
Introduction to Propagation methods and cultivation techniques of Rich Tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Rich tree, also known as melon chestnut, Malama chestnut. It is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family. Originally from Mexico, Costa Rica. Leaves palmate, leaflets 7-11, oblong to Obovate. There are horticultural varieties, flowers and leaves, rich trees. As the name of the rich tree is welcomed by businessmen and the general public, the tree has beautiful shape and bright green leaves.

4. common diseases and insect pests and their control: wealth trees have strong disease resistance and less diseases and insect pests under normal conditions, but they are easy to occur under high temperature and humidity. The common pests of wealth trees are mainly moth larvae, such as poisonous moth larvae, Phoenix butterfly larvae, etc., which can be treated with avermectin solution diluted by 1500UR 2000 times; the main diseases of wealth trees are anthracnose, gray blight and stem base rot. Next, we will introduce to you the treatment of these diseases.

① anthracnose: its main symptoms are as follows: the disease spot spreads from the top to the bottom of the leaf tip, and the color of the disease spot is dark brown to grayish brown. The method of prevention and treatment is to apply less nitrogen fertilizer, increase phosphorus fertilizer, reduce foliar humidity, change foliar watering to base watering, maintain good ventilation and ventilation, and the medicine can be sprayed with 600x liquid spray of carbon tetralin wettable powder for 3 consecutive times, once every 7 days.

② leaf blight: its main symptoms are: the disease spot is yellow to grayish yellow, the shape is uncertain, and small needle-like particles appear when the humidity is high. The control methods are to keep the environment clean, deal with diseased leaves in time, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and enhance plant disease resistance. Copper oxychloride suspension + mancozeb wettable powder can be used to dilute the plant at 1:1, once every 10 min for 15 days.

③ stem base rot: its main symptoms are: the abnormal color of the cortex at the base of the stem, which is gray to gray-black, and extends to the depth of xylem, resulting in the death of the whole tree. The prevention and control method is to operate carefully in the process of seedling initiation, planting and transportation of the rich tree, to reduce the man-made wound as much as possible, to scrape off the diseased place with a knife first, and then soak and disinfect it with 600 times potassium permanganate solution, and thoroughly cut off the infected part of the seriously diseased plant.

After two years of cultivation, when the stem of the rich tree becomes stout, it can be transferred to a potted plant and sold on the market.

Indoor Management of Wealth Tree

In the vast northern part of China, the temperature is relatively cold in winter, and the rich trees can not survive outdoors, so they are generally potted indoors, the shade tolerance of the rich trees is good, and the indoor pot maintenance is relatively simple, so we should pay attention to the following:

1. Lighting: the rich tree is resistant to shade, but likes light. If it is shaded for a long time, the growth will slow down, the leaf color will fade and lose luster, so the potted plant should be placed in a place with strong light, such as near the window, and must be moved to the balcony or outdoors regularly to receive light to restore vitality, but from indoor to outdoor, it should be carried out step by step, for a short time, such as 1 rain for 2 hours, and then for a long time, such as 1 rain for 2 days, the first weak light. After the strong light, do not expose to the sun.

2. Temperature and humidity: the rich tree likes the temperature and is afraid of the cold. In winter, the room temperature should be kept above 15 degrees Celsius and below 5 degrees Celsius, and the rich tree may die. The first principle of watering is that it would rather be dry than wet, watering more in summer and less in winter.

3. Pruning: indoor potted wealth trees are generally pruned twice a year, once in spring and autumn. When pruning, the newly grown shoots on the trunk should be cut off, the incision should be close to the trunk, the aging and yellowing leaves, the redundant weak twigs in the crown should be cut off, and the elongated branches at the top should also be cut properly to maintain a beautiful crown.

4. Change the basin: the rich tree has developed roots and grows fast. When indoor potted plants are planted for 2 years, the pots should be changed in time when their growth becomes weaker. The pots are usually changed in late autumn or winter. Do not water the pots before changing pots. If it is not easy to take out, you can insert a shovel along the pot wall to separate the soil from the four walls of the flowerpot. Then, shake the roots back and forth, pull the tree out of the basin and put it into a prepared container. Do not dig basin soil, so as not to hurt the roots. When changing the basin, it should be pruned properly according to the length of the root system, remove the fibrous roots entangled too much by rotten roots, and then put in the acid sand loam with good drainage, which should account for about 1/3 of the basin, and then add 5 murals and 10 grams of compound fertilizer. After mixing evenly with the soil, the pruned rich tree species can be returned to the basin and finally watered until the outlet hole at the bottom of the basin flows out.

The rich tree is elegant and evergreen, and it has become a leader in ornamental plants. We sincerely hope that the broad masses of farmers will embark on a real road of getting rich by relying on scientific cultivation methods and with the good wishes of "getting rich".

How to cultivate rich trees when planting them? A complete Collection of cultivation and maintenance methods of Rich trees

Rich tree pictures and information materials:

If you want to make a fortune and grow well, you should not only water it, but also ensure the supply of fertilizer. Fertilize the rich trees and master the principle of applying thin fertilizer frequently. For example, if a rich tree is in a flowerpot with a diameter of 20 centimeters, it only takes 20 grams to apply biological fertilizer at a time, and if chemical fertilizer is applied, it will be mixed at a proportion of 3/1000 and poured into the pot. The method of spraying fertilizer to the leaf surface can also be used. Fertilizer can be applied once in about 20 days.

Finally, we should pay attention to create a ventilated environment for the rich tree. If it is not ventilated for a long time, the rich tree is easy to get pests.

Malama chestnut, also known as melon chestnut, is a rich tree. It is a small evergreen tree of the kapok family. Originally from Mexico, Costa Rica. Leaves palmate, leaflets 7-11, oblong to Obovate. There are horticultural varieties, flowers and leaves, rich trees. Because the name of the rich tree is welcomed by businessmen and the general public, with beautiful shape, bright green leaves and hammer-shaped trunk, it is suitable for layout and beautification at home, so it has developed rapidly in China's flower market in recent years. During festivals, hotels, restaurants, businesses and citizens scramble to buy more for good luck.

Key points of cultivation of Wealth Tree

1. Temperature. The lowest temperature in winter is 16-18 ℃, below which the leaves of the rich trees turn yellow and fall off, and the rich trees below 10 ℃ are easy to die.

2. Light. The rich tree is a strong positive plant, which is planted in open field in Hainan Island and other places. However, the wealth tree has a strong ability to tolerate shade, and it can be enjoyed continuously for 2-4 weeks in places with weak indoor light. And then put it in a place with strong light.

3. Water. The rich tree should have sufficient water during the high temperature growing period, but it has strong drought tolerance and will not be harmed if it is not watered for several days. Rich trees must avoid stagnant water in the basin and reduce watering in winter.

4. Air temperature. The growth period likes the higher air temperature; can often spray a small amount of water to the leaf surface.

5. Change the basin of the rich tree. The basin can be changed in spring as needed.

Hand tree, commonly known as wealth tree, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the genus Araliaceae, with erect stems, alternate leaves, long stalks, palmately compound leaves, 12 leaflets, 12-15 cm long and 6 cm wide. Because of its peculiar tree-shaped leaf shape, commonly known as auspicious, and because of its good luck, more and more people have been introduced recently.

This flower is native to Australia and some islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is suitable for warm, moist, ventilated and well-ventilated environment. It grows best in loose, fertile and well-drained soil.

Potted rich trees should change their pots once in 1-2 years, when they leave the house in spring, and prune yellow leaves and weak branches to promote them to germinate new shoots. Watering should follow the principle of wet between dry and dry. In spring and autumn, watering is dense according to the weather, such as sunny, rainy, dry and wet, generally once a day, when the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, at least twice a day, fertilizing twice a month in the growing season, and spraying water for new leaves to maintain high environmental humidity; shade should be carried out from June to September to maintain 60% to 70% light transmittance or placed in a place with bright scattered light. After entering the room in winter, the temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, it is better to keep it at about 10 ℃, water it once every 5-7 days, and ensure sufficient light. In addition, in the growing season, such as poor ventilation, prone to red spiders and shell insects, should pay attention to observation. Insect pests should be caught or sprayed in time.