
This kind of flower is grafted Shenmu, what to marry, what to blossom, and very fairy.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Flower friends who like to play with grafted crab claw orchids must know a very good grafted rootstock, Ye Xian. Some places are also called wooden unicorn, grow very fast, generally used to graft crab claw orchid, but also some flower friends graft cactus. Some flower friends.

Flower friends who like to play with grafted crab claw orchids must know a very good grafted rootstock, Ye Xian. Some places are also called wooden unicorn, grow very fast, generally used to graft crab claw orchid, but also some flower friends graft cactus. Some flower friends failed to graft crab claw orchid, but had unexpected harvest! Let's take a look.


Ye Xian "

-Ye Xian grafting-

Ye Xian belongs to the family Cactus, which is easy to be grafted with the same family. So crab claw orchid, some cactus with leaf immortals to graft is very suitable. And Ye Xian does not dormant in summer, so she grows very fast and can take shape soon after grafting. And Ye Xian has another advantage. If she fails, the original failed cutting point will soon heal. After healing, you can continue to graft.

Grafted crab claw orchid

Similarly, it can also be grafted to make arrow lotus, epiphyllum, false epiphyllum, peony, mountain blow, rat tail, cactus finger, golden button and other cactus plants.

Grafted cactus is not good-looking, but it is relatively novel.

However, if it can be grafted in batches, the grafting of white sandalwood or rat tail palm is also very spectacular.

However, some flower friends failed to graft, look at this bright green plant, do not have the heart to throw it away, the result let him amazing! It turns out that Ye Xian will also blossom, with a large number of flowers, as glittering and translucent as wax, and a scent of jasmine flowers.

(crab claw orchid bar Xiaoku 388)

Flowers all over the branches, look at them all like it!

(stepping on six sons of flower lines)

-grafting method-

Cut Ye Xian with a knife, and the crab claw orchid cuts out two slopes, revealing the vascular bundle, that is, white tendons. Insert Ye Xian and fix the clip.

Grafting cactus, or other cactus plants, take white sandalwood as an example, a small cross is made at the bottom, the leaf fairy is cut into a shape, and a cross knife edge of about one centimeter can be inserted.

(19th floor home yxw1010)

-the conservation method of Ye Sin-

The leaves of Ye Xian are not lignified, so they have leaves. The reproduction of Ye Xian is also very easy, and the cuttings are easy to take root. And Ye Xian's life is very long, if the conditions are suitable, decades will not be a problem.

Yexian like fertile, loose, well-drained soil, can use 1 part of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of garden soil, 1 part of coarse sand, a small amount of bone powder and plant ash mixed culture soil.

Ye Xian should be placed in a place with sufficient light, and should be properly shaded in summer, or maintained in a place of scattered light. It can be preserved in the sunny place in autumn and winter.

Watering should master the principle of "dry and wet, then thoroughly watered". The basin soil should not be too dry or too wet. It is necessary to reduce watering in winter, keep the basin soil dry and keep the plant from wrinkling.

Below 5 ℃, the leaves will fall off and go into dormancy, and freezing injury may occur.

Thin pancake liquid fertilizer is fine.

-the breeding method of Ye Xian-

Cut about 10 cm long stems and branches, leaving 2-4 leaves, inserted into the sandy soil, watered thoroughly, generally about 2 weeks can survive.

Looking at the inconspicuous Ye Xian, the flowers are really immortal!

Sometimes failure is not all a bad thing.

Maybe God will give you another chance.

Another reward!

After reading it, let's show it to the flower friends in need.