
Why do red bayberries grow bugs? How does red bayberry clean and remove insects?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Myrica rubra is the fruit of small trees or shrubs belonging to Myrica rubra family. It is named because it looks like water poplar seed and tastes like plum. The fruit is mature in early summer, colorful, sour and sweet, unique in flavor, rich in nutrition, and has high medicinal and edible value. However, we often find insects in Myrica rubra.

Red bayberry is the fruit of small trees or shrubs of the genus Myrica in the bayberry family. It is named because it looks like salmon and tastes like plum. The fruit is ripe in early summer, bright color, sweet and sour palatable, unique flavor, rich nutrition, and has high medicinal and edible value. But in many cases, we will find that there are bugs in bayberry. Let's take a look at why bayberry has worms.

Why does Waxberry have bugs?

The bugs in bayberry are mainly the larvae of fruit flies, which lay eggs after the bayberry ripens and softens. It is worth noting that the larvae of bayberry are not particularly toxic and will not do too much harm if they are accidentally eaten. Bayberry is prone to worms related to its fruit characteristics. In fact, the part eaten is a derivative of the exocarp-the soft and succulent tissue formed by columnar protuberances of the outer cells of the exocarp, that is to say, the edible part of the bayberry is already the outermost layer of the fruit. there is no pericarp protection on the outside, so bugs can easily invade the fruit to lay eggs.

Can red bayberry be eaten with worms?

Red bayberry has worms to eat. The white bugs in bayberry are harmless to the human body, and they are also a kind of high-quality protein. If you eat them carelessly, there will be no adverse reactions. The white bug in bayberry is actually the larva of fruit fly, which usually feeds on honey and fruit, which is relatively clean. In the breeding season, they will be attracted by the smell of bayberry and lay eggs on the surface of the bayberry. The eggs hatch into larvae and then drill into the pulp to feed on the pulp. From birth to growth, fruit fly larvae are almost always in a pollution-free environment, so there are almost no bacteria that are bad for the human body, so eating bayberry can't cause a bad stomach.

How does Waxberry get rid of bugs?

Do not put the bayberry in the refrigerator when it is bought. Immediately soak it in salt water for 10 to 20 minutes, then the worm will swim out automatically. If you put it in the refrigerator first, the bug will freeze to death even if it cannot be soaked. Wait for the bug to float out and pour it out, then add some water and a spoonful of cornflour, put the bayberry into the water and shake it. The dirt will be washed out slowly, and then you can rest assured to eat it after water.

How to choose fresh bayberry?

1, color: bright red color is better, dark red or too black red bayberry had better not buy, cyan, cyan red bayberry is not yet mature.

2. Pulp: look at the pulp of red bayberry. There are obvious grains of flesh on the surface that protrude. Those that cannot shrivel are generally not fresh.

3. Soft and hard: red bayberry with moderate hardness is better, the flesh of red bayberry is too soft is too mature, while the meat is too hard, it is not yet fully ripe.

4. Taste: red bayberry is juicy, tender and sweet, and there is no residue in the mouth, while the poor quality red bayberry is dry, with less imported juice and residual residue in the mouth.

When will red bayberry mature

It is well known that there are a lot of bayberry on the market every summer. Women who love beauty can also have beauty, beauty and anti-aging when they eat bayberry. Do we know when the bayberry mature season is? Let's take a look at it with the editor.

When will red bayberry mature

The ripening season of red bayberry is usually in May. Most of the time of picking red bayberry is around the Dragon Boat Festival. In the areas with lower altitude and higher temperature, the mature time of red bayberry is earlier, and vice versa. However, in the alpine areas more than 1000 meters above sea level, the maturity is relatively late, some are as low as the fifth month of the lunar calendar, and a few are postponed to the sixth month of the lunar calendar.

The method of cleaning red bayberry

1. Fruit and vegetable cleaning agent is a good way to sterilize and remove pesticides. However, fruit and vegetable detergents inevitably contain chemical components, although they can neutralize pesticides for bayberry, they can not avoid the fact that Chinese detergents themselves contain harmful substances. Therefore, when using fruit and vegetable detergent, be sure to rinse red bayberry with clean water again.

2. Soak the bayberry in ordinary water, pay attention to that all the bayberry must be soaked in the water, and then stir the bayberry in the water with the index finger in the same direction, so that the denser substance will run into the water, but it should be noted that the stirring strength is not too strong, and do not stir indiscriminately, so as to avoid damaging the skin of the bayberry, becoming stale and not tasty.

3. It is easy to wash bayberry with starch solution or baking soda. Put all the bayberry into the flour and soak easily, then stir with your fingers to separate the dirty things or big bugs, and then filter out the bayberry. Rinse it with clean water.

Medicinal value of Myrica rubra

1. Red bayberry has the effect of invigorating body and relieving thirst, invigorating spleen and appetizer. Eating too much food not only does not hurt spleen and stomach, but also has the effect of detoxifying and dispelling cold. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, "Waxberry can quench thirst, harmonize the five internal organs, cleanse the intestines and stomach, and eliminate annoyance and evil qi." The fruit, kernel, root and skin of red bayberry can be used as medicine, which is flat and non-toxic. The kernel can treat beriberi, and the root can stop bleeding and regulate qi. Bark soaking wine can treat injury, redness, swelling and pain, etc. Red bayberry soaked in white wine will suddenly feel refreshed and relaxed in the middle of summer. When diarrhea, take red bayberry boil thick soup to drink can stop diarrhea, has the function of convergence. Red bayberry has many medical functions, such as digestion, dehumidification, relieving summer heat, invigorating fluid and relieving cough, helping digestion, keeping cold, relieving diarrhea, diuresis, prevention and treatment of cholera and so on.

2. Red bayberry contains a variety of organic acids, and the content of vitamin C is also very rich, which can not only directly participate in the process of sugar metabolism and redox in the body, enhance capillary permeability, but also reduce blood lipids and prevent cancer cells from forming in the body. The fruit acid can not only appetizer Shengjin, digestion and summer heat, but also prevent the conversion of sugar to fat in the body, which helps to lose weight. Red bayberry has an inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli, Shigella and other bacteria, can treat dysentery abdominal pain, has a good effect on dysentery. Red bayberry contains vitamins C and B, which play a positive role in cancer prevention and anti-cancer. The cyanamide and fatty oil contained in bayberry nuts also have the effect of inhibiting cancer cells.

The benefits of eating bayberry for women

1. Anti-aging. Vitamin C and anthocyanins in red bayberry have antioxidant capacity and help the body resist aging.

2. Detoxification and beauty care. Red bayberry pulp is very rich in cellulose, which can stimulate intestinal peristalsis and is conducive to the excretion of toxins in the body, so it has the role of detoxification and beauty.

3. Lose weight. The fruit acid contained in bayberry can not only appetizer Shengjin, relieve summer heat, but also prevent the conversion of sugar to fat, which has a significant effect on weight loss.

It turns out that the mature season of red bayberry is in early summer. In addition to the cosmetic effect of bayberry, it also has high medicinal value. Although red bayberry is good, you should pay attention to cleaning it when you buy it home, for there are hidden bugs that we can't see.

What kind of bug is a cherry bug? Are there any worms to eat cherries?

Cherry is people's favorite fruit, but there is a piece of news on the Internet that scares many people, that is, a netizen soaked the bought cherry in salt water. Half an hour later, many "maggots" appeared on the cherry surface, which made people look very uncomfortable. let's take a look at what the cherry bug is!

Is it true that cherries have worms?

It's true that cherries have worms. A reporter specially did a group of experiments for this purpose. After removing surface stains from cherries randomly purchased at fruit stalls, they were soaked in lukewarm water and salt water cups respectively. Half an hour later, no anomalies were found in cherries soaked in lukewarm water. On the other hand, three white worms were found in the cherries soaked in salt water, which were the size of thread, the length of the tip of the ballpoint pen and looked like maggots. Although it is true that there are bugs in cherries, it is not as mysterious as "9 out of 10" said on the Internet.

What kind of bug is a cherry bug?

Cherry worms are fruit fly larvae. According to Wang Jin, director of the cherry research group of the Fruit Research Institute of the Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, these white bugs in cherries are larvae hatched by Drosophila eggs laid in cherries, and fragrant fruits such as bayberry, strawberries, kiwi, grapes, pears and bananas are the favorite of fruit flies.

Can cherry bugs really eat?

Cherry bugs can eat. The larvae of fruit flies are different from the "maggots" as we usually think, and are relatively close to flies, but they are not flies, but flies that feed on ripe fruits, which may appear on all kinds of ripe fruits. Fruit flies parasitic in plant fruit, only in the fruit activity, larvae from birth to growth, are in a pollution-free environment, rarely carry germs. Therefore, it will not harm animals, let alone human beings. On the contrary, fruit flies are rich in protein, which is good for health. Moreover, the cherries that can soak out worms are precisely those that do not use pesticides and can be safely eaten. Of course, eating worms will make people feel "uncomfortable" after all. If you want to taste delicious "without worry", the best way is to soak cherries, bayberries and other fruits in salt water.

Extended Reading: fruit fly

Fruit flies are widely found in temperate and tropical climates around the world. because their staple food is yeast and rotten fruits are easy to breed yeast, they can be found in gardens, vegetable markets and other areas of human habitat. In addition to the north and south poles, at least 1000 species of fruit flies have been found, most of which feed on rotten fruits or plants, while a few feed only on fungi, sap or pollen. At the same time, Drosophila melanogaster, as an eukaryotic multicellular insect, has similar physiological function and metabolic system to mammals, is very sensitive to air quality, and can reflect indoor air pollution.