
Distribution of clams

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Distribution of clams

Clam is a mollusk of the family Macroclamidae, which is called variegated clam in Chinese. It lives on the shallow sea. There are many species such as flower clam, clam, Xishi tongue and so on. It is rich in nutritional value and produces in coastal areas of our country. It is a unique seafood of Qingdao, Dalian, Yantai, Weihai and other coastal cities. Let's take a look at the distribution of clams.

Distribution of producing areas of clams

Clams are native to Japan and are also distributed along the coasts of the Korean Peninsula, Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Clams are farmed on the sandy banks along the southwest coast of Taiwan, which mostly inhabit the sand and mud in shallow seas, and like to live in river wetlands and intertidal zones where fresh water is injected. Qingdao's unique seafood is clam, commonly known as Gala, which is mainly produced in Jiaozhou Bay and lives on the bottom of muddy beaches below the middle and lower intertidal zone, with the highest yield below the dry tide line. Clams generally live no more than twice the length of their bodies in the sediment. Every time after the spring tide on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, people often go to the beach to dig this seafood to satisfy their cravings, and mass production uses clam diggers to collect and catch in deep water.

Species distribution of clams

1. Flower clam: flower clam is a treasure of shellfish. It gets its name because of its smooth surface and beautiful red, brown and black patterns. It is usually a common name for some shellfish in the coastal waters of China. Common shellfish in the market are widely distributed in the north and south sea areas of China, with rapid growth, short culture cycle, strong adaptability and long survival time out of water. It is a kind of excellent shellfish suitable for artificial high density culture, and it is one of the four major cultured shellfish in China.

2. Meretrix Meretrix: Meretrix Linnaeus, Meretrix Meretrix, Meretrix Meretrix Linnaeus, Meretrix Meretrix Linnaeus, Meretrix Meretrix, Meretrix Mere The country of origin is Japan, and it is also distributed along the coasts of the Korean Peninsula, Chinese mainland and Taiwan. Meretrix clams are farmed on the sandy banks along the southwest coast of Taiwan, which mostly live in the sand and mud bottoms of shallow seas, and like to live in river wetlands and intertidal zones where fresh water is injected. Buy clams with closed shells and knock clams with each other. Clams with crisp sounds are relatively fresh.

3. Sand clam: Xishi tongue alias car clam, soil spoon, sand clam, etc., is a member of the clam family, widely distributed in the shoals from India to the Pacific Ocean, and the area of Changle Zhanggang Port in Fujian Province is its famous producing area, so it is also called "Zhanggang clam". The individual is large, the length can reach more than 10 cm, the meat is crisp and tender, the taste is sweet, it is a kind of valuable shellfish with high economic value.

How to make clams spit sand

1. Use peanut oil: pour sea water or salt water into a container containing clams, then add a few drops of peanut oil to the container containing clams, then stir them with chopsticks so that the oil flowers are evenly spread on the water surface, so that the water is isolated from the air. Clams will soon spit out sediment.

2. Use iron: put iron (such as a pair of scissors) into a container containing clams. Shellfish have a habit of spitting sand when they smell iron. This can also make clams spit sand quickly and well.

3. Soak in salt water: if time permits, you can use water with sesame oil and salt to soak clams. In this method, you should pay attention to the temperature. The water had better be about 20 degrees Celsius. If you directly use the tap water released from the faucet, the water temperature is low. Clams don't like to open their mouths. If you soak in this method for 2 to 3 hours, the clams will spit out a lot of sediment.

4. Shake back and forth: find a larger basin or box with a lid, put the shell in, pour in a little water, and then shake the container back and forth with your hands, moderate strength, not too big, otherwise the clam's shell will break. After shaking for two minutes, the clam will be dizzy and will spit out a lot of silt. Wash it with water and shake it again. Repeat three times.

5. James water to remove sand: James water is the most direct and thorough way to remove sediment from clams, but if you use clams to make soup, do not use this method, fresh taste will be lost. You can use it if you fry clams. Put the clams into a pot of boiling water, close the lid, and fish them out in a minute. Rinse with water, wash the mud thoroughly, drain and set aside. Sediment can be removed unreservedly in this way.