
Why on earth are we brushing our teeth? Is gingival bleeding vitamin deficiency?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Bleeding from brushing teeth, teeth not white, eating vegetables and stuffing teeth. Almost everyone has questions about teeth. How to judge the health status of teeth? How can it be improved and maintained? Here may be the answer you want. The teeth are good and the food is delicious. The picture.

Bleeding from brushing teeth, teeth not white, eating vegetables and stuffing teeth. Almost everyone has questions about teeth. How to judge the health status of teeth? How can it be improved and maintained? Here may be the answer you want.

The teeth are good and the food is delicious. Picture:

Q1. Is it healthy to have white teeth?

Respondent / Master of Medicine Shenc

The color of the teeth does not indicate the state of health.

The surface of the tooth has a layer of transparent enamel and the inner layer is yellowish dentin, so normal teeth should look a light yellow in transparency. The color of each person's teeth is different because the degree of mineralization of dentin is different. The process of dentin development is affected by a variety of reasons, including black-yellow and chalk, such as tetracycline and fluorosis.

Cleanliness, caries-free cavity, firmness, tidiness and periodontal health are more important than whitening.

There is no need to blindly ask for white. Picture: Pixabay

Q2. Brushing teeth is troublesome. Can you rinse your mouth instead?

Respondent / Shell content Director Mo

Gargling won't get rid of dental plaque.

The main purpose of brushing teeth is to remove dental plaque, which are microbiota that adhere to the surface of teeth or other soft tissues of the mouth. They are firmly attached and need to be removed by mechanical friction-brushing and washing. The human mouth is originally a hotbed of bacteria. After a whole night of "hatching" during sleep, the number of bacteria in the mouth will peak when you get up early. The American Association of Stomatology (ADA) recommends brushing your teeth twice a day, once before going to bed and getting up early.

However, if you have just eaten acidic foods, such as orange juice, yogurt, dessert, the enamel on your teeth will become soft, it is not advisable to brush your teeth immediately, otherwise it will hurt the protective shell.

Q3. Do you want to brush your teeth after dinner or not?

Respondent / Master of Medicine Shenc

The premise is to master the correct method of brushing teeth.

If you brush your teeth very rough and the bristles are very hard, over time, you will wear away your enamel for nothing, and the loss outweighs the gain. Sucrose is the favorite of cariogenic bacteria (glucose, maltose, lactose, fructose, sorbose, xylitol in turn), so if you eat vegetables and radishes for a meal, you don't have to worry too much about dental caries.

Q4. If you eat food, you will get stuck in your teeth. Can I use a toothpick?

Respondent / Master of Medicine Shenc

Try a toothpick. Will it stick into your teeth? There must be something wrong if you can.

The correct use of toothpicks. Picture: Pixabay

The middle of the teeth is close to each other, but there is a small gap in the neck of the teeth (which is close to the gums and where food is most likely to get stuck). If you use a toothpick, you can basically use the gums as a fulcrum to pry out what is stuck in the crevices. This rough method is easy to oppress and damage the gums. Unless the teeth are sparse and the roots are exposed, ordinary people should not often use toothpicks.

Q5. Why is gum bleed when brushing teeth?

Respondent / Master of Medicine Shenc

Gingival bleeding, not vitamin deficiency, mostly because of gingivitis.

It is true that a long-term and severe lack of vitamin C can lead to red and swollen gums, but unless you do not eat foods containing vitamin C such as vegetables, fruits and milk for two or three months, the vast majority of gum bleeding is a sign of gingivitis.

Gingivitis is an inflammatory reaction caused by dental plaque around the gums, especially in the gingival sulcus, which is the slightest periodontal disease. These plaques that have not been cleared in time will mineralize and form dental calculi, which not only make bacteria adhere more easily, but also stimulate and oppress gingival tissue and aggravate inflammation.

The process of gradual loss of periodontal attachment, increase of irritants and destruction of alveolar bone.

Inflamed gums turn red and darker, swollen and loose, and bleed easily. If left unchecked, gingivitis will further develop into periodontitis, involving alveolar bone, when the bone is slowly lost, the teeth lose support, begin to loose, and eventually lead to tooth loss.

Q6. Can I ask a professional dentist for advice on oral care?

Respondent / Xu Tongkai, dentist, Peking University Stomatological Hospital

First of all, brush your teeth correctly and fully every morning and evening. Secondly, dental floss and dental punch should be added.

Tooth surface, tooth gap, gingival sulcus will remain food residue, bacteria, easy to cause dental caries, dental calculi, periodontitis, some gaps can not be cleaned even if brushing teeth. Dental floss is used to clean these places. But for ordinary people, flossing is more difficult to adhere to, my family and I are using dental punch, but also recommended to my patients.

The dental punch, also known as floss, uses the impact of high-voltage pulsed water to clean food residues and dental plaque that are out of reach of the toothbrush.

Dental floss can effectively remove dental plaque, doesn't it look super cool?

For ordinary people, this is the cleaning experience and health care that you can get in 1 minute. People with periodontitis, implants and orthodontics especially need it.

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