
What are the conditions for growing blueberries? Growth habits and growth environment requirements of blueberry

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, etc., is a perennial shrub of the genus Ericaceae. It is named for its blue fruit and is rich in nutrients. It is not only rich in conventional nutrients, but also rich in flavonoids and polysaccharides. It has high cultivation value and market prospect.

Blueberry, also known as blueberry, benedictine, persimmon, etc., is a perennial shrub of the Rhododendron family. It is named for its blue fruit and is rich in nutrients. It is not only rich in conventional nutrients, but also rich in flavonoids and polysaccharides. It has high cultivation value and market prospects. Let's take a look at the conditions for blueberry cultivation.

Planting conditions of blueberry

1. Climate: according to the climatic characteristics and the growth habits of different blueberry cultivars in China, the planting areas can be roughly divided into four producing areas: Changbai Mountain and Daxiaoxing'an Mountains, Liaodong Peninsula and Jiaodong Peninsula, Yangtze River Basin and South China.

2. Soil: blueberry is suitable for loosening sandy soil with good drainage performance, the soil pH value is 4.0-5.5, the optimum soil pH value is 4.3-4.8, the soil organic matter content is 812%, the best soil water level is 40-60 cm, and the soil is moist without stagnant water.

3. Moisture: blueberry roots are distributed shallowly and are sensitive to water deficiency. In most cases, timely irrigation is needed according to soil moisture. River water, reservoir water or groundwater can all be used as irrigation sources. However, irrigation with high salt content and high pH value should be avoided.

4. Topography: blueberries should choose flat or gentle slopes. Although the mountains with large slopes are beneficial to improve fruit quality, they bring a lot of inconvenience to field operation. Cultivation of blueberries in valleys or low-lying plots should be avoided to avoid frost damage during flowering.

Cultivated varieties of blueberry

1. High-clump blueberries: high-clump blueberries have large fruit, good quality and good taste of fresh food, which can be cultivated as fresh fruit market varieties, processing or courtyard self-use cultivation, including south and north blueberries.

① Nangao Cong: Nangao Cong blueberries like humid and warm climate conditions, which is suitable for the development of areas south of the Yellow River in China, such as Central and South China. Excellent varieties include Sharp Blue, O'Neill, Mist and so on.

② Beigao Cong: Beigao Cong blueberry likes cool climate and has strong cold resistance. Some varieties can resist-30 ℃ low temperature, which is suitable for the development of humid and cold areas along the coast of northern China. Excellent varieties include Kangville, Darou, Lanfeng and so on.

2. Semi-alpine blueberry: semi-alpine blueberry is relatively short, large fruit, good quality, strong cold resistance, usually resistant to the low temperature of-35 ℃, suitable for cultivation in the cold areas of the north, excellent varieties include Beilu, Beicun and so on.

3. Dwarf blueberry: dwarf blueberry has short tree body and strong cold resistance. It can be cultivated in the low temperature area of-40 ℃, and the cultivation management is relatively simple. It is suitable for large-scale commercial cultivation in the northeast alpine mountain area. The excellent varieties are Meideng, Fenti and so on.

4. Rabbit-eyed blueberry: rabbit-eyed blueberry is tall, long-lived, resistant to damp and heat, loose on soil and drought-resistant, but poor in cold resistance, so it is suitable for cultivation in hilly areas in the south of the Yangtze River Basin and South China. Excellent varieties are Baldvin, garden blue, pink blue and so on.

Planting methods of blueberries

1. Deep ploughing and soil preparation: after the blueberry orchard is selected, the blueberry orchard should be deeply ploughed with green fertilizer one year before planting, and the depth should be 20cm to 25cm. The soil types that do not meet the requirements of blueberry should be improved before planting to facilitate the growth of organic blueberry.

2. Planting time: in the south which is not very dry in winter, it is best to plant from autumn to early spring, and it is suitable to plant in the rainy season in the dry place in autumn and winter, and it can be planted all the year round in places with irrigation conditions. It can also be planted in summer in Majiang, Guizhou.

3. Planting density: the planting depth of one-year-old seedlings is 15cm to 20cm, and the soil should be pressed tightly to achieve "three supports, two steps and one seedling". Rabbit-eyed blueberries often use 2 × 2 meters or 1.5 × 3 meters, tall clump blueberries 1.2 × 2 meters, dwarf blueberries (0.5 × 1) × 1 meter.

3. Pollination trees: rabbit eye blueberries must be equipped with pollination trees, high-clump blueberries and dwarf blueberries have higher self-pollination rate, but the allocation of pollination trees can also improve fruit quality and yield. the proportion of main varieties and pollinated varieties was 1:1 or 1:2.

4. Soil management: blueberry root distribution is shallow, and slender, no root hair, so the soil is required to be loose and well ventilated.

① clean ploughing method: clear ploughing can be carried out from early spring to August. Clear ploughing after autumn is disadvantageous to overwintering. Alpine blueberries are often cultivated on sandy loam. The suitable depth of clear ploughing is 5cm to 10cm, too deep is easy to harm the root system.

② grass growing method: that is, grass growing between rows. Compared with clean tillage, grass growing method is also beneficial to increase yield, and has the advantages of maintaining soil moisture and convenient mechanical operation.

③ mulching method: soil mulching method is widely used in blueberry production. It can increase soil organic matter, improve soil structure, regulate and maintain soil moisture, reduce soil pH value, control weeds and so on.

5. Fertilization methods: blueberries are recommended to use organic fertilizer when fertilizing. Farmland in China has caused serious pollution due to excessive use of chemical fertilizer, resulting in reduced or even no yield.

The type of ① fertilization: the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer is better than that of single fertilizer, the suitable ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1, ammonium nitrogen fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate is better, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is not suitable, and chlorine fertilizer such as ammonium chloride and potassium chloride is not suitable.

② fertilization method: tall clump and rabbit eye blueberry can be applied by ditch method, and the suitable depth is 10-15 cm. Fertilization is carried out before sprouting in early spring, or it can be applied again in the berry ripening period.

The amount of ③ fertilization: excessive fertilization can easily damage the blueberry tree and even kill the whole plant, so the amount of fertilizer application must be determined according to soil fertility and tree nutritional status.

6. Irrigation method: blueberry root distribution is shallow, like wet, timely irrigation is very necessary, but we should pay attention to water source and water quality. Deep well water generally has high pH value and high content of sodium and calcium. PH can be adjusted to 4.5-5.5 with sulfuric acid.

7. disease control: the diseases of blueberry are caused by fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and nematodes, but our country is a new introduction and cultivation area, so the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is less, so we can do a good job of prevention.

8. Timely harvest: the ripening period of blueberry fruits is different between Rabbit Eye and Nangao Cong. Generally, the harvest lasts for 20-30 days, usually once a week. The fruits should be picked manually when they are fresh, and can be harvested by machinery for processing.

Blueberry pictures and related introduction

Introduction: blueberry is a kind of fruit we often eat, so we should be familiar with blueberry. Blueberry is a very precious fruit, which not only has good edible value, but also has good economic value. In our country, many people grow blueberries and their families become rich. It can be said that blueberry is a kind of foreign fruit, because the output of blueberry is very small in China, but it is very large in Europe and the United States. Everyone has eaten blueberries, but what do you know about blueberries? Do you know the origin of blueberries and their growth habits? Today, the editor will give you a brief introduction to blueberries and the information related to blueberries. I hope you will get something after reading it.

Introduction to blueberries:

To understand blueberries, you must first understand the concept of blueberries, that is, what blueberries are and some other information about blueberries. The concept of blueberry is actually very simple, it is just a kind of fruit. As for why people call it blueberry? This is determined by his color, because it is a blue fruit, so people call him blueberry. Blueberry is actually a kind of foreign fruit, at the earliest, there was no place of blueberry in our country, and then our country began to introduce and plant blueberry. Blueberry is favored by people because of its rich nutritional value and its function and efficacy. Blueberries can prevent brain nerve aging and protect people's eyesight.

The main values of blueberries:

People like blueberries not because of their crystal clear color, but because of their unique value. Blueberry not only has good nutritional value, but also has good economic value. The nutritional value of blueberry is mainly reflected in its more nutrients. Blueberries are rich in a variety of vitamins and essential trace elements. After scientific research, often eating blueberries can prevent the aging of brain nerves, and teenagers eating blueberries can also protect eyesight and prevent myopia.

Price of blueberries:

When it comes to blueberries, we need to talk about the price of blueberries, which is a topic that people are most concerned about. Because the output of blueberry is not very large, and the production cost of blueberry is relatively high, so the price of blueberry in our country is relatively high. Generally speaking, the blueberries sold on the market are basically about 30 yuan per jin. The price of blueberries is not fixed, it is affected by many factors, such as output, region and the quality of blueberries, and so on.

These are the blueberry pictures shown by the editor today and some brief introductions to blueberries. If you are interested in blueberries, you can buy blueberries at the local market.

Detailed introduction of methods and steps of blueberry seedling cultivation

[blueberry planting] what are the methods and steps of blueberry seedling cultivation?

[expert answers]

Because blueberry has special growth habits and stringent requirements for environmental conditions, especially the rhizosphere environment, it requires acid soil (substrate) with loose and high content of organic matter, which greatly limits its cultivation scope. Moreover, blueberries have more stringent requirements on the environment in the seedling stage, and the whole process of blueberry seedling cultivation takes 9 months to reach the seedling standard.

The general qualified blueberry seedlings are as follows: the plant height of the north high clump variety is 35-40 cm, the number of clumps is 2-4, the base thickness of the branch and stem is 3-4 mm;, the plant height of the semi-high clump is 35 cm, the number of clumps is 3-4, the base thickness of the branch is 3-4 mm;, the plant grows healthily, the root system is developed, full of the whole substrate space, and there are no diseases and insect pests, which can ensure the survival of planting in the field. In the following, the first Agricultural Economics editor introduces the methods and steps of blueberry breeding.

How to raise blueberry seedlings?

Step 1. Rooting and domestication of blueberry tissue culture seedlings:

First of all, blueberry seedlings are transplanted from the bottle to the domestication bed to make them gradually adapt to the external environment and promote the roots (groups) with strong metabolic ability. This is the most important stage of raising seedlings after tissue culture. The rooting quality and survival rate after domestication directly affect the success or failure of raising seedlings. The main techniques include the construction of domestication bed, the selection of substrate and the management after planting.

1. Preparation of blueberry domestication bed:

For example, the simple domestication bed built in the greenhouse is a slope high in the north and low in the south, surrounded by bricks and cement columns to form a bed frame. The width of the frame is 80 cm, the height is 6 cm, and the length is 6 m. A liquid discharge trough is dug in the middle of the bottom of the bed, which is 5-6 cm wide and 2-3 cm deep, which passes through the south end discharge hole to the drainage groove outside the bed, paying attention to that the discharge hole is lower than the bottom of the discharge tank; the bottom of the discharge groove outside the bed is not less than 20 cm lower than the discharge hole, and the width of the groove is not less than 20 cm, so that it has a good discharge function.

The frame is lined with a plastic film with a thickness of 0.2 to 0.3 mm, which requires that the plastic should be undamaged and close to the sides of the bed and the ground. The plastic hole at the discharge hole is suitable for the size of the discharge hole and covered with screen window cloth to prevent the loss of matrix in the bed and facilitate the discharge function.

The number of beds built depends on the number of seedlings and rotation stubble (it takes about 60 days from planting to coming out of the nursery). After the bed is built, it must be thoroughly disinfected and covered with leachate layer and matrix to form a complete domestication bed.

The seepage layer of the seedling bed is mainly composed of some particulate materials with the function of leaching, such as river sand, sifted fine slag and so on. It is required that the particle size is 1 ~ 2 mm, too thick and too fine, and the thickness is 2-3 cm. Its function is to remove the excess liquid and increase the ventilation of the matrix, so as to maintain the appropriate air-water ratio of the matrix. The leachate layer was disinfected to kill bacteria and pests, then washed two or three times with an aqueous solution with a pH value of 4.5-4.7, drained and spread evenly on the plastic at the bottom of the bed.

Because the root system of blueberry is suitable for acid substrate with loose and high content of organic matter, the general pH value is 4.0-5.2. There are great differences in substrate requirements among different varieties, seedling age and growth period. The requirement of matrix is strict in seedling stage, and the requirement of matrix can be relaxed with the increase of seedling age.

2. Colonization of blueberry tissue culture seedlings:

Firstly, the tissue culture bottle seedlings were placed in the greenhouse for 3-5 days to adapt to the domesticated environment and improve the resistance of seedlings. After refining the seedlings, break the culture medium with tweezers, take out the seedlings, rinse repeatedly in clean water, and remove the medium. Pay attention to the operation as far as possible not to damage the root system; the culture medium should be rinsed, otherwise the breeding mold will affect the survival; the rinsing water temperature in winter is not lower than 13 ℃. According to the degree of difficulty of rooting among varieties, rootless and rootless seedlings were placed separately in order to facilitate rooting treatment when planting.

The row spacing of blueberry tissue culture plantlets was 1 cm × 4 cm and the depth was 0.5-1 cm. Too deep is not conducive to rooting, perishable, too shallow plants are easy to lodge. Rootless seedlings can be treated with rooting agent to promote their rooting.

3. Management methods of rooting and domestication of blueberries:

Domestication is mainly through scientific environmental regulation to promote the occurrence and growth of new roots and the formation of root groups, promote plant growth, improve photosynthetic capacity, and reach the standard of transplanting seedlings in a short time. In the whole process of rooting and domestication, the all-weather buckle arch shed management mode is adopted in order to realize the comprehensive control of the environment. The comprehensive regulation and control of environment is an important technical measure in the stage of rooting and domestication, which is related to the success or failure of rooting and domestication.

Temperature: the suitable range of temperature in the small arch shed is 15-30 ℃, the optimum range is 22-25 ℃ in daytime and 17-20 ℃ at night. Lower than 13 ℃ or higher than 32 ℃ is not conducive to rooting. When the temperature is too high, it is necessary to cool down in time, and shading or spraying water can be taken to cool the temperature. Before the root group was formed, the new leaves of the plant did not sprout. It is best not to take off the film to cool down, so as not to damage the plant. Remove the film 5-7 days before transplanting, properly refine the seedlings, and the temperature is 10 ℃ to improve the survival rate of transplanting.

Humidity: the suitable range of air relative humidity during blueberry rooting and domestication is 60%-90%. When the humidity decreases, micro-spray is adopted to increase the humidity. The requirements for humidity vary in different periods. In the initial stage (the initial formation of a new root after planting), the humidity is kept high, not less than 75%, to ensure that the plant does not lose water, which is conducive to rooting; in the middle stage (the initial formation of a large number of new roots), the humidity can be appropriately reduced. 60% 75% is appropriate, which can promote the growth of roots and new leaves; in the later stage (a nursery after the formation of root groups), the humidity requirements are not strict, 50% and 60%. At this time, the film can be properly exposed and released according to the growth and environmental changes, and the lower humidity is beneficial to control the occurrence of the disease.

Illumination: in the initial stage of blueberry domestication, in order to avoid water loss and wilting caused by excessive light, it is necessary to shade all day, and the light intensity is less than 5000 lx. At the same time, shading can reduce the temperature and maintain the relative stability of humidity. In the middle stage, with the formation of root system, it can gradually increase light and promote photosynthesis, which is beneficial to the growth of rooting and new leaves, and the suitable light intensity is 7500-10000 lx. In the later stage, the plant root group was formed, which had strong absorption capacity, which could improve the photosynthetic rate, promote the growth of stems and leaves, and be beneficial to the germination of basal buds.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests:

The main diseases harmful to plants in the stage of rooting and domestication of blueberry are gray mold, branch wilt and so on. According to the policy of "giving priority to prevention and comprehensive prevention", the disease is often checked and protective agents are sprayed at the right time.

Botrytis cinerea is a very harmful disease in blueberry seedling stage, which is mainly caused by high humidity and weak light. The symptoms are gray mildew in the stems and leaves of the plant, further infection, rot and death of the stem. Once found, spraying isocarbamides 800 times in time, once every 7-10 days, two or three times in a row, the effect is better.

Fusarium wilt of branches begins to wither from the growing point, gradually descends, the stem dies, and in severe cases, the whole plant dies. Spraying 1500 times of Jiatuo or 1000 times of double protection has a certain effect.

5. Growth regulation of blueberry seedlings:

In order to improve the rooting efficiency and plant survival rate, spraying appropriate growth regulators can get twice the result with half the effort at this stage according to different needs and purposes. For example, in order to promote slow seedling and rooting after planting, spraying primary and secondary rooting agent 1: 3000-4 ooO, spraying radionuclide 2000-4000 times once or twice to improve plant activity, and promoting plant growth and basal bud germination, GA320-50mg/L can be selected. Note that a small area test must be done before use.

The whole stage of rooting and domestication takes 40-60 days, which varies according to varieties and environmental conditions. At the end of this period, the strong seedling standard of the plant was as follows: the plant grew well, with new branches and leaves, 5-8 cm high, some basal buds germinated into branches, and the root group developed well and the root length 2-3 cm; was free from diseases and insect pests. After refining seedlings at low temperature, they can enter the stage of raising seedlings in a nutrition bowl.

Step 2, transfer to the nutrition bowl for cultivation:

Nutrition bowl seedling includes two stages: small nutrition bowl and large nutrition bowl. The seedlings after the small nutrition bowl stage (completed before the first ten days of July) can be directly used as open field colonization seedlings. If you need to continue to cultivate into large seedlings (blueberry seedlings have a high survival rate, commercial seedlings are mainly large seedlings), they will enter the stage of raising seedlings in a large nutrition bowl after changing bowls.

1. Selection and treatment of matrix.

At this stage, the blueberry seedling substrate should be the compound substrate with loose air permeability and high organic matter content. It can be mixed with the ratio of peat: pastoral soil = 2:1.

The prepared matrix must be disinfected and acidified before it can be used. The disinfectant for disinfection is evenly mixed or sprayed in the matrix to ensure that the relative humidity of the matrix reaches 50% 60% g/m3. There are some differences in pH requirements among different varieties of blueberries, and the optimum pH value ranges from 4 to 3 to 4.8.

2. Blueberry seedling colonization:

When planting blueberry seedlings, the substrate in the bowl should be sprayed with water, and after sinking, the seedlings should be planted in the middle of the substrate with a hole depth of 1-1.5 cm. After planting, the holes should be sealed, sprayed through the planting water, and covered with a small buckle shed to cover the sunshade net to slow down the seedlings. Note: when taking seedlings from the domestication bed, do not hurt the roots, the roots can take a certain domestication matrix, the seedlings should pay attention to moisturizing and avoid direct sunlight. The number of seedlings should not be too much each time.

3. Management of blueberry seedlings after planting:

Temperature, humidity and light management: blueberry seedlings after planting to slow seedling before, round-the-clock buckle small arch shed, promote slow seedling. The suitable temperature is 25 ℃ in daytime, the highest temperature is not more than 30 ℃, and the temperature is not lower than 13 ℃ at night.

The air relative humidity is not less than 70%, and the higher air humidity is beneficial to slow down the seedling and plant growth. The suitable substrate temperature is not less than 15 ℃, which is beneficial to root growth. The light is mainly scattered light, and the suitable light intensity is 15000-20 000 lx. Appropriate shading is carried out according to different periods of light. When the new shoots grow, the new leaves form, indicating the end of the slow seedling.

After slow seedling, the temperature is 20-25 ℃ during the day, pay attention to the air when it is too high, and the temperature is more than 13 ℃ at night. The substrate temperature is more than 13 ℃. The humidity is not limited, but the suitable humidity can promote the growth of seedlings. With the growth of the plant, the light intensity should be increased gradually, and the suitable value should be 20 000-30 000 lx. Shading is appropriate when the light is too strong, especially in summer, which is beneficial to plant growth.

4. Water and fertilizer management of blueberry seedlings:

When blueberry seedlings are cultivated in a nutrition bowl, water should be supplied timely, appropriately and regularly. If the water supply is excessive, the root growth is inhibited, and the acidity of the matrix is easy to be leached, which can not guarantee the suitable pH value in the later stage of seedling cultivation; the water supply is insufficient, the substrate is too dry, the physiological function of the root system is blocked, or even die, and the acidizing effect of sulfur is too slow.

The pH value of water for blueberry seedlings is neutral or acidic, and soft water is suitable.

The nutrient solution of blueberry seedlings can be designed according to the needs of different growth stages of the plant. The nutrition formula used in the early stage was mainly to promote root formation and stem and leaf growth, and the nutrition formula in the middle and later stage (i.e. N:P:K=1:1:1, appropriate amount of trace elements) to promote the germination of basal buds and the growth of branches. The pH value of nutrient solution is suitable in the range of 4.5-4.8. Spray once a week. Each time the dosage should be a small amount of liquid exudation from the drainage hole at the bottom of the bowl, too much is easy to cause waste of nutrient solution. In order to prevent the young part of the plant from being damaged by the residual nutrient solution, spray it with a small amount of water after application.

The alternate supply of water and fertilizer should be adopted to coordinate the interval time, times and application amount of water and fertilizer on the premise of ensuring the humidity of the substrate, so as to supply plant nutrition and water scientifically and rationally, so as to achieve the best state of balanced and stable plant growth.

5. Trimming of blueberry seedlings:

Before the basal buds of blueberry seedlings are not branched, they are generally not pruned, increase the leaf area as much as possible, accumulate nutrients, and promote root growth and basal bud germination. When the clumpy branches are formed, the lower thin and weak branches should be properly removed to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions and promote the growth of strong branches.

In the middle and early stage of seedling raising in small nutrition bowl, the growth potential is weak, in order to stimulate physiological activity, appropriate concentration of growth regulator can be sprayed. In the initial stage of planting, in order to promote rooting and slow seedling, rooting agent can be sprayed 1-2000-4000 times once or twice. In order to promote shoot growth, leafless branch germination and basal bud germination, 20-50 mg/L GA3 could be sprayed two or three times after slow seedling, and the effect was significant. Note that tests should be done before using growth regulators.

6. Disease and pest control of blueberry seedlings:

Botrytis cinerea of blueberry seedlings mainly occurred in the small arch shed at the initial stage of planting. Due to low temperature, low light and high humidity, the disease is very easy to occur and does serious harm. The symptoms were gray mildew in all parts of the plant, and the whole plant died in severe cases. The effect of isocarbamides was better in spray control, such as 1000 times of carbendazim, 1200 times of carbendazim, 1500 times of propofol, 1000 times of chlorpheniramine, once every 10 days, two or three times in a row.

Blueberry seedling root (stem) rot occurs in the early stage of planting, harms the root or near the matrix stem, and causes serious death. First of all, disinfect the matrix, control the humidity of the substrate to make it relatively stable, and spray chlorpromazine 4000 times solution and doxorin 1500 times solution in time.

The branch wilt of blueberry seedlings mainly occurred in the middle and early stage, and the tip of the new shoot (branch) was necrotic and infected downward along the stem until the whole plant died. Protective agents can be sprayed regularly, such as 1500 times of Jiatuo liquid, 1000-1500 times of Bibao, 1500 times of carbendazim and so on.

Blueberry seedling aphids mainly harm new shoots and are easy to spread virus diseases. once they occur, it is necessary to control them in time, such as 1500-2000 times of imidacloprid, 2000 times of aphid lice, 2000-3000 times of avermectin and so on.

The stage of raising seedlings in a small nutrient bowl can be completed after 3 to 4 months of cultivation and management. The standard of the plant was as follows: the root system was full of bowl wall, there were no dead roots, the plant grew well, the average number of basal buds was 2 or 3, the plant height was 15 cm, the stem diameter was 0.5 mm, and there were no diseases and insect pests. The seedling can be used as a colonized seedling. If the seedlings can be planted in the same year before mid-July (Xiongyue area in southern Liaoning), the survival rate is more than 99%. Strengthen field management, sturdy branches can reach more than 40 cm before dormancy, and flower buds can be formed. It is too late to plant in the open field. If you want to continue to grow into large seedlings, you must continue to raise seedlings in a large nutrition bowl.

[editor's conclusion] Blueberry is a kind of fruit which is very demanding to the environment and difficult to grow. Limited by the environment and the growth cycle of blueberry itself, the price of blueberry in the market has been high. Even the seedling process of blueberry seedlings takes 9 months to meet the seedling standards. The first Agricultural Economics Xiaobian above introduced to you the methods and steps of cultivating blueberry seedlings. I like to help you.