
How much is a fig sapling? Introduction to the price and planting method of fig seedlings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Figs are the fruits of deciduous shrubs of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, also known as Ampelopsis grossedentata, Milk berries, Pingxian Fruit, etc., originally from the Mediterranean coast. China was introduced from Persia in the Tang Dynasty and is now cultivated in the north and south, especially in the south. Its cultivation value is very high and the benefit is very obvious.

Figs are the fruits of deciduous shrubs of the genus Ficus of Moraceae, also known as Ampelopsis grossedentata, Milk berries, Pingxian Fruit, etc., originally from the Mediterranean coast. China was introduced from Persia in the Tang Dynasty, and now it is cultivated in the north and south, especially in the south. Its cultivation value is very high and the benefit is very obvious. Let's take a look at the price and planting method of fig seedlings.

How much is a fig seedling?

The price of fig seedlings is about 2-4 yuan, but it varies according to the variety, specification, origin and quantity of fig seedlings. At present, it is known that there are 800 varieties of figs, most of which are evergreen, and only those growing in temperate regions are deciduous varieties. They like warm and humid climate, barren, drought-resistant, cold-resistant and waterlogged. It is suitable to be cultivated in sunny, deep, loose, fertile, well-drained sandy soil or clayey loam.

What kinds of figs do you have?

1. Blanc: both summer and autumn fruit species, summer fruit is less, mainly autumn fruit, summer fruit is oval, autumn fruit is inverted vertebra or Obovate, the average weight of single fruit is 50g to 60g, the pericarp is yellowish brown, the flesh is reddish brown, the tree potential is moderate, the tree posture is semi-open, the tree body is dwarfed, the branch is weak, the continuous fruiting ability is strong, the yield is not high, cold tolerance and salt tolerance are strong.

2. Green bark: both summer and autumn fruit species, mainly autumn fruit. The autumn fruit is in the shape of an inverted vertebra, with a single fruit weighing 60-80g, light green at maturity, the top of the fruit does not crack, but the shoulder of the fruit is cracked and the pulp is purplish red. The tree is prosperous, the tree posture is half-open, the branches are stout, the branches are less, the cold resistance is medium, the disease resistance is strong, and the salt tolerance is strong.

3. Penglai persimmon: special species for autumn fruit, but very few summer fruit. The autumn fruit is inverted vertebra or oval, the top of the fruit is round and slightly flat and easy to crack, the single fruit weighs 60 to 70 grams, the pericarp is thick purplish red, the flesh is bright red and sweet, but the flesh is thick and has no aroma. The tree is extremely strong, the tree posture is upright, and the crown is tall and vigorous. Sparse branches, long and stout branches, good cold resistance.

Propagation methods of figs

1. Cuttage propagation: in the middle and late March, fig cuttings selected strong branches obliquely inserted into the soil, the rest exposed, filled and compacted, watered to keep the soil moist, rooting for about 1 month, and transplanting after 1 year.

2. Split propagation: figs are planted separately from February to March, planting according to the row spacing of 3 × 3 meters, pruning before planting, removing dense branches or withered branches, and planting before sap flow or leaf spreading.

3. Striping propagation: the striping propagation of figs is relatively simple, which is the same as that of ordinary flowers and plants, but because the propagation coefficient is small, it is often used when it is difficult to propagate cuttings and ramets or when it is necessary to reproduce larger new plants.

The planting method of figs

1. Timely planting: figs can be planted in pots or in barren slopes, fields and courtyards, the planting density can be increased appropriately, trees can be thinned properly when they grow up, mixed fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium should be used as base fertilizer, and transplanting after defoliation in autumn. the flowering and fruiting period should be avoided.

2. Rational fertilization: if the basal fertilizer is insufficient in the growing period of young fig trees, about 5 kg of rotten miscellaneous fertilizer should be applied at 40 cm away from the main root, and 15 kg of rotten farm manure should be applied to mature trees. Topdressing should be in the period of vigorous shoot growth and rapid expansion of fruit.

3. Drainage and irrigation: figs are more resistant to drought and waterlogging, and more water is needed during the period of shoot growth and fruit expansion, but the environment with long-term waterlogging or heavy stagnant water is easy to cause flower drop, fruit drop, leaf drop, and even death, so we should also pay attention to drainage.

4. Shaping and pruning: the technical requirement of pruning and shaping of figs is not high, and the natural happy pruning of multiple main branches is generally adopted, but the whole plant should retain 3 or 5 main branches, no lateral branches, and the main branch group is directly planted on the main branch.

5. timely harvest: figs mature from mid-July to November. Picking should be carried out in the morning or evening on a sunny day. There is a small hole at the top of the ripe fruit, and the peel is picked when the color of the inherent variety appears.

6. pest control: figs have fewer diseases and insect pests, which are easy to cause harm to mulberry cattle during the fruit growing period, and are easy to be damaged by birds when the fruit is ripe. In addition to artificially catching mulberry cattle and driving away birds, they can be killed artificially or medically. Scarecrows and other birds can also be used to drive away birds.

Fig planting method _ how much is the fig seedling?

Content Abstract: fig tree, the origin of the name is because its florescence is short, flowers and fruits are integrated, it is difficult to find, the main growth area is tropical, now the regional distribution is more common in India, Africa, America and other regions, the domestic introduction is relatively late. The longest fig tree can reach more than 10 meters, which is a shrub, so it is difficult to cultivate artificially and the environmental requirements are high. The next part of this article is the method of growing figs and the price details of fig saplings.

[fig tree propagation method] before planting fruit trees, the first thing that needs to be carried out is propagation. Fig trees can choose to propagate mainly by inserting rods. Around the end of March every year, the healthy and excellent fig tree is taken as the mother plant. It is necessary to select the branches and trunks that do not have new buds within 3 years, cut off about 1.5 meters of robust branches, and then cut them short and cut them into cuttings of about 30 centimeters. On the other hand, ditching is mainly used for propagation, with a distance of 50 cm per row. The prepared insertion treaty is 2/3 on the way, and the soil is filled tightly and watered frequently to maintain its soil wettability, while each fig tree can propagate for about 1 month, and then transplant and carry seeds.

[fig tree planting method] 1. Planting: you can choose to plant in pots, or in the courtyard or on the hillside, and when planting, the row spacing of each fig tree should be kept at about two meters, and the depth of the custom pit should be more than 50 centimeters to ensure that its diameter is not less than 40 centimeters. two。 Fertilizing before planting: prepare mixed fertilizer after planting, apply it as base fertilizer in the soil pit, cover the fine soil, and plant the transplanted fig seedlings. Remind that the best time to transplant is before and after Ching Ming Festival, mostly in autumn, but when planting, it should be avoided with fruit florescence and fruit period. 3. Loosening soil and weeding: after about 10 days, the fig tree was successfully transplanted. At this time, the work of loosening soil and weeding can be carried out to facilitate the root absorption of nutrients. 4. Fertilization after survival: the fertilization of fig trees is mostly at the seedling stage, and the best choice for fertilization is miscellaneous fertilizer, which is about 40 cm away from the tree. Each seedling fig tree can accept about 5 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer, while the mature fig tree can accept about 15 kg of miscellaneous fertilizer. 5. Drainage: fig trees in the seedling stage should be drained. Fig trees damaged by stagnant water for a long time are prone to withering, falling flowers and fruits. During daily rainstorms and heavy rains, yuan should do a good job in protecting them from rain. 6. Pest control: fig tree diseases and pests, the more common is the skill to receive mulberry cattle, birds attack, can use artificial, drug pest control, or artificial bird drive, can also make scarecrow to drive birds.

[fig variety introduction] Blanrec figs: the origin of the fig is France, and the fruit is conical, the fruit color is dark red, the cold resistance is obvious, and the fruit period is from August to October, this kind of fig is very easy to store, free from frost injury, the yield is guaranteed, and the market is common. Its flesh is light pink, full of juice, relieving summer heat and giving birth to fluid. And the fruit is large, enjoyable to eat, and can be made into delicacies, fruit juices, jams, preserves and so on. Penglai persimmon figs: this kind of fig fruit, mostly round, red in color, can be eaten by peeling off the pericarp during maturity. And Penglai persimmon figs, the fruit tail has a stamen-shaped pedicel, similar to persimmon, the fruit shape is unique, but because the yield is limited, so it is difficult to buy. However, it is rich in nutrients, and raw food can be used for health care. The fruit has the advantages of easy planting, good cold tolerance, loose branches and leaves, tall crown and thick pericarp. Green fig: this kind of fruit is mainly in autumn, most of which are conical, the fruit is larger, and the average weight can reach more than 60g. There is no fruit stalk, the top of the fruit is not dehiscent, and the inside of the fruit is hollow. The tree type is semi-open, the branches are stout, and the branches are few. On the other hand, the green fig itself has good salt tolerance, good resistance to diseases and insect pests, the fruit yield is guaranteed, and the pulp contains more than 16% soluble solids. Common varieties: fig tree has been proved that there are more than 100 kinds of classification, the distribution of different varieties is more diffuse, and each adapt to the growth environment is different. In addition to Blanrik figs, Penglai persimmon figs, green figs, the more common varieties are Jin Aofen figs, beautiful figs, purple fruits and so on.

[fig tree details interpretation] Fig seedlings grow slowly, and their flowering trees need to be cultured for at least 5 years, and can bear fruit in the same year. Because the fig tree represents auspiciousness, in the Dream interpretation of the Duke of Zhou, the dream of the fig tree is usually regarded as an auspicious sign. Fig tree represents convergence, happiness and auspiciousness. On the contrary, seeing it in a dream means that you will encounter unpleasant things in real life, and you need to be careful in daily life. Some patients dream of fig trees, indicating that the pain will be dispelled, while women dream that they are about to get pregnant.

[fig purchase details] detail 1: figs are natural fruits, unmanned pesticide spraying phenomenon, healthy and harmless, and there is a black spot on figs, which is a normal phenomenon, figs are dark, and the appearance of black spots does not mean that they are bad. On the contrary, it is because of the high sugar content in the fruit and the formation of black spots that can be eaten at ease. Detail 2: figs are rich in pectin. After breaking the flesh, there can be obvious lubrication and bright silk, and the taste is too sweet and there is no obvious acidity. Detail 3: while choosing and buying, figs can be picked up and carefully observed. If they are beautiful, the fruit is colorful, and have obvious special taste, they are bleached products, real figs, with dark surface glossiness and no bright feeling. And the peel will smell elegant and fragrant.

[fig picking details] after the figs are picked, it can be found that the pericarp will quickly change from green to black, the color of the fruit will be dark and ugly, but it actually means that the fruit is ripe and edible, and the pulp will be sweeter, but because it becomes softer after picking, it is not easy to transport, so it is mostly sold locally. The wear and tear of the pericarp does not affect the consumption, but the pedicel can be retained at the same time of picking, which can effectively prolong the preservation time, and the best picking time is in the morning, picking in the hot sun at noon, which is not conducive to the fruit of the second year and affects its yield.

[how much is the fig seedling] Fig seedlings can be determined according to their molding state, tree age and market trend, as well as according to the rarity of the seedlings. The price of the seedlings with 5-year fruit is about 10-20 yuan. The price of 5-year-old fig seedlings is about 28 yuan, while that of 8-year-old fig trees is 68 yuan, and that of 10-year-old fig seedlings is about 120 yuan. The fig tree whose seedlings are in the fruiting stage is 2 meters old and the price is about 500 yuan.

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How much are the fig saplings?

Figs are very high in nutrients, a variety of amino acids and vitamins. Figs are not only nutritious, fig leaves also have good medicinal properties, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, leukoplakia have a good effect, fig root is also a dose of traditional Chinese medicine, it can be said that the whole body is a treasure. So how much does a fig sapling cost? How to plant fig trees?

How much are the fig saplings?

The price of fig seedlings is generally about 2 to 10 yuan, and the price will vary from region to region. So the specific price still needs to consult in your local area.

How to plant figs

1. The non-saline-alkali soil should be selected for the site selection. Although it is resistant to salt and alkali, it contains slightly higher salt and alkali, and it is easy to die during the cutting period, so it is better to use fertile sandy soil and soil with high content of organic matter.

2. Cuttings should be collected when the sap stops flowing after defoliation in autumn, and before germination in spring. The germinating branches from the ground or the lower trunk of the mother tree were used as cuttings. in order to ensure the quality of storage, the cuttings should be soaked in clean water for about 3 days before storage. After fishing, one layer of sandy soil was harvested, and proper amount of water was poured to keep the soil moist.

3. Cutting method, cutting with cuttings with suitable thickness, smooth cutting, no splitting, and a length of about 20 cm. According to local conditions, the ground should be refined and fertilized to make a bed. Generally, the bed is 50 cm wide, 33 cm high or 35 cm high, with a monopoly distance of about 35 cm. The cutting depth is 17-18 cm with the cuttage and watering. The cutting time should be controlled about 3 days before the local healing and rooting period, at this time cutting can reduce the influence of external adverse climate, and its healing growth rate is fast.

How to manage fig trees

1. Base fertilizer was applied before bud germination from late February to early March. Digging 3-4 deep 30~40cm holes around the tree from the trunk 50cm, the rotten barnyard manure 20kg and 0.5 can improve the sweetness of the fruit and the disease resistance of the tree, at the same time, calcium can also inhibit the growth of the new shoot, which is beneficial to increase the yield and single fruit weight, so it is necessary to apply more calcium fertilizer. From February to April every year, fig trees are often damaged by grass scale, which affects the germination and the growth of branches and leaves. At the beginning of February, when the nymph began to climb the tree, the soil 5cm was shallow ploughed within 1m of the trunk, then the ground was evenly sprayed with phoxim 1000 times solution, and then covered with plastic film to kill the unearthed nymph.

You can also use an appropriate amount of diesel oil to smear the trunk for 1 week, about 10cm wide, and then wrap it in a film to block the damage caused by nymphs. When the temperature rises from February to March in early spring, the transpiration water loss of the fig tree is large, but the ground temperature is still low, the root system is not active, and the water can not be absorbed in time, resulting in the loss of water in the branches and the phenomenon of striping, which can be reduced by spraying water on the trees in spring. Fig sprouting ability is strong, in order to reduce nutrient consumption, shoot thinning can be carried out twice in 2 or 3 leaves in spring, and 50-60 fruiting branches can be left in each 5-year-old tree.

2. From late May to early July, the temperature is suitable and the light is sufficient, which is the peak period of fig flower bud differentiation and new shoot growth, so nutrition should be supplemented in time. Generally, topdressing was carried out twice in early June and early July. At the distance from the trunk 50~80cm, the annular trench of 15cm was dug deep and 200kg 250g diammonium phosphate was applied. In addition, dense branches, weak branches and overgrown branches should be removed from the end of June and the beginning of July in order to improve the ventilation and light transmission conditions of trees, ease apical dominance, reduce nutrient consumption, and promote flower bud differentiation and fruit development.

3. In early August, when figs begin to bear fruit, in order to promote flower bud differentiation and facilitate early ripening and large and uniform fruit, it is necessary to pick the hearts of prosperous shoots. There are many Rain Water from July to August, so we should pay attention to eliminate the stagnant water around the fig tree in time. If the soil moisture is too much, the sweetness of the fruit will be reduced or the fruit will crack, or even the whole plant will die. When figs are about to ripen, they often emit sweetness, attracting groups of Sautéed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork to look for food. the fruit is often bitten out of holes or even hollowed out, losing its edible value. In order to control the harm of ants, viscose or diesel oil mixed with a small amount of phoxim can be applied on the tree trunk to prevent Sautéed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork from harming, or to pick the fruit with a handle when it is about to ripen. The signs to judge the maturity of fruit are: bright color, uniform coloring and gloss of pericarp; soft flesh, loose pericarp and fine wrinkles; neck downward, fruit drooping.

4. Figs are native to tropics and subtropics, like warm climate, and have weak resistance to cold and low temperature. When attacked by cold current or low temperature, frost injury often occurs, the bark shrinks and the color turns brown. In order to prevent frost injury, organic fertilizer should be applied after defoliation in November, water and soil should be watered and cultivated before freezing, and branches and stems should be whitened in time. Before the cold spell in winter, tie up a bundle of corn stalks and erect a circle around the tree to protect against the wind and the cold.

The economic value of figs

Fig is still one of the fastest fruit trees in the world, and it has high yield, no big or small years, less diseases and insect pests, and easy cultivation and management. When figs are planted in the same year, the yield of figs can reach 2 kg and 500 kg per mu if they are properly managed. What is more peculiar is that the seedlings can bear a lot of fruit in the nursery that year, which is very rare in fruit trees. This excellent characteristic of figs enables the investment to be recovered in a very short time, which is extremely conducive to arousing the production enthusiasm of the broad masses of fruit farmers, and is also extremely conducive to the industrialization of local governments and meeting the requirements of large domestic companies pursuing profit maximization. It is one of the best projects for large funds to invest in agriculture. Enter the high-yield period in 3-5 years, the yield per mu in the high-yield period is generally more than 2500 kg, among which the highest yield of green fig is more than 3500 kg per mu, and there are few diseases and insect pests in no year, which is especially beneficial to the production of green fruit, which is in line with the international trend.

Most fig varieties bear fruit in summer and autumn, and the fruit ripens one after another from June to November. The fresh fruit sales time is long, the sales pressure is small, and the processing time is greatly prolonged, which is especially beneficial to improve the utilization rate of factory equipment. Fig trees have a long life, with a general economic life of 30 to 50 years.

Through the above content, we understand the approximate price of fig seedlings, and discuss more deeply about the planting and later management of figs. Figs do play a great role, whether as a fruit containing a lot of vitamins or as a traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of some diseases are particularly good, such as it seems that the prospect of planting figs is very considerable.