
What are the risks of Tuyuan farming?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the risks of Tuyuan farming?

Tuyuan farming is a hot topic in recent years. TV advertisements and online publicity are hot. Tuyuan farming does not need special conditions, and its management is relatively extensive, but it is not as simple as it is said on TV. It is so easy to make a lot of money and make a lot of money. So what are the risks of Tuyuan farming?

What are the risks of Tuyuan farming?

The risk of Tuyuan breeding market is basically small, the probability of losing money is also very small, the market is relatively tight, but affected by the market situation will affect the level of profits. The biggest risk is whether the soil element can be fed. Although the soil element culture relatively does not need special conditions and the management is relatively extensive, it will also cause huge economic losses if the feeding management is not in place. Therefore, raising soil elements requires careful management and careful observation. For some careless farmers, Tuyuan has a slight anomaly, not careful observation will not be found, only wait until the emergence of obvious symptoms. Perhaps this slight abnormal performance is the precursor of the disease, careful farmers can detect, and carry out pre-care and prevention, may avoid the economic losses caused by major diseases.

Feeding requirements at different stages

1. Feeding and management of larvae: the larvae come out of their shells for 2 days and begin to eat. At this time, some wheat bran, melons and fruits, pumpkin flowers, green vegetables and shredded pumpkins can be fed. During the larval period, some nutritious foods such as soybean powder, eggs and milk can be added. To feed, just sprinkle the feed on the surface of the pond and keep the temperature at 25-43 ℃.

2. Feeding and management of Chinese insects: the management of middle insects is relatively extensive, and there are no special requirements for feed, as long as you can have enough to eat.

3. Feeding and management of spawning insects: the spawning insects require the soil to be thickened by 12cm to 15cm, and the feed requires the ratio of green feed and concentrate feed to be 50%. If you can add a little soybean powder or animal meat scraps, it will be better to increase the nutrition of the soil yuan. The feeding situation is as long as there is not much feed left on the surface of Tuyuan pond by the next morning. The temperature in the breeding pond can be kept at about 25 ℃, and the humidity is 60%-70%. If the humidity is not enough, it can be humidified by a sprayer without pesticide pollution, requiring a small amount of time.

Tuyuan culture technology

The main results are as follows: 1. The hatching of egg mass: the quality of egg block is full, brownish red and free of impurities. A normal eggshell has 6-16 seeds. When hatching, mix the eggs and soil at a ratio of 1:1 (volume) and put them into a basin with a thickness of 12-15 box meters, the temperature is kept at 27-30 degrees, and the soil humidity is maintained at about 15%. Adjust the dry humidity and the air permeability of the egg sheath. The humidity of the indoor space can be kept at 75-80% for about 45 days. Remember not to spray water directly into the egg block.

2. Divide the pool in time: the soil element grows very fast in the suitable environment, and the volume and weight will be doubled every time it molts. If the pond is not divided in time, it will affect its growth. When the density is too high, the earth element will climb up the four walls and hit the surface of the soil by hand, which will rise and fall like waves, so it is time to divide the pool.

3. Pick males at the right time: males mature one month earlier than females, while females are immature and cannot mate, which will affect the normal growth of females. It is found that the feathered male worms should be picked out in time, scalded to death with boiling water, take off the wings, then boil in light salt water, empty water, and then put into the refrigerator, can be made into delicious food. This is more cost-effective than picking males before Eclosion. After one month, it can be allowed to mate on its own. A male can mate with more than 10 females, and the male can die more than 20 days after mating, and can be picked out and made into food before death, so that the male can be used.

4. egg mass screening: the female begins to lay eggs after mating for a week. The eggs produced fall off automatically in the soil after about 2 days of trailing. When taking eggs, the adults are screened out with an 8mm sieve, and then the egg blocks are screened out with a 4mm sieve. It is appropriate to screen the eggs for 15-20 days.

Finally, the editor suggests that friends who want to raise Tuyuan can go to the website to collect some information about breeding Tuyuan, and enter the Tuyuan farming exchange group to exchange experience and interact with friends who have really raised Tuyuan. It's far better than searching on Baidu, "does Tuyuan farming make money?" The benefits are much bigger.