
White palms just don't blossom and learn this trick. White palms keep blooming and rotting roots never appear again.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why my white palm light leaves do not blossom how to solve? If the white palm is properly maintained and the temperature is right, it will grow and blossom all the time, because every leaf will grow a flower to bloom.

Why my white palm light leaves do not blossom how to solve?

If the white palm is properly maintained and the temperature is right, he will always grow and blossom all the time, because every leaf of them will grow a flower from one leaf to bloom, and his habit is similar to that of Anthurium andraeanum. If the white palm grows normally, there are usually only two reasons.

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White palm is more resistant to shade. But it does not mean that he does not like the light, the light is sufficient, his leaves grow much more, and then bloom more, put it in a relatively dark place, he can not see the light, it will cause it to grow leaves and not blossom, even if it can blossom, there are few flowers, and the shape is not good-looking. If you want the white palm to keep growing and blooming, we must give him enough light. We can give him morning light, or we can give him afternoon light to avoid noon light. Sufficient light can make his leaves dark green and make him blossom more.

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In one case, if you have enough light. And it's growing. But it does not blossom, and the main reason for his situation is improper fertilization. Plants want to blossom more, there must be enough phosphorus supplement, we give her a long time to use nitrogen-based fertilizer supplement, it will cause it to grow leaves do not blossom, nitrogen fertilizer is to promote the growth of leaves. Phosphate fertilizer is to promote flower bud differentiation, promote its flowering more. Potash fertilizer promotes the sturdiness of roots and stems, and white palm fertilization generally chooses multi-element mixed fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium. For example, Huaduoduo No.2, the pot soil surface can also be sprinkled with Aolu A2, and only such fertilizer can promote it to blossom more.

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In general, if the white palm raised by the family grows very well, the continuous long leaves will not blossom, only in these two cases, and another is that we should not water them too often. Watering too often can easily cause his long leaves to bloom more and blossom less, but it will not cause him not to blossom. There is another reason, if your white palm is hydroponic, it is recommended that you change the soil culture, hydroponic white palm blooming is not easy.

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