
What kind of animal is musk?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What kind of animal is musk?

Musk is also known as Cunxiang, Yuancun, stinky son, etc., the dry body is granular or blocky, has a special aroma, can be made into spices, can also be used as medicine, listed as the top grade in Shennong Materia Medica, and has the effects of awakening, promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling and relieving pain, but pregnant women are not fit to eat it. Let's take a look at what animals musk is!

What kind of animal is musk?

Musk is the dry secretion in the male sacs of forest musk deer, horse musk deer or original musk deer. Usually two-year-old male musk begins to secrete musk, about 10 years old is the best secretion period, each musk deer can secrete about 50 grams. After the sachet is dried, the musk taken out from the sachet is dark brown, and those of high quality sometimes precipitate white crystals, which have a strong stench when they are solid, and have a unique animal aroma after being highly diluted with water or alcohol.

Where is the origin of musk?

Musk is a kind of precious medicine produced in China, which is mainly produced in the Himalayas, Daxue Mountains, Shaluli Mountains, tranquil Mountains, Quer Mountains and other places in Xizang Autonomous region. in addition, Sichuan Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Songpan, Maowen Qiang Autonomous County, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi Hengduan Mountains, Dayaoshan, Damiao Mountains, Gansu, Shaanxi Qilian Mountains, Minshan, Qinling Mountains, Helan Mountains It is produced in the mountain and forest areas such as the Dabie Mountains, buried hills and Huoshan Mountains in Anhui and Hubei, the Yinshan Mountains in Inner Mongolia, the Xinganling Mountains and Changbai Mountains in the Northeast, and Funiu Mountain in Henan Province. Kangzang-Tibet Plateau and Sichuan Aba grassland are the main producing areas of musk in China, which are sold all over the country and exported.

The efficacy and function of musk

1. Enlighten and awaken the mind: Musk can be used to treat closed syndrome dizziness, because musk is used with spice, and it is effective for all kinds of reasons, such as the treatment of heat closure dizziness and so on.

2. Promoting blood circulation and relieving pain: Musk can be used to treat pain caused by blood stasis, such as amenorrhea, explosive pain in heart and abdomen, injury caused by falling, etc., and can also be used to treat sore, sore throat, rheumatism arthralgia and so on.

3. Dredging meridians and removing blood stasis: musk taste, incense, opening and running, feasible stasis in blood, opening meridians and collaterals, relieving pain once a week, 2 weeks as a course of treatment, the curative effect is very satisfactory.

4. To induce the birth of the fetus: Musk promotes blood circulation and passes menstruation, which has the effect of promoting the birth of the fetus. It is often scattered with cinnamon, such as Zhang's Medical skill, Xiang Gui San. Musk is also used with pig tooth soap and trichosanthin, and onion juice is used as a pill.