
Culture techniques of Gekko gecko

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture techniques of Gekko gecko

Gecko gecko is the scientific name gecko, also known as Xian toad, Duoge, Harbin crab, etc. it is a reptile of the gecko family. Taiwan is called Dashou Palace, with a body length of more than 30 centimeters and a head length greater than the tail length. China is distributed in Yunnan, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. It belongs to the second-class protected animals of the country, and its medicinal value is very high. Let's take a look at the breeding techniques of gecko.

The living habits of Gekko gecko

Gecko lives in limestone areas with vegetation in the tropics and subtropics, often living in cliff caves, crevices or tree caves in stone mountains, and sometimes living near the eaves and walls of people's houses. Strong hearing, but poor eyesight during the day, afraid of strong light stimulation, pupils are often closed into a vertical slit. The food is mainly active insects, including mole cicadas, grasshoppers, moths, cicadas, yellow powder insects and silkworm moths, etc., which do not eat dead insects and food, but can also be released after artificial domestication. The artificial breeding of gecko should be based on the principle of animal insects and plant insects, otherwise it will easily lead to gecko malnutrition and disease.

Site construction of Gekko gecko

1. Feeding boxes: in places rich in insect sources, choose ventilated, cool and clean bungalows or buildings as feeding rooms, and set up several feeding boxes indoors. The feeding box is generally made from an old packing small wooden case with a size of 50 × 40 × 30 cm. Half of the box surface is sealed with plastic screen or iron screen, and the other half is made of wood into a movable box cover, which is covered with a small hole for feed. The feeding box should be tight and seamless, so as to prevent the insects from escaping. You can also use a cabinet-type feeding box with a size of 50 × 30 × 25 cm, with wooden boards above, the upper half of the front wall sealed with iron screen windows, and the lower half of the movable wooden doors. In order to adapt to the living habits of gecko, the front can be covered with green cloth, and closed with thick paper at the end of autumn to prevent the attack of cold wind.

2. Breeding room: select forest side, hillside and field cave with rich insect sources to build. The size of the area depends on the scale of feeding, generally 4 meters long, 3 meters wide and 3 meters high. There is a gecko activity field built at the top or behind of the breeding room, the roof is 1.2 to 1.5 meters high, surrounded by barbed wire, the breeding room is connected with the activity field, so it is convenient for gecko to get in and out. The breeding room has a work door for breeders to get in and out. The activity field built at the back of the breeding room can be formed into a suite with the feeding room. The top of the activity field is surrounded by barbed wire, so that gecko can see the dew but can not escape. In order to prevent gecko from eating each other, large and small gecko should be raised in separate rooms, and small gecko should build additional feeding rooms.

3. Rockery feeding: this feeding method is to artificially simulate the natural conditions of the stone mountain and build a feeding house surrounded by barbed wire. Rockery should be built on the edge of the field near the village or where there are many sources of worms at the foot of the mountain. It is generally made of limestone, and the rockery is stacked into several small chambers, and there are many cracks and caves left in the wall that are easy to observe, which can be used as a place for gecko to hide during the day and overwintering in winter. the indoor gap is connected with the gap around the rockery, which is convenient for gecko to enter and leave. The room needs to be equipped with a pool and recreation pool, and a black light is installed to trap insects. Flowers and plants are planted on and around the rockery, such as spring, jasmine, Qianlixiang, seven-leaf flower and other gecko favorite plants.

4. Stocking farm: at present, there are two kinds of Dushan stocking and isolated island stocking.

① Dushan stocking: in the gecko producing area, choose the only stone mountain near the village, luxuriant vegetation and flat around as the stocking place. Build a 1.5m high wall around the foot of the gecko. The wall is 60cm long, 50cm high, 40cm wide and 2cm 2.5cm thick. The dry fine river sand is stacked inside, and the sand should be kept tight inside and inclined into a 50 °slope. This forms a line of defense to prevent gecko from escaping. Build some natural caves in the stone mountain to make gecko concealed in order to raise and observe. In addition, several black light lamps were installed in different directions of Shishan to lure insects for gecko to eat. The number of stocking depends on the size of the mountain and the source of insects.

② island breeding: choose a small isolated island surrounded by water, where there should be vegetation and stone mountain caves for geckos to hide. Install black light to trap insects in the places where gecko is active to supplement gecko feed. The stocking method of gecko is very similar to the original growth environment of gecko. When the feed is sufficient, gecko develops rapidly, but it is not easy to observe, check and catch.

Feeding methods of Gekko gecko

The main results are as follows: 1. Box culture: 15 clam scale species are put in each box in the wooden box, and 6 million in the cabinet feeding box. From May to October, the feeding box (cabinet) should be placed in a dark and ventilated place indoors. Because it is impossible to trap insects with black light at night, it is generally fed once a day, and once in the morning and afternoon during the peak feeding period from July to September.

2. Room raising: the feed of gecko in the house is mainly to attract wild insects, such as building a breeding room in the field, it is not suitable to spray pesticides around the breeding room, or do not turn on black light to lure insects within 2 days after spraying, so as to avoid gecko poisoning by eating insects with pesticides. A number of hemp tablets can be hung on the four walls of the room to facilitate gecko concealment and oviposition during the day. Fresh water is placed in the room for gecko to drink, and a pool is set up for gecko to play in hot days. Generally, 200 and 300 geckos can be raised in each room. In the season with abundant insect sources, the use of black light to trap insects every night can basically meet the feed needs of gecko. In the season with few insect sources, feed should be put in once or twice a day. Gecko gecko can find food after hatching, and some tiny insects are fed to it every day. In the peak season, black light can be used to lure insects, while in the off-season, feed is fed once or twice a day.

Feeding and management of Gekko gecko

1, feed: gecko active period, except for rainy days, every evening to turn on the black light to lure insects to provide feed. When there is a shortage of natural insects, they should be fed to artificially raised insects, especially adults and young geckko before hibernation, to make them strong and safe through the winter. In addition, gecko drinking water and swimming pool water should be changed frequently to keep it clean.

2. Cleaning site: the indoor box breeding, house breeding and rockery breeding sites are small and should be cleaned frequently, and the feces and remaining feed discharged by gecko should be removed in time, so that gecko can grow and reproduce under a cleaner condition and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

3. Control the temperature: after the beginning of winter, thicken the flax hanging on the wall and close the doors and windows. If the temperature drops below 10 ℃, the 100W Changming electric lamp should be heated or lit indoors to raise the indoor temperature and make the gecko pass the winter safely. When the temperature rises above 30 ℃ in summer, in addition to opening doors and windows for ventilation, water should be sprayed indoors to cool down, or water should be sprayed on the body of clam scale several times a day. At the same time, the swimming pool should always be filled with water so that gecko can enter the pool to cool down.

4. Protect the egg block: the male gecko has the habit of eating eggs, and other animals will also damage the clam scale eggs. During the spawning period, the egg mass should be checked frequently and the egg mass produced should be covered with iron gauze in time to protect it.

5. Strengthen inspection: some diseases of gecko have been found through trial culture for many years, but there is no better way to cure these diseases. In order to prevent the spread of disease, must be checked frequently, found that sick gecko (often found mouth rot, crawling powerless, falling from the wall to the ground, etc.), should be isolated and treated in time.

Harvest and processing of Gekko gecko

1. Harvest: April to September every year is the activity and breeding season of gecko, and it is also the time to catch gecko. In the distribution area of gecko, observe the holes in the cliff of Shishan and around and below the tree hole. if the feces of gecko are found, they can be captured by the following methods:

① uses a thin bamboo pole about 1 meter long, with a handful of messy hair at the top, extends into the hole and shakes constantly. Gecko is mistaken for flying insects or enemies, so it bites the hair. At this time, the bamboo pole is pulled out, and the gecko is pulled out of the hole and caught immediately.

② uses a 1-meter-long wire, one end of which is bent into a hook, which extends into the human hole and catches outside the hole when it hooks at the gecko's eye socket or jaw.

③ shines and catches with a flashlight in the place where gecko is often active at night.

2. Processing: the gecko caught should be kept strictly in a small iron cage or bamboo basket. Take the captured gecko, cut open the abdomen with a knife, remove the internal organs, wipe the blood dry (unwashable), spread it with thin bamboo slices and flat bamboo strips, and tie the tail with sandpaper to avoid breaking it, and then dry it with gentle fire. Synthesize a pair of the same size.