and there should be a ventilated and transparent environment. And should according to basin soil moist degree timely watering, but want to pay attention, do not drench water on the flower, such florescence is the longest.

Control of Diseases and insect pests in Peony Flower

Diseases and insect pests are harmful to the normal growth of peonies. As a result, the growth of peony becomes weaker, the flower color declines, the yield of moutan decreases, the grade is poor and so on. For this reason, timely prevention and control of diseases and insect pests is very important to ensure the normal growth of peony.

1. Disease control of peony.

① leaf spot. Leaf spot is also known as "black spot". The disease is transmitted by fungi of the genus Phaeosporium, which mainly infects leaves, stems and flowers. The disease usually occurs 15 days after anthesis and becomes more and more serious with the increase of humidity in the middle of July. In the early stage, there were brown spots of grain size on the back of the leaves, and the edges were slightly darker, forming irregular concentric ring spots. In July, the spots increased and melted together, and the leaves scorched and withered. The injured petiole produces a black-green villous layer and a raised disease spot on the stem. Pedicels produce small pink spots on the Corolla. The control methods of leaf spot should be the combination of clean garden and drug control. Before and after "the Beginning of Winter", the dried leaves in the peony field should be cleaned up to reduce the source of pathogens. Spray 160 times Bordeaux solution in May, once every 10 to 15 days, until the end of July. At the initial stage of the disease, 500 × 800 times of Dysen zinc was sprayed once every 10 days.

② purple stripe feather disease. Purple stripe plume is a fungal disease that is spread by soil and roots. The injured place is purple or white cotton-like hyphae, commonly known as "black pimple head". The light ones do not have new roots, the branches are withered and thin, the leaves are yellow, the heavy ones rot the whole root neck and roots, and the plants die. Most of them occur in the high temperature and rainy season. The most effective way to prevent and cure the disease is to select high-dry land with good drainage; timely ploughing in the rainy season to reduce humidity; crop rotation and breeding disease-resistant varieties can reduce harm, using 500x pentachloronitrobenzene solution before planting, smearing the root, and soaking the root with 1000 times solution of 5% ammonium has a good effect.

Also common are Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, anthrax, rust and so on. In the old peony planting area, nematode disease is also harmful, so drugs should be selected for prevention and control.

2. Pest control of peony.

Underground pests include mole cricket, grub and ground tiger, which mainly damage root bark and buds. The mole cricket was trapped by poison bait and night light. To control grubs and ground tigers, fermented organic fertilizer can be used to add phoxim to 20 cm underground, and the effect is good.

Aboveground pests include shell insects, longicorn beetles and other major damage to the stem, resulting in the death of the whole plant. To control scale insects, 1000-1500 times dichlorvos can be sprayed during the larval incubation period, such as spraying fluoroacetamide, and it is also effective to brush the branches with Baume 3-degree sulfur mixture during dormant period or before germination in early spring. To control longicorn beetles, sulfur powder or 100 cold holes can be used, or cotton can be dipped in 50% dichlorvos 20 times liquid cold holes. It is also a good way to use aluminum phosphide to fumigate the seedlings.

Peony flower planting technology, how to cultivate peony flower?

✿ related reading recommended ✿ guava pictures ✿ Dendrobium pictures ✿ other shore flower pictures ✿ crabapple flower language (◕ flower ◕✿) flower bonsai, plant culture, please pay attention to Merlot flower bonsai area! . beautiful flowers, jade smile and pearl fragrance, elegant and unrestrained, magnificent, known as "king of flowers" reputation. In the cultivation type, it can be divided into hundreds of varieties mainly according to the color of the flowers. Do you know anything about it? Today, the editor will briefly introduce the peony planting technology to you. . what about the planting techniques of peonies? Peony planting is a method of sexual reproduction, which is based on seed reproduction or breeding of new varieties. The soil must be carefully arranged and disinfected before sowing, and the soil is required to be loose, fertile and neutral. The broken and diseased roots of the planted peony seedlings were cut off, and the insecticidal and fungicides were put into a pre-prepared pot or pit. . peony roots should be stretched, and then built into a small bed 70-80 cm wide, hole sowing or strip sowing can be done. Sowing should not be too deep, take 3-4 cm as the degree, fill the soil to the pot or pit, gently shake the seedlings, firmly seal the soil, deep to the rhizome slightly lower than the basin or horizon, and then pour water thoroughly. . peony planting techniques pay attention to late maintenance. Watering: water the peony once after planting. Peony avoid stagnant water, appropriate watering during the growing season. In the arid areas of northern China, water before flowering, water after flowering and frozen water are generally watered. Potted flowers can be cut off and buried in pots after blooming for ease of management. Weeding: ploughing in time in the long season, pulling out weeds and paying attention to the occurrence of diseases and insects. In autumn and winter, ploughing is carried out on the sky blocks of more than two-year-old peony. . fertilization: one year after peony planting, it is feasible to apply fertilizer in autumn, mainly mature organic fertilizer. It can be combined with loosening soil, spreading and acupoint application. Chemical fertilizers are often used in spring and summer, combined with watering before and after flowering. Pot load can be combined with watering to apply liquid fertilizer. Spray: spray stone sulfur mixture before sprouting in early spring, use insecticidal and fungicide mixture in summer, once every 2 weeks depending on the condition. Combined with fertilization, chemical fertilizers and growth regulators should be added. . in peony planting techniques, if you want your peonies to bloom brightly every year, you should pay attention to the following steps. Pruning: in the year of planting, there are many rows of stubble. After germination in spring, about 5 branches will be left, and the rest will be wiped out to concentrate nutrition so as to make the flowers of the second year big and colorful. Autumn and winter, combined with Qingyuan, cut off the dry flower stalk, thin, non-flowering branches. When potting, trim it to your favorite shape as needed. . changing pots: when potted peonies grow for three or four years, they need to be planted in large pots or ramets with new fertile soil in autumn. Promoting flowering: pay attention to keeping the plant moist in the early stage, ventilating and transparent after budding, and controlling the temperature according to the requirements of flowering period after budding. Foliar fertilization should be applied at ordinary times to ensure adequate water supply. In this way, flowers can be seen at any time in winter and spring. . peony color, posture, fragrance, rhyme are all good, the flowers are big and colorful, the flowers are graceful, and the rhymes are all fragrant. The cultivation and research of peony are becoming more and more prosperous, and the varieties are becoming more and more abundant. There are more than 500 species of peony produced in China. The fear of playing Qingping tune and Yang Fei inkstone dripping dry shows the emergence of black peony varieties that are no different from those in the dark night. . peonies are hailed as the king of flowers, and they are rich in culture and paintings. She is also an inherent specialty flower in China, with large flowers, beautiful shape, colorful color and strong fragrance, which has been praised by people of all ages. That's all for today's introduction of rose planting techniques. Thank you for your appreciation. The planting method of how to plant peony flower

Peony is the second most famous flower in China, which has the reputation of being the king of flowers. Luoyang is one of the birthplaces of Chinese peonies and is famous for its peony flowers. Peony flowers are deeply loved by people for their bright colors and beautiful patterns. How to plant the peonies? Next, Xiaoqi shares the planting method of peony flowers.

Pictures of peony flowers

First, how to plant peony flowers

Peony is a deep-rooted deciduous shrub flower, which likes sunshine, cold resistance, cool environment and avoid high temperature and muggy heat. It is suitable for growing in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Therefore, the basin soil for the cultivation of peony flowers should be mixed with sand and cake fertilizer, or mixed with fully mature barnyard manure, garden soil and coarse sand at the ratio of 1:1:1.

Pictures of peony flowers

II. Planting methods of peony flowers

1. Planting: we should choose loose, fertile and neutral slightly alkaline loam for peony planting, and put the fracture, diseased roots and sterilization of the planted peony seedlings into a basin or pit prepared in advance, so that its roots can be stretched, and the seedlings will be gently shaken in most of the filled soil after the soil is firmly sealed.

2. Watering: the peony needs to be watered for the first time after planting, and the peony is taboo about stagnant water, so it needs to be watered when it is in the growing season.

3. Fertilization: one year after the peony flower is planted, it can be fertilized in autumn, mainly with rotten organic fertilizer. Then in the combination of loosening soil and so on, and in spring and summer is the use of chemical fertilizer, in the combination of watering before fertilizer and post-flower fertilizer. If it is potted, it can also be combined with watering to apply liquid fertilizer to it.

4. Pruning: when peony flowers are planted, about 5 branches will be left after spring germination, and then the others will be wiped out, so that the next year's flowers can be more brightly colored. In autumn and winter, we can also combine Qingyuan to cut off delicate, flowerless branches and leaves, and when potted, we can cut them into different shapes according to their own preferences.

5. Change the pot: when the peony of the pot has grown for three or four years, we need to add new fertile soil and large pots or separate plants for it in the autumn.

Pictures of peony flowers

The above is how to plant peonies and the methods of planting peonies. Friends who like peonies might as well learn to plant some at home.