
Cultivation techniques and key points of field management of chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Chrysanthemum is a plant of the family Compositae, which is used in medicine with head inflorescence. It has the effect of soothing wind and heat, clearing liver and eyesight, and is mainly used to treat exogenous wind-heat, dizziness and headache. Often drinking chrysanthemum tea has the function of avoiding summer heat and relieving annoyance. Chrysanthemums are cultivated all over the country, among which the famous one is the chrysanthemum from Anhui.

Chrysanthemum is a plant of the family Compositae, which is used in medicine with head inflorescence. It has the effect of soothing wind and heat, clearing liver and eyesight, and is mainly used to treat exogenous wind-heat, dizziness and headache. Often drinking chrysanthemum tea has the function of avoiding summer heat and relieving annoyance. Chrysanthemums are cultivated all over the country, among which the famous ones are chrysanthemum from Anhui, Hangzhou white chrysanthemum from Zhejiang, Huai chrysanthemum from Henan, and Qi chrysanthemum from Hebei, which are important Chinese herbal medicines exported to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Chrysanthemums like warm climate and sunny environment, can be cold-tolerant, afraid of waterlogging, but the seedling stage, flowering stage can not lack of water, chrysanthemum is a short-day plant, sensitive to the length of sunshine, no more than 10 hours of light every day to bud and blossom.

Planting and cultivation techniques

1. Land selection and preparation: the soil for planting chrysanthemum is not strict, but it is better to grow in the soil with good drainage, fertile, loose and humus-rich soil. Clay land and low-lying land should not be planted, saline-alkali land should not be planted, and continuous cropping should be avoided.

2. Propagation methods: ramet propagation and cutting propagation.

① split propagation: after picking chrysanthemums in November, the stems of chrysanthemums were cut off all over the ground, plants with strong growth and disease-free were selected, their roots were all dug out, and replanted on a fertile land, and a layer of soil and miscellaneous fertilizer was applied to keep warm through the winter. From March to April of the following year, the dung was removed and watered. From April to May, when the chrysanthemum seedlings grew to 15 cm high, the whole plant was dug out, divided into several plants, and immediately planted in the field. When planting, the row spacing was 40 cm, burrows were dug, and 2 seedlings were planted in each hole. After planting, the seedlings were covered with compaction and watered with fixed root water. Generally, about 15 mu of production fields could be planted with old seedlings per mu.

② cuttage propagation: from April to May or from June to August, a new technique with sturdy and disease-free cuttings was selected. Take the middle section, cut it into a 15cm section, treat the cuttings with plant hormones, and then insert the cuttings into the seedbed with a row spacing of 20ml / 25cm and a plant spacing of 6m / 7cm, compacted and watered. The roots can be rooted in about 20 days. Human and animal dung water is applied every other month, and the seedlings can be transplanted out of the nursery when the seedling height is 20cm.

③ transplanting: ramet seedlings in April-May, cutting seedlings in May-June transplanting. Choose cloudy or rainy or sunny evening, on the whole border, dig holes according to the bead spacing of 40 cm each, and the hole depth is 6 cm. Then, take the seedlings, plant 1 plant in each hole, and plant 2 plants in each hole. After planting, cover the soil and press it, and pour the root water.

Planting field management

1. Weeding in the middle ploughing: after the chrysanthemum seedlings are transplanted and survived, weeding should be carried out 4-5 times before budding. Each weeding should be shallow or deep, and soil should be cultivated at the same time to prevent chrysanthemum seedlings from lodging.

2. Topdressing: chrysanthemum likes fertilizer. In addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, topdressing should be carried out for 5 times during the growing period. For the first time, 15 kg urea was applied to accelerate seedlings after transplanting. The second time in the plant branch school, cake fertilizer, human feces and urine could be applied per mu, and the third fertilization was in the budding stage.

3. Picking buds: after the chrysanthemum branches, before and after Lesser Fullness of Grain, when the seedling height is 25 cm, take the heart off for the first time, choose a sunny day to remove the top 1mm, then pick the heart every half a month, and stop after Greater Heat, otherwise there are too many branches, malnutrition, and the flower head becomes small, affecting the yield and quality of the chrysanthemum.

4. pest control: the common diseases of chrysanthemum are root rot, downy mildew, brown spot and so on. In the rainy season, chrysanthemum is prone to leaf withering of the whole plant, pull up a look, the root system is moldy, and there are rhizosphere nematodes, which seriously affect the growth of chrysanthemum. The control method is to treat chrysanthemum seedlings and planting holes with carbofuran before transplanting to avoid rot; in addition, diseased plants should be pulled out in time; and stagnant water in the field should be eliminated in time in the rainy season. Other diseases and insect pests can be treated according to conventional methods.

Harvest and processing

It is usually collected from Frosts Descent to the Beginning of Winter. The suitable period is to spread the flower heart for 2 / 3. To harvest chrysanthemums, you should choose sunny days and process them in time after harvest to prevent decay and discoloration. There are traditional processing methods in each producing area. The processing method of chrysanthemum is as follows: when the flowers are in full bloom and the petals are generally white, the stalks are cut off, tied into small bundles, hung upside down in a ventilated and dry place to dry, can not be exposed to the sun, otherwise the aroma is poor. When drying to 80% dry, you can pick the flowers, place them in the fumigation room and whiten them with sulfur, and then dry them in a thin spread for 1 day. And then pack it. The processing method of gong chrysanthemum is as follows: direct drying room for refining and drying, using smokeless charcoal as fuel, the temperature of the room is controlled between 40 ℃ and 50 min, spread the chrysanthemum on the bamboo curtain, when the flower color is supplied to ivory white, take it out from the donor room, and then place the ventilated and dry place until it is fully dry. The yield per mu of chrysanthemum is generally about 100 kg, with large flowers, white or bright yellow flowers, thick petals or many petals and close petals.

High-yielding planting techniques and key points of cultivation and Management of Gongju

Gong Ju, formerly known as Huiju, is praised as "the crown of chrysanthemum" and "national treasure" by Chinese Pharmacopoeia for its excellent quality. It has many functions of medicinal health care, such as dispelling wind and clearing heat, calming the liver and eyesight and so on. It can calm the central nervous system, enhance the anti-inflammatory force of capillaries, and inhibit a variety of bacterial and toxic activities. Long-term drinking can avoid summer heat and relieve annoyance, calm the five internal organs, detoxify and keep fit, clear eyes and awaken the brain, promote intelligence and prolong life, and prevent a variety of diseases. It has a wide range of uses, can be processed into pharmaceutical or made into chrysanthemum crystal, chrysanthemum wine, or directly brewed and drunk with dried chrysanthemum, and some even use dried chrysanthemum for bathing or pillow health care. In recent years, our city has also developed tea chrysanthemum drinks such as Gongju Li Tea, Shuangju Tea and Haibei Tuzhu. Gongju products are famous at home and abroad, favored by consumers, and the market demand is increasing day by day. At present, Gongju has become one of the important agricultural products to increase farmers' income and export to earn foreign exchange in our city. In order to further expand the cultivation area and improve the yield and quality of Gongju, the high-quality and high-yield cultivation techniques and processing methods of Gongju are introduced as follows:

Main habits and morphological characteristics

Gongju is a perennial perennial root herb, sensitive to sunlight and a short-day plant. It is easy to bud and blossom under 10 hours of short-day sunshine every day. Like light to avoid shade, lack of light will lead to plant dysplasia and reduction of flowering.

Gongju likes to be ventilated and cool, so it is most suitable to grow in fertile, loose, moist and well-drained sandy loam. But the moisture resistance is weak, the soil drainage is poor, the humidity is too high, it will grow poorly and even rot and die. If it is too dry, it will have few branches and slow growth, especially when there is a lack of water at flowering stage, the leaves will become smaller and the number of flowers will be reduced, which will reduce the yield and reduce the quality.

Gong chrysanthemum likes to be warm, but it is also more hardy. Its root overwinters underground and can withstand a low temperature of minus 10 ℃ and 15 min. Flowers can withstand micro-frost, but in case of heavy frost, the yield and quality are greatly reduced.

The branches of Gong Chrysanthemum are fragile, and their natural growth is easy to be lodged or broken by the wind. The general plant height is 60ml / 100cm. The root system distributes horizontally in the topsoil layer, the rhizome divides into adventitious buds, and the flowers grow at the ends of branches or leaf axils. The flower color is white, for the flat petal chrysanthemum.

Select land, prepare land and apply sufficient base fertilizer

The Gongju plot should be on a flat land where there is no pollution source and where chrysanthemums have not been planted before. There is a wide range of Gongju suitable for planting in our city, which can be planted in a piece of land on the gentle slope of Pingshan, or intercropping in gaps such as tea mulberry orchards and grain and oil arable land. However, the site selection must be based on the habits of Gongju to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. It is required to avoid the wind and the sun, fertile soil and convenient drainage and irrigation. Avoid shading plots, sticky soil and tuyere planting. Low-lying stagnant water plots and low valleys prone to frost damage are not suitable to be selected. In the areas with heavy fog, it is disadvantageous to produce high-quality chrysanthemums because of affecting the quality of harvest and baking and being prone to diseases. Chrysanthemum continuous cropping has serious diseases and poor production, so it is appropriate to implement rotation and stubble.

In order to grow chrysanthemum, it is best to plough deeply in winter (25cm) and apply sufficient basic fertilizer in spring. According to soil fertility, 1000 kg per mu of organic fertilizer such as fence manure and compost, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 100 kg of cake fertilizer are applied. Flat land is made into ridges and drains are dug, with a distance of 30 cm and a width of 70 cm. Mountain drainage is better and there is no need to make ridges.

Cultivate strong seedlings

For chrysanthemums that cannot raise seedlings, the growth is weak and the flowers are thin. Chrysanthemum must cultivate strong seedlings to produce. The propagation of Gong chrysanthemum seedlings is commonly used in production. The chrysanthemum bred by this method has tall plants, many branches, many flowers and large flowers.

1. Split-plant propagation: after the chrysanthemum is harvested, all the old stems of the chrysanthemum are cut off and the roots of the robust plants are left in the soil. Or dig up the roots and bury them in a selected piece of fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Loosen the soil, apply winter fertilizer, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, in order to promote the healthy growth of chrysanthemum seedlings. The seedlings can be divided and transplanted when the seedlings are 5 Mel and 8 inches high.

2. Cutting propagation method: in order to expand the propagation rate of chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemum can also be propagated by cutting. The method is as follows: from April to June, from the new branches or ramet-developed plants sprouting from the old plants every other year, cut off about 10 cm in length and have 4 nodes of 2mur. the lower cutting mouth depends on the bud oblique or flat cutting, the leaves of the lower part are removed, the upper leaves are cut in half, inserted into the seedbed soil about 1/2, each plant is 10 cm apart, and watered thoroughly. Semi-shaded. After the dew dries every morning, spray with an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water should not be too much. It can take root and sprout after half a month. After that, the seedlings were promoted by applying light dung water every 5 days, and the seedlings could be transplanted in one month. The chrysanthemum seedlings bred by this method have large flowers. In addition, when the climate is overcast and humid, strong branches can be directly cut into seedlings in the countryside.

Timely transplanting

It is better to adopt split propagation and transplant in the middle and late April. It is better to choose strong flower seedlings which are disease-free and 8 inches long and have no diseases and insect pests. When planting seedlings, we should pay attention to the change of weather and choose the time to adapt to transplanting in cloudy days after rain, and the survival rate is high. The soil is dry and it is not suitable to transplant in sunny days and hot sun. 4000 plants were planted per mu, with row spacing of 40 cm, plant spacing of 33 cm, and 2 trees per hole. The adoption of reasonable wide and narrow row planting is beneficial to the ventilation and light transmission in the later growth stage of the chrysanthemum garden, and is convenient for field operation. The top of the seedling can be removed when transplanting to promote slow seedling and branching growth, and root water should be irrigated when transplanting in wet soil and rainless weather. If there are few seedlings, they can be sparsely planted, and then striped propagation can be carried out to increase density, and striping can be repeated until the number of seedlings is sufficient.

Topping and pruning

In order to promote branching, increase the number of flowers, make the trunk stout, reduce lodging, and improve yield and quality, chrysanthemum must be topped and pruned for 4 times. The first time in mid-May to choose a sunny day, leaving the base of about 5 cm, all the upper pruning, pay attention to pruning in sunny days. After pruning, the plant sent out 5 new branches and 6 new branches. The second time of topping was about 6 cm in length of the new branches, about the middle of June. After the second topping, the plant sent new branches 11Mu12.

On the cultivation of marigold-- A collection of chrysanthemum materials

[chrysanthemum problem]:

Hello, expert: I have learned that growing marigold in a large area of the field is a new industry, but just looking at the materials on the Internet, I feel that I don't know much about the specific methods and techniques of planting. So I'd like to ask the expert if he can give me more information in this regard.

[expert reply]:

Comrade Liu Huan,


The answers to your questions are as follows:

Brief introduction of cultivation techniques of marigold

Marigold, also known as stinky hibiscus, honeycomb chrysanthemum, marigold, etc., is an annual herb. 60 cm ~ 100 cm high, stem erect, stout, branched, leaves opposite, head, solitary, flower 5 cm ~ 10 cm in diameter. Spring marigold grows strongly, likes warm and sunny environment, is not resistant to high temperature and heat, is not strict with soil, and is resistant to transplanting.

The per mu seedling protection of marigold is generally 3500 to 4000 plants, and each plant can produce 0.8 to 1.2 jin of fresh flowers. In case of drought, less rain, fat loss, resulting in weak flowering, short florescence, premature senility. But the yield per mu is generally about 3000 jin. If the yield per mu is 3000 jin, the purchase price is 0.28 yuan / jin, and the output value per mu is 840 yuan. Excluding the cost, the mu income is 670 yuan, and the mu net income is about 500 yuan. If everything is normal, 4000 seedlings per mu and 1.2jin per plant, that is, the increment is 4800 jin, the purchase price is 0.28yuan, the income per mu is 1344 yuan, and the economic benefit is considerable.

The main points of cultivation are as follows:

First, raising seedlings

Breeding marigold is the key, for this link technicians follow up services, or centralized breeding.

1. The time, area and amount of seed used to raise seedlings can be determined according to the transplanting time. Generally, spring marigold seedlings are raised about 40 days before transplanting. Seedling area and seed amount: each mu of spring marigold requires a seedbed of 20,25 square meters, with seeds of more than 30 grams.

2. The seedling raising method of spring sowing marigold can be raised by sunny bed or small arch shed, mostly in small arch shed. The nursery bed should be leeward to the sun, east-west direction is better, the width and length of the seedbed to the film size management is convenient, the general width should not exceed 1.3 meters. The height of the arch shed should be about 60 cm. The film had better choose the drip-free film with high temperature and good heat preservation performance.

3. The whole bed can be fertilized with 200 kg of soil fertilizer, 2 kg of diammonium phosphate or 2 kg of special fertilizer for chrysanthemum. After the fertilizer is evenly spread on the border, the soil fertilizer is poured into the ground with a hoe, and then raked fine and leveled.

4. Before sowing, soak the seeds in warm water (35-40 ℃) for 3-4 hours, then remove them and filter them with clean water, then control dry water to sow. In order to prevent seedling diseases, any one of methyl thiophanate, chlorothalonil, formalin, mancozeb and so on can also be used for seed dressing (the concentration depends on the concentration of soaking seeds in the instructions).

5. Sowing should be carried out when there is no wind and sunny days. Fill the seedling bed with water on the sowing day and sow the seeds after the water seeps down. In order to prevent underground pests from harming seedlings, poisonous soil or insecticide should be sprayed when sowing. The types of drugs are carbofuran, phoxim, etc., such as emergence of mole cricket, can be mixed with phoxim fried wheat bran sprinkled in the seedbed, the control effect is very good. When sowing, mix the treated seeds in the fine sandy soil and spread them on the seedbed for 2 to 3 times. After sowing, sift the soil by 0.7 cm.

6. Seedbed management

This link is the key link to ensure the growth and quality of seedlings. We should pay attention to temperature, pay attention to water, fertilize reasonably, and do a good job of false planting.

After the seedlings come out, it should be noted that the temperature in the seedling bed should not exceed 30 ℃, so as not to cause burning seedlings and rotting roots. The spring-sown marigold sprouted 6-7 days after sowing. Wait for the chrysanthemum seedling to grow to about 3 centimeters, after the first pair of true leaves unfold, should pay attention to ventilation to prevent overgrowth. The temperature in the seedbed was kept at 25-27 ℃. Ventilation time should be 8: 00 in the morning, 9: 00 in the morning, not at noon when high temperature ventilation, so as not to cause flashing seedlings. In case of strong wind and cooling weather, stop ventilation. When the average outdoor temperature is more than 12 ℃, we should choose a sunny and windless day to uncover the film and get rid of weeds in the seedbed. If lack of water should be sprayed through the water, and cover the film, increase the vent, the seedling bed watering should not be too frequent, in order to keep the bed soil dry and wet. Too much watering is easy to cause overgrowth, and is conducive to the occurrence of diseases. When the outdoor temperature is stable through 15 ℃, we should uncover the film seedlings, stop watering about 7 days before transplanting, and rely on the seedlings for transplanting.

2. Transplanting

The selection of land should not be prone to waterlogging, and it is not allowed to repeat cropping in sandy loam or hilly land with thinner ridges.

1. Time requires that the stem of chrysanthemum seedling is 0.3 cm in diameter and the plant height is 15cm. It can be transplanted when there are 3 or 4 pairs of true leaves.

2. The planting method is wide and narrow rows, large rows 70 cm, small rows 50 cm, plant spacing 25 cm, leaving 4500 seedlings in 667m2, planting according to large and small seedlings.

3. Plastic film mulching can increase the ground temperature and promote the flowers to mature earlier.

4. flood irrigation should be carried out after watering and transplanting to promote early slow seedling and early rooting.

III. Field management

Ploughing and weeding, two shovels and three times, big ridge at the beginning of July before the rainy season, during the flower bud period, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate foliar spray can be used to promote neat flowering, improve yield and quality, increase pigment content, and improve grade.

1. Shallow hoe should be used to preserve soil moisture after transplanting, and a small amount of branches appear when the plant height is about 20 cm. At this time, soil cultivation should be combined with middle tillage to promote deep rooting and enhance the ability of drought resistance and lodging resistance. the height of soil cultivation should not bury the first pair of branches.

2. Watering and fertilizing. Watering should not make the soil too dry and wet, but only need to keep the soil moist; and because the marigold flower period is long, we need to apply fertilizer to supply nutrients, but can not apply more fertilizer, we must control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise the branches and leaves will flourish and will not bloom. Generally, the mature rarefied organic liquid fertilizer or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound liquid fertilizer is applied once a month.

3. Pick the heart and trim it. In the process of maintenance and management, after planting or potting seedlings survive, it is necessary to pick the heart in time, promote branching and bloom more. In order to make the flowers large, the long branches, withered branches, weak branches and post-flowering branches should be thinned or strongly pruned in time, and the over-dense branches should be thinned to improve the light and retain the strong branches, but not the heart, so that the buds at the top can develop and enrich. In windy season, plant height should be controlled by pruning and coring to avoid lodging. Otherwise, props should be set up to prevent the wind from falling down.

4. Control red spiders, strengthen field management, remove weeds, and control red spiders at the initial stage of their occurrence. Spray 40% omethoate 1000-1500 times or 50% malathion EC 1000 times evenly on the back and front of the leaves and spray again every 7 days.

5. The prevention and control of diseases of spring marigold should follow the principle of "prevention is more important than treatment and combination of prevention and control". Generally, the first prevention and treatment is carried out in the first ten days of July, and again after half a month, and the dosage is referred to the instructions. In the dry and high temperature weather, red spiders are easy to harm leaves, so it is appropriate to spray 1000-1500 times Jing Yebao.

(1) virus disease: drugs such as virulence, virogram or bacteriorubicin can be used to prevent and cure the virus.

(2) Fusarium wilt: wettable powders such as 75% chlorothalonil, carbendazim, aluminum ethyl phosphate and methyl topiramate can be used to control Fusarium wilt.

6. Light. Marigold is a light-loving plant, which is not shade-tolerant, so it must be planted in flower beds with abundant light, and potted marigold must also be placed under light conditions for maintenance and management. Otherwise, the plant will be weak or the stems and leaves will grow thin and tender, and the flowers will be few and small.

IV. Harvest

70% to 80% of the flowers are in full bloom, and the stamens (that is, the inner flower and seed coat do not turn black) can be harvested. The spring marigold used to extract yellow pigment should be harvested when the flower is ripe, the flower stalk should be less than 1 cm, and the flower picking period can last from July to October. While harvesting, storing, drying and processing to extract yellow pigment.