
How much is Mandarin Fish per jin?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How much is Mandarin Fish per jin?

Mandarin Fish has a flat body, a raised back, a thick body, a pointed head, rich and solid flesh, delicious taste, rich in protein, less spurs, can tonify the five internal organs, benefit the spleen and stomach, inflate the stomach, and treat deficiency and damage. it is suitable for qi and blood weakness and can treat diseases such as deficiency, fatigue and blood under the intestinal wind. Do you know how much Mandarin Fish costs per jin?

How much is Mandarin Fish per jin?

Mandarin Fish's price is generally about 40 to 60 yuan per catty, due to different regions and continuous changes in production, Mandarin Fish's price will also change accordingly.

Mandarin fish is famous at home and abroad for its tender and delicious meat. it is a well-known freshwater fish treasure and is widely sold at home and abroad. Due to the decreasing amount of natural resources, the caught mandarin fish can no longer meet the market demand, and the artificial culture of mandarin fish has been developed rapidly. in particular, the success and popularization of domestication and conversion technology experiments (from live bait fish to chilled fish to complete artificial formula feed) have further promoted the scale of artificial culture of mandarin fish. The seedlings of mandarin fish cultured in the north are mainly natural seedlings caught from reservoirs and artificial breeding seedlings purchased from the south. Because the number of natural seedlings is far from enough to meet the needs of production, mandarin fish fry are mainly purchased and transported from the south in recent years. On the other hand, there are some problems in the purchase, transportation and breeding of seedlings from the south, such as low survival rate, easy to bring exogenous diseases and insect pests and high production cost.

So the price of Mandarin Fish in the south is cheaper than that in the north.

The nutritional value of Mandarin Fish

1. Mandarin Fish contains protein, fat, a small amount of vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, selenium and other nutrient elements. the meat is delicate and easy to digest. For children, the elderly and people with weak body and poor digestive function of the spleen and stomach, eating Mandarin Fish can replenish deficiency and don't have to worry about digestive difficulties.

2. Eating Mandarin Fish has the function of "consumption worm", that is to say, it is beneficial to the rehabilitation of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

3. Osmanthus fish is not high in calories and is rich in antioxidants, so it is an excellent choice for women who crave delicacy, want beauty but are afraid of obesity.

How to choose and purchase Mandarin Fish

The seafood products purchased are fresh. Buying fresh seafood is the premise of making good seafood delicacies. Today, the editor will introduce to you how to choose and buy Mandarin Fish. The following is about Mandarin Fish's strategy:

1. High-quality Mandarin Fish has exophthalmos and transparent cornea. Fresh fish have clear, bright, full eyes, protruding eyes and black-and-white eyes.

2. Mandarin Fish fish Gill color is bright red, the cheek silk is clear, the scale is complete and shiny, not easy to fall off. Fresh fish scales are bright and complete, neat and intimate, and there will be no sloppy shedding.

3. The mouth of fresh fish is slightly closed but easy to open, the abdomen is normal and does not expand, and the cloacal cavity hole is white and sunken. If you gently press the fish belly with your hand, you will not see any mucus spill out of its cloacal hole, including a clean mouth.

4. Mandarin Fish's fish is solid and elastic.