
What is a grain bug?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is a grain bug?

What is a grain bug? The grass worm is a common name of the verrucous silkworm, and it is a kind of annelid family Bombyx mori, which usually lives in coastal or estuarine shoals. It is mainly found in Zhejiang, Guangdong and Fujian provinces. It is a delicious food and can be used as traditional Chinese medicine. It has the effect of reducing swelling and benefiting qi.

What are the edible values of gramineous insects?

Cereal insects are delicious and edible and belong to insect food. (according to the Australian Daily Telegraph on May 14, 2013, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a report on the 13th local time, saying that there are more than 1900 species of edible insects in the world. Eating more insects is good for your health). People in Guangdong are called "grass insects". The following is an introduction:

Grass insects are rich in protein and vitamins. The growth of grass insects is very seasonal. Xinhui grass insects only come out every year during the spring tide of the first and fifteenth days of the first and fifteenth days of March, April and August of the lunar calendar. When the grass insects were built, they floated densely on the surface of the river, which was quite spectacular. Farmers are waiting at the exit of the river, seizing the opportunity to catch. In the fifties and sixties of the last century, it was sometimes possible to catch hundreds of jin of grass insects at a time and return with a full load of farm boats. Since the application of pesticides in farmland, there has been a gradual decrease in the number of grass insects. Now to strengthen the protection of the natural ecological environment, the number of grass insects in the new society has increased, but it is still not many, and the price is expensive. At present, grain worms are artificially cultured in some places. It is distributed in the paddy fields and silt at the junction of salt and fresh water in the Pearl River Estuary.

Grass worms can be steamed, fried, scorched and delicious, or sweet and slippery. Shenwan Wechong soup is cooked with fresh and sun-dried worms, and its aroma and flavor are also extracted.

It is said that the procedure is as follows: first pour the raw oil into the pitcher, then put in the salt powder, wherever the salt powder goes, the grain worm will burst into the pulp and die, then add the eggs, Xinhui tangerine peel and olive tempeh, and steam them into the oven. The steaming utensils must be used in an earthen bowl, and then the steamed grain worms will be slightly cooled and baked in a bowl, and then they will give off a strange fragrance.

General restaurants stir-fry grass worms, must stir-fry to burst pulp, low heat slowly stir-fry, it takes half an hour, but the original flavor retains the aroma of grain insects. Grass insects made of delicacies, delicious fragrance, tender and sweet fragrance, as well as nourishing yin and yang, invigorating spleen, warming body, dispelling dampness and other medicinal diet efficacy, unique flavor. There are many ways to cook grass worms, such as adding ginger, spring onions, oil, salt, steaming, stir-frying, cooking, stewing and baking to make delicious delicacies. They can also be pickled into salted or dried grass worms, and can be mashed to make a cereal sauce.

What are the medicinal values of cereal insects?

It is written in the Compendium of Materia Medica: "Gramineworms are found along the seashore of Fujian, Guangzhou and Zhejiang, shaped like earthworms. Fujian people eat steamed eggs, or as plaster food, and rate customers as delicacies, and cloud food tonifies the spleen and strengthens the stomach." Grass worms have always been regarded as a delicacy in the Pearl River Delta and favored by many diners, but it is a bit difficult to persuade old friends from other provinces to eat them, and some local friends do not like them very much. Grass worms can be fried, boiled, steamed and stewed. Among them, the grain worm baked in a tile bowl shows the most flavor. And rice worm steamed egg, crisp fried rice worm, he insect soup and so on are also full of taste, endless aftertaste.

Spleen; stomach meridian

[efficacy] tonifying spleen and stomach; tonifying qi and blood; promoting diuresis and detumescence

[textual research] from the Compendium: grass worms are found along the seashore of Fujian, Guangzhou and Zhejiang, shaped like earthworms. Fujian people eat steamed eggs or make plaster food, rateable customers are delicacies, and cloud food tonifies the spleen and invigorates the stomach. "Guangzhi", summer rain, steaming depression and insects in crops, or rice roots rot and insects. Big people, such as Xu, long to Zhang, every section has a mouth, green, ripe red and yellow, Frosts Descent before the ripe, then the worm is also ripe. Take the spring tide on the first, second and fifteenth and sixth day of junior high school and take it out on the floating field. The vinegar is produced by white pulp, filtered with white rice paste and steamed for paste.

Weakness of spleen and stomach; diarrhea; anemia; edema

Internal administration: fried soup, 5-10 pieces.