
Culture methods and matters needing attention of green orchid

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green pineapple is native to Central and South America. The green rattan is several meters long and has air roots at internodes. With the increase of growth age, the stem becomes thicker and the leaves become larger and larger. Leaves alternate, green, a few leaves will also be slightly yellow mottled, entire, heart-shaped, large evergreen vines

Green pineapple is native to Central and South America. The green rattan is several meters long and has air roots at internodes. With the increase of growth age, the stem becomes thicker and the leaves become larger and larger. Leaves alternate, green, a few leaves will also be slightly yellow mottled, entire, heart-shaped, large evergreen vines, growing in tropical areas often climb on the rocks and trunks of rainforests, can grow into giant lianas.

Physiological characteristics

Sex likes warm and humid environment, which requires loose, fertile soil and good drainage. Potted green pineapple should choose rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage, and partial acidity is better. Green pineapple is extremely shady and can be placed all the year round in the sunny place indoors. In darker rooms, it should be moved to a strong light environment every half month to restore for a period of time, otherwise it is easy to make the internodes grow and the leaves become smaller. Green pineapple likes the hot and humid environment, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃. In order to keep the basin soil moist, water should be often sprayed on the leaf surface to increase the air humidity to facilitate the growth of aerial roots. Liquid fertilizer can be irrigated once a month during the vigorous growth period. For long-term indoor ornamental plants, the leaves at the base of the stem are easy to fall off and reduce the ornamental value, which can be pruned and renewed combined with cuttings in May and June when the temperature is getting warmer, so as to promote the sprouting of the basal stem.


In winter, green pineapple can survive the winter safely when it is more than 10 ℃, and it can grow normally when it is over 20 ℃. Therefore, the general home environment is more suitable for the growth of green apple. The original growth condition of green pineapple is in the forest sheltered by towering trees, the positive direction is not strong. However, in the north of autumn and winter, in order to supplement the deficiency of temperature and photosynthesis, its illuminance should be increased. The way is to put the green pineapple in the place with the best indoor light, or move to the sealed balcony to bask in the sun at noon. At the same time, open windows as little as possible when the temperature is low, because the leaves may be frostbitten in a very short period of time.


The positive direction of green pineapple is not strong, therefore, when breeding, you need to put the green pineapple in a place with better indoor light, and you can put it in the sun at noon. In the north, the green pineapple can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is above 10 ℃, and the green pineapple can grow normally when the room temperature is above 20 ℃. In general, it is not a big problem for families to reach this temperature, we should pay attention to avoid excessive temperature difference, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to the leaves not close to the heating equipment.

Moisture content

Planting green pineapple, watering can not be too much, you can spray water where it takes root, which can reduce the rate of water evaporation. Water every day to keep the soil wet, but do not accumulate water to breed mosquitoes. The amount of watering in autumn and winter should be strictly controlled according to room temperature. Before heating, the temperature is lower and the soil evaporation of the plant is slower. In order to reduce watering, the amount of water should be controlled between the original 1max, 4ml, 1max and 2. Even after heating, watering should not be too frequent, watering should be less watered into the basin, and should be oozed by brown silk. In addition, water should be sprayed to the aerial root growth of the brown column to reduce the insufficient water absorption of the root caused by rapid evaporation. Winter water to dry after a day of water is better, the water is too cold easy to damage the roots.


Fertilizing the leaves of green pineapple, because the ordinary inorganic fertilizer is very difficult to be absorbed, therefore, it is necessary to use special fertilizer. In autumn and winter in the north, plants grow slowly or even stop growing, so fertilization should be reduced. Before winter, liquid inorganic fertilizer is mainly poured and sprayed, and the time is about 15 days. After winter, fertilizer is mainly sprayed on the leaf surface, mainly sprayed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer is absorbed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer effect can act directly on the leaf surface. Foliar fertilizer should use special fertilizer, ordinary inorganic fertilizer is not easy to be absorbed by foliar. Peking University Huasheng series and Japanese flowers can be used as foliar fertilizer.

Pest control of green pineapple

1. Anthracnose of green radish: the pathogen often harms the middle part of leaves and flowers. At the beginning, wet reddish-brown or dark-brown pustular spots appeared in the disease, and there was a faded green halo around the spots. after enlargement, there were long oval or strip-shaped patches, dark brown on the edge, yellowish brown on the inside, and ringlike markings converged by dark spots. Because of its black and brown spots, it is also known as black spot or black brown disease. The plant can be repeatedly infected during the growing period, and the control methods of green radish anthracnose are as follows:

There are many pesticides that ① can control anthracnose, such as mancozeb, carbendazim, thiophanate, carbendazim and so on.

The 1500-fold solution of "Shibao Gong" made in Germany by ② is a specific drug for the treatment of anthrax.

2. Root rot: 5% carbofuran granules can be used.

3. Leaf spot: it can be sprayed and controlled with 95% benzoylammonium 500x solution or 80% carbendazim wettable powder 1000 times solution.

The culture value of green pineapple

Green pineapple is an evergreen vine with yellow patches on its green leaves, which are very shining. Can put it in the study, windowsill higher place, let its vine calmly droop, just like green relief. This not only makes full use of the space, but also increases the lively lines and lively colors of the green decoration for the bedroom. In addition, can be cultivated in water, as a small exquisite decoration of the bedroom.

1. The ornamental value of green pineapple: its entanglement is strong, and its gas roots are well developed. it can not only be attached to the column tied up with brown, placed in the foyer and hotel, but also be cultivated into a hanging shape to be placed in the study and windowsill, which is a kind of flower which is more suitable for indoor display. In this way, it not only makes full use of the space and purifies the air, but also adds lively lines and bright green decoration to the rigid cabinet, which is full of vitality and adds harmonious interest to the bedroom. Its floral phrase "watch for happiness" also increases its considerable appreciation.

2, the greening function of green pineapple: green pineapple is not only tenacious in vitality, but also placed indoors, and its ability to purify the air is no less than that of ivy and orchid. Green pineapple can absorb benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde in the air, according to environmentalists, the newly decorated new house is more ventilated, and then use some and then put several pots of green pineapple, basically can reach the occupancy standard, it can be seen that the ability of AQ air purification spray water is quite strong. The newly laid floor is very easy to produce harmful substances. Because green pineapple can purify benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde in the air at the same time, it is very suitable to be placed in the newly decorated room.

3. Green purifier: green pineapple is a relatively common green plant, with long branches drooping and swaying, which can make the space full of vitality. Green pineapple also has a very strong air purification function and has the reputation of green purifier. Green pineapple can convert formaldehyde into sugars or amino acids in metabolism, can also decompose benzene emitted by photocopiers and printers, and can also be absorbed. Therefore, no matter in the bedroom or in the office, it is a good hand to purify the air.

The health secret of green pineapple

Green pineapple is a plant with excellent effect in purifying formaldehyde and ammonia. It is placed near the computer and has a better anti-radiation effect. But the juice is poisonous and children should avoid touching it.

The cultivation methods and precautions of green orchid, which is what we often call green orchid, is often planted indoors to remove formaldehyde. In order to make our green orchid live longer and healthier, there are a lot of points for attention when raising green pineapple. Today, the editor will briefly introduce to you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of green orchids. Green orchid culture method 1, temperature green orchid like hot and humid environment, green pineapple can survive the winter safely above 10 ℃, generally can grow normally above 20 ℃. Therefore, when raising green orchid in winter, we should pay attention to keep warm, reduce the opening of windows as far as possible, and avoid frostbite on the leaves of green apple. In addition, to avoid excessive temperature difference, do not put green pineapple near the heat source.

Green pineapple picture: green leaf green pineapple

2, light green orchid like shade, can not be exposed to the sun for a long time, otherwise it will burn the leaf edge. However, it should be noted that the green apple should not be placed in a completely shaded environment, but should be provided with enough light for photosynthesis. 3. Moisture orchid watering is appropriate, do not dry basin soil, otherwise it will easily cause green radish leaf yellow and plant shape is not good. But watering should be appropriate, too much watering will cause stagnant water in the basin soil, causing rotten roots, withered leaves and so on. Watering can be controlled at low temperatures in winter and more watering during the growing period. In addition, we should also pay attention to spray water on the leaf surface to wash away the dust on the leaf surface, so as to keep the leaves bright and green.

Green pineapple picture: Golden Pueraria lobata

4. special fertilizer should be used to fertilize the leaves of green pineapple. Green pineapple grows slowly in autumn and winter, so fertilization should be reduced. Before winter, liquid inorganic fertilizer is mainly poured and sprayed, and the time is about 15 days. After winter, foliar spraying is the main fertilization. 5. Soil selection of potted green pineapple: bonsai green pineapple should choose acid rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage. 6. Pest control: diseases and insect pests should be treated in time when they are found. In addition, regular wiping of leaves can play a certain role in preventing diseases and insect pests. Matters needing attention in green orchid culture after the frozen leaves of green pineapple turn yellow and fall, they will sprout again, so there is no need to worry too much when breeding.

Picture of green pineapple: green pineapple with flowers and leaves

2. Generally, newly bought green apples have an adaptation period of about 1 month, and the bottom yellow leaves are normal, but remember: yellow leaves or dead leaves should not be peeled off directly, but should be cut off from the middle of the petiole. In this way, the yellowing of the upper leaves caused by direct stripping can be avoided. 3. Proper ventilation should be used in the cultivation of green orchid. 4. If the leaves of the green pineapple are very yellow, be sure to control the watering and put the green pineapple in a well-ventilated bright place. 5. When the green turnip grows very long, it should be cut off when it climbs over the top of the column, or turn its head upside down and tell it to climb down. don't let it grow at will. Conclusion: about the breeding methods and matters needing attention of green orchid, this is the editor's introduction. If you want to know more about plant culture, please continue to follow the groundhog Flower and Tree Channel.

How to raise green orchid, the culture method and matters needing attention of green orchid

Green pineapple is usually cultivated indoors, placed in the study, living room, office and other places, it can bring a good sense of vision and the role of purifying the environment, in large vines, green pineapple and hanging orchid, ivy are the same, with a strong effect of purifying the air.

Green orchid is a negative plant, and many potted plants are used as climbing vines and foliage flowers. they like warm and humid environment, requiring loose, fertile soil and good drainage. Green pineapple is widely planted indoors because it can absorb benzene and formaldehyde in the air.

Green turnips can be placed near the east or north windowsill in spring, summer and autumn, and south-facing windows in winter.

If you put it in an environment where the light is too dark for a long time, it will not only cause the trailing stem to grow, the Internode becomes longer and the plant shape sparse, but also the yellow and white stripes on the leaf surface will become smaller and lighter, and even the spots will fade to green color. Such as outdoor training, to pay attention to sunshade, especially in summer should pay more attention to prevent direct light, otherwise it will lead to new leaves smaller, leaf color dim, while easy to burn leaf edge. The suitable temperature for green pineapple growth is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃, and the room temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃ in winter.

Green pineapple likes to be wet.

Watering in the growing season is appropriate to keep the basin soil moist, and avoid drying the basin soil, otherwise it is easy to cause yellow leaves and poor plant shape. If too much watering causes stagnant water in the basin soil, it is easy to cause rotten roots and withered leaves, especially when the room temperature is low in winter. While fully watering in summer, we should also pay attention to often spraying water on the leaf surface. If the climate is dry in winter, you also need to spray the leaves with warm water every 4-5 days to remove the dust from the leaves so as to keep the leaves bright and green.

Bonsai green apple should choose rotten leaf soil with fertile, loose and good drainage.

It is better to be acidic. Green pineapple is extremely shady and can be placed all the year round in the sunny place indoors. In dark rooms, it should be moved to a strong light environment every semimonthly to restore for a period of time, otherwise it is easy to grow among messengers and the leaves become smaller. Green pineapple likes the hot and humid environment, the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 15 ℃, the basin soil should be moist, should often spray water to the leaf surface, increase the air humidity, in order to facilitate the growth of aerial roots. Green pineapple is usually cultured by pressing branches and burying stems. Select the sturdy green vine in late spring and early summer, cut the branches from 15cm to 30cm, remove the leaves from the base 1 to 2, be careful not to hurt the air root, and then insert into the plain sand or cinder, the depth is 1 big 3 of the cuttings, drench enough water to place in the shade, spray water to the leaves every day or cover the molecular compound plastic film to moisturize, as long as the environment is not less than 20 ℃, the survival rate is more than 90%.

Matters needing attention in the culture of green orchid


In winter, green pineapple can survive the winter safely when it is more than 10 ℃, and it can grow normally when it is over 20 ℃. Therefore, the general home environment is more suitable for the growth of green apple. The original growth condition of green pineapple is in the forest sheltered by towering trees, the positive direction is not strong. However, in the north of autumn and winter, in order to supplement the deficiency of temperature and photosynthesis, its illuminance should be increased. The way is to put the green pineapple in the place with the best indoor light, or move to the sealed balcony to bask in the sun at noon. At the same time, open windows as little as possible when the temperature is low, because the leaves may be frostbitten in a very short period of time.


The positive direction of green pineapple is not strong, therefore, when breeding, you need to put the green pineapple in a place with better light in the city, and you can put it in the sun at noon. In the north, the green pineapple can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is above 10 ℃, and the green pineapple can grow normally when the room temperature is above 20 ℃. In general, it is not a big problem for families to reach this temperature, we should pay attention to avoid excessive temperature difference, and at the same time, we should also pay attention to the leaves not close to the heating equipment.

Moisture content

Planting green pineapple, watering can not be too much, you can spray water where it takes root, which can reduce the rate of water evaporation. Water every day to keep the soil wet, but do not accumulate water to breed mosquitoes. The amount of watering in autumn and winter should be strictly controlled according to room temperature. Before heating, the temperature is lower and the soil evaporation of the plant is slower. In order to reduce watering, the amount of water should be controlled between the original 1max, 4ml, 1max and 2. Even after heating, watering should not be too frequent, watering should be less watered into the basin, and should be oozed by brown silk. In addition, water should be sprayed to the aerial root growth of the brown column to reduce the insufficient water absorption of the root caused by rapid evaporation. Winter water to dry after a day of water is better, the water is too cold easy to damage the roots.


Fertilizing the leaves of green pineapple, because the ordinary inorganic fertilizer is very difficult to be absorbed, therefore, it is necessary to use special fertilizer. In autumn and winter in the north, plants grow slowly or even stop growing, so fertilization should be reduced. Before winter, liquid inorganic fertilizer is mainly poured and sprayed, and the time is about 15 days. After winter, fertilizer is mainly sprayed on the leaf surface, mainly sprayed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer is absorbed through the stomata on the leaf surface, and the fertilizer effect can act directly on the leaf surface. Foliar fertilizer should use special fertilizer, ordinary inorganic fertilizer is not easy to be absorbed by foliar. Peking University Huasheng series and Japanese flowers can be used as foliar fertilizer.

See here is not found that green orchid is also very good to feed it, hurry up to do it, to add some spring color to their own home.