
Summer Flowers of Carp and the cultivation of large size Fish species

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Summer Flowers of Carp and the cultivation of large size Fish species

In some places, the fish is called yellow plate Diao, Huang Gu Zi, Pseudosciaena Crocea, Sha Gu Zi, Huang Tiao, Huang Chuan, yellow tail fish and so on.

1. Pond conditions: the area is 33.5 mu, the water depth is 1.2m to 1.8m, the silt 15~20cm, the water quality of the source is qualified. The pond is rectangular, east-west, with a length-width ratio of 5, 4, 3 and 2, which is convenient for entry and drainage.

2. Pond cleaning disinfection: quicklime or bleach powder is used to clean the pond, dry method is used to clean the pond, and 10~15cm is retained in the pond. 7 days before stocking, 150 kilograms of quicklime or 25 kilograms of bleach is used to disinfect the pond.

3. The time of splash in the pond: most of the conventional fry and fry are cultured in the pond with "fat water", but the method of fry and fingerling cultivation is slightly different. Because the fish fry is smaller than the domestic fry of the same age, they can only feed on small organisms such as rotifers and planktonic algae at the beginning of their feeding. Therefore, before the fry goes into the pond, the base fertilizer should not be applied too early and too much, in case there are too many macroalgae, which is not good for the fry to eat. The color of the water should be "tender".

4. Fish fry stocking: put the fry in the fry box in the lower pond, feed the cooked egg yolk, feed 100000 fish and feed 1 cooked egg yolk. Feed the cooked egg yolk according to the following steps:

1) boil the egg yolk for a long time, wrap the egg yolk in 60-purpose nylon sieve silk, shake and filter in a basin filled with water, do not pinch it by hand, and make the yolk particles precipitate out of the water from the mesh.

2) pour the yolk water evenly into the fry box with your fingers. Half an hour later, you can see that there are yolk particles in the intestines of the larvae (commonly known as flower sausages).

3) put the larvae into the pond after keeping them in the fry box for 3 hours.

5. Stocking density: generally, the stocking density is 10 ~ 150000 tails / mu. If the seedlings grow to full length 2~2.5cm, the stocking density can be increased, up to 15 ~ 200000 tails / mu.

6. Fish fry bait: after the fish fry entered the pond, they were fed with soybean milk on the first day, and every 100000 fry were fed with soybean milk of 2kg / day, water: beans = 30:1, three times a day, 9: 00 a.m., 1: 00 p.m., 4: 00 p.m. When grinding soy milk, be sure to soak up the soybeans, and remove the soybean dregs after grinding. When feeding, the paste should be sprinkled twice along the edge of the pool, and the spilled pulp should be like rain and evenly distributed.

As the fry grows up and the food intake increases, it is necessary to supplement the feed and appropriately increase the feeding amount, and continue to apply fermented manure to cultivate water color and sprinkle an appropriate amount of soybean milk. half a month later, when the fry grows to 3cm, the fish fry begin to be fed with rice bran, wheat bran and other concentrate feed, the daily feeding amount is 1520% of the fish body weight.

The fry are mainly fed with soybean milk within 15 days after entering the pond, and can be fed with fine flour, rice bran, wheat bran and other concentrate feed after 15 days. After one month of cultivation, the specification can reach more than 3.3 cm.

7. Points for attention:

A. the species of fish are vulnerable to the harm of large water fleas. Therefore, the fish fry should not be fertilized prematurely before entering the pond to reduce the reproduction of water fleas. Keep the water color tender, with many small plankton and palatable bait, which is beneficial to the growth of fish fry. When a large number of water fleas are found before the fry goes into the pond, the whole pool is sprinkled with 90% trichlorfon 0.05 grams per cubic meter of water.

B. attention should be paid to the regulation of water quality in the process of fish fry rearing. Due to frequent fertilization and feeding, the dung residue bait is easy to spoil the water quality, so the water is changed every 2-3 days.

8. Timely rearing: after 20-30 days of cultivation, the fish fry can reach more than 3cm in body length. At this time, the fish scales have grown, so they should be trained and reared in a dilute manner in time. However, in the process of pulling the net, you should be very careful to prevent the fish from being hurt. The fish species with body length 3~4cm can breed 50 ~ 60 000 fish per mu and 30 ~ 40 000 fish per mu when the body length is above 5~6cm. With the growth of fish, it is necessary to gradually dilute the stocking density in order to facilitate the rapid growth of fish and improve the survival rate.

9. Exercise and separate ponds: after 20-25 days of feeding, the fry grow to about 3cm and should be reared separately. Before going out of the pond, the summer flower fry should be trained for 2 or 3 times. Make the fish species in the dense process, increase the adaptability of the fish body to hypoxia. Make the fish "sophisticated" strong, can withstand separate culture out of the pond, and avoid producing a large amount of mucus and feces to pollute the water quality in the process of transportation, and improve the survival rate of transportation. By pulling the net, you can also remove enemy organisms and estimate the number of summer flowers.

1), pull the net for the first time: gather the summer flowers in the purse seine and check their physique. Then put it back in the pool. Because the fish is tender, the operation should be careful.

2), the second time to pull the net: every other day, carry on the second time to draw the net. After collecting the fish, let the top water enter the cage automatically. Put it back in the pool in two hours. If it is for self-feeding, then after 2 times of pulling the net into the box, separate cultivation can be carried out.

3), the third time to pull the net: after the second time, the net can be pulled for the third time every other day, and the fish can be "suspended" for one night in the cage in the pool with cleaner water quality, and the long-distance shipment can be carried out in the early morning of the second day.

Exercise fish fry must choose fine weather, in the morning when the fish do not float head. The operation of pulling the net to drive the fish should be slow, so as not to hurt the fry. Don't let fish stick to the net when you close the net. After the fish is in the box. The box should be washed immediately to wash away the excrement and dirt of the sticky net, so that the water body inside the box and outside the box can be unblocked, so as to prevent the death of fish fry due to lack of oxygen in the box.

10. Disease control: the main diseases in the breeding stage of fish fry are parasites, such as rotifer, fish lice, anchor flea and so on.

Control method: regularly sprinkle the whole pool with crystal trichlorfon to make the concentration of the pool water reach 0.3g/ cubic meters, and then sprinkle it again the next day to prevent and cure.

11. To cultivate large-size species of mackerel in summer flowers: monoculture and mixed culture in ponds can be adopted to cultivate large-size species.

These two methods are all about 3cm summer flowers, and their habits are similar to those of adult fish at this stage, mainly feeding on humus, organic debris and some benthos (such as benthic diatoms, Chironomus larvae, etc.). In the pond, also eat soybean milk, soybean cakes and formula feed and other concentrate. If fed with full-price formula feed, it must be carefully domesticated.

1) stocking density: 15-20 000 summer flower fish fingerling above 3cm per mu. The food is mainly fed with soybean cake and soybean milk, fed three times a day. Fish fry should continue to cultivate water quality (topdressing) after entering the pond. On the other hand, concentrate such as soybean cake milk, wheat bran or formula feed should be fed.

After about 80-90 days of cultivation, it can reach the specification of 10~12cm or above, and then it can enter the development stage.

2), fish species bait: the method of "four determinations" must be adopted. Use wheat bran combined with a small part of full-price formula feed. That is, wheat bran accounts for 60% of the daily feed and compound feed accounts for 40%. The daily feeding amount should be adjusted according to the weather, air temperature and the feeding condition of the fish. The feeding amount of the herring is not obvious, and the feeding amount should be finished within 1.5 hours after feeding.

12. Daily feeding and management: during the intensive cultivation of seedlings, the activities of pond fish and the changes of water quality should be observed frequently, and timely measures should be taken to prevent accidents when problems are found.

A, during the feeding period, the pond water should always be kept fertile, the dissolved oxygen should be kept above 4mg/L, the water color should be yellowish brown or tea brown, and the transparency 20~30cm. Due to the high water temperature in summer, the oxygen consumption of all kinds of organisms in the water increases, and the fish fry often die from flooding ponds due to poor water quality and hypoxia, so water quality control is very important.

B. Every 10 to 15 days, according to the water quality of the fish pond, an appropriate amount of new water should be injected into the pond. Wild miscellaneous fish (carnivorous fish) should be filtered with a net at the water injection mouth, and new water should be injected urgently in case of serious floating head of fish before dawn.

C. When applying topdressing, it is better to apply urea to the pond, it can make the plankton exuberant, not only can fertilize the water, but also the phytoplankton can absorb the ammonia metabolized by the fish species, thus increasing the dissolved oxygen.

D, turn on the aerator to increase oxygen, usually at noon in sunny days, at night in cloudy days and before the floating head of fish.

13. Transport of fry and fry: no matter what method is used in the process of transporting fry and fry, the operation must be meticulous. Pay attention to the following aspects:

1), the fry is physically strong, the fry room is inflated (long waist point), the mouthparts are open, swimming is lively, and it can be shipped. The amount of oxygenated transport in nylon bags is about 80% of that of the transport box.

2) the water quality is fresh and non-toxic and the dissolved oxygen content is high. The water of rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds can be used, and the water with colorless transparency and low mud content should be selected. Tap water should be dechlorinated and stored for 24 hours before use. Use cold water in summer.

3) before the fingerling is transported, the fish should be trained by pulling the net to remove feces. The body is strong, reduce mucus secretion, in order to improve the survival rate.

4) pay attention to the temperature balance, the temperature difference should not be ±2 ℃, after arriving at the destination, you should first wake up the fish in the box, and feed the fish fry with cooked egg yolk an hour later. 100000 fish fry are fed with one egg yolk. After seeing the fish fry sausage (swallowing the egg yolk into the intestine), wait another hour before putting the fish into the pond. For the fish fry in nylon bags and transport boxes, put them into the water before leaving the box to make the internal and external water temperature consistent. Then open the nylon bag or transport box, pour water into the pond, put the bag into the box, and let the fry (fry) swim out on their own.