
Take a rest in Cangshan, Yuner, Haiyue, Dali. The Flower Sea Story of 16 Girls

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Those who have added Paeonia lactiflora friends know that from August 25 to September 1, it is the time for me to keep browsing my moments. The photos of travel and study are so beautiful that I can't help it without brushing the screen. During this period, I also had the honor to be elected as "2018."

Those who have added Paeonia lactiflora friends know that from August 25 to September 1, it is the time for me to keep browsing my moments. The photos of travel and study are so beautiful that I can't help it without brushing the screen.

During this period, I also had the honor to be elected as the "best moment of 2018" in my mind. I put aside all my worries and took a rest with the medicine fans in Dali, immersed in the healing energy of the sea of flowers, sometimes sunny and sometimes rainy, surrounded by gourmet beauty, to tell you the truth. I am grateful to myself for arranging this study trip! So I took a holiday, down-to-earth.

Today's article is dedicated to all the fans who went to the scene. Thank you for your unconditional trust and giving us the time and money to arrange. It is also dedicated to all the fans who did not go to the scene. I would like to transfer all the positive energy received by this study trip to your mobile phone.

In addition, fat friends who want to participate in the next time and ask how to sign up, today we will also do a small survey, welcome to participate in the contribution!

The skirt is flying.

There's no one like you.

Wang Zhengrong


{Shaoyao girl Vol.870}


Dali, have a rest.

Back in Hangzhou, I can't remember the origin of this study trip. I only remember vaguely saying to my friends, "Let's go to Dali!" Take a break! " As a result, the first study trip since the founding of the account was inexplicably formed, and soon there was a recruitment tweet, and the group soon exploded (originally only wanted to recruit 10 to 12 people, intended to sign up for 50 people, and finally selected 16 people, which greatly exceeded the standard). Many girls suddenly found out between the entanglements: what? Is it all full? That's right. Even I'm afraid of you when you get up fast.

For seven days and six nights, girls who had never met before set out separately and gathered in Dali to start this customized study trip with flowers as a matchmaking.

Seven days later, when I got off the plane and landed in Hangzhou, the body returned to the city. In addition to the feeling of being lovelorn, it was as if I had a dream. Although it was clear, the memory of the dream was drifting away, fearing that one day would be as far away as a century away.

Before the next round of enrollment begins, let me sort out what has happened in the past seven days.

At the end of August, it was late summer and early autumn in Dali, and there was no autumn tiger who refused to leave. The sun was warm and warm, and there was a pleasant breeze. Occasionally there was a shower of rain, so I couldn't get angry, so I just threw the umbrella and sat down and watched the rain bloom.

In Dali, it is the happiest thing to waste time in any way, but we have to add a little more flowers. What about the attractiveness index? the people of Dali held hands and asked, "when will you come again?"

Maybe you have traveled or studied flower art, but never like this, in the classroom of nature, in a sea of flowers, invest all your enthusiasm and attention, absorb new knowledge and beauty.

Behind it is the endless Cangshan and white clouds.

Shuttling through the boundless sea of flowers

Collect fresh flowers that are super difficult to buy in the city.

In the sun-dappled glass room

The long table is covered with more than a dozen kinds of flowers

Fiddling with self-designed table flowers

Think carefully about what flowers to add next.

It was getting dark, and the vanilla candlelight dinner began.

Taste the aromatic cuisine specially made with vanilla

Chat with the people around you.

When you are full, you will be in a daze for a while.

This is not a flower tour, it is obviously a beautiful flower healing trip!

Before that, we have imagined what kind of girls are these powders who sign up quickly. A student? Young leaders? goddess? A female entrepreneur?


After the meeting, Shaoyao found that it was a group of calm people who "forgot their age". Between them, age can not be an excuse to stop learning, nor will it become an obstacle to inferiority complex and anger. "I forget how old I am, my heart is always young, and my eyes are always filled with tears."

From Beijing to Shanghai, from Guangzhou to Hunan

Distance is not a problem.

From college teachers to medical staff, from policemen to dessert shop owners

Career is not a problem.

From post-50s to post-90s, age is not a problem.

Help each other, think of others, be modest and gentle

Dare to love and dare to fight, is the similarity of these beautiful souls.

In the green lantern ancient Buddha, enjoy the succulent sea; visit the disappearing online celebrity teahouse, sit under the tree to listen to the rain and drink tea; learn to make flower cakes and plant paper in the flower fields, eat barbecue and talk …...

Lose the original career and environment, study with teachers and new students, cooperate with wild, well-organized floral courses, from the blank on the first day to the eagerness to try on the last day, "I can't believe it." this is what I do "--become everyone's best praise for themselves.

This journey is too rich, Shaoyao is still the most serious bystander, recorder, I sorted out all the highlights of the journey, please enjoy.


Whether the rain is continuous or the sky is clear

The beauty of Dali is always shocking.

Our group is ridiculed as a "scattered group". It looks like aimless, disorganized but disciplined. In a word, it all depends on self-consciousness. As the leader of the loose group, Shaoyao arranged for everyone the online celebrity temple Jingzhao nunnery and Mo Chu teahouse, which was silent all the way, and everyone went shopping with relish.

Lonesome nunnery

A drizzling morning

We drove through the winding mountain road

And pick up the steps along the forest path.

Finally came to the "China's most beautiful nunnery" solitary nunnery.

The ancient temple is hidden in the pine and cypress forest.

After decades of baptism of wind and rain, the green brick and red wall

There has been some mottling and shedding, and moss is growing between the tiles.

As soon as I entered the door, I was shocked by the flowers and plants in front of me.

There are potted plants hanging down from the top of the head

At the foot is the spread of succulent plants.

The bamboo basket on the wall is filled with Phalaenopsis.

The vase on the table is filled with lotus flowers and lotus pods.

Even the shrines that burn incense and worship Buddha on weekdays

It is also covered with succulent plants of different shapes.

It is like a museum of primitive and natural plants.

Perhaps it is the reason why Yunnan Rain Water is abundant and the climate is suitable.

All kinds of plants here are much larger than they usually see.

It attracted many botanists and photography enthusiasts to visit.

We ran into Mr. Assang here.

It turns out that some friends are volunteering in Jingzhao Nunnery.

She came to help with the flower arrangement and "borrow flowers to offer Buddha".

The people who come here

It seems to slow down the pace and lower the voice.

For fear of breaking this precious silence.

Many members of the group are asking about how to apply for volunteers.

"getting old? It's nice to be here. "

Many visitors who come in a hurry do not know.

There is also a "hundred gardens" behind the lonely photo nunnery.

It's flowers and plants carefully planted by nuns.

The good growth can only be described as "fat beauty".

Walk along the path of the garden.

There is a huge stone wall with succulent plants growing in the cracks.

From a distance, it looks like a Chinese version of the Rock Garden.

It's just that Paeonia found it when I was walking one day and secretly showed it to everyone.

Some members of the group said that this place has never been exposed on the Internet, so it's right!

Gantong Temple

Gantong Temple is not far from Jingzhao nunnery.

As a thousand-year-old temple, compared to the heat of Jingzhao nunnery

It's a bit of a dim light.

But the stillness makes us very happy.

There is a big sweet osmanthus tree in the yard.

The sweet-scented osmanthus blossomed and incense the whole temple.

In another place, there is a tree hanging the golden bell upside down.

The pink and white flowers are in full bloom

Set off against the red wall.

It is much more leisurely to have a fast meal here.

Maybe it's because you don't ask for much, or maybe you have an aura.

The fast meal also looks very delicious.

Don't urge the teahouse.

Going to Mo Chu's teahouse is also an adventure.

The road was blocked and bricks were laid in front of the path

Cold and quiet, you know, long before the rectification of Erhai Lake

Mo Chu is the top online celebrity teahouse in Dali.

Groping along the path, the girls were not tired.

Until they saw the clear sign, everyone shouted excitedly.

There's a funny interlude.

The mountain road was lush with plants and came across a large fern forest.

It was the best background for taking pictures, so the beauties of the plant department came on stage.

One finished, "next!" One after another,

Look, every minute is the rhythm of the magazine blockbuster.

It has just rained and the mountain is filled with smoke

The green tea field shuttles through it.

It's a paradise!

Three or two pots of tea, some refreshments

Even the cheesecake is filled with passion fruit and lemon

What you eat and see is 100 times more beautiful than that in the city.

Sit down and look at the Cangshan Erhai Lake in the distance

If you think about it again, there is really nothing too urgent.

The new account on the mountain is also poor, don't rush it.

The boss said with regret that he had received a notice of demolition and that the future of the teahouse was unknown. Thinking that this first accident could be the last, I can't help feeling that "things are changeable and enjoy the present" is indeed a life motto.

Mo Chu can become an online celebrity teahouse in Dali, which also symbolizes the values of Dali residents. When you are busy making money, you will miss a lot of scenery, just like the new tea after the rain and the clouds floating away from the sky. You seem to know which is more important, but not necessarily which makes you happier.

A flower a grass, a mountain and a water, raindrop cicadas, Yunjuanyunshu, all have their own indifferent and tranquil charm of life. Sometimes, you should know how to give yourself a chance to experience.

Rose Cake & Flower Paper

The field of roses has long stopped.

The only red rose field in Yunnan that is accompanied by flowers for a lifetime

It's time to bear rose fruit.

Between the flower fields, learn to make flower cakes

Kneading dough, rolling skin, filling

Let's see who has better hands-on ability and who is disabled.

Self-made cakes are particularly sweet.

Rose stuffing made of fresh petals

Mixed with sweet crushed nuts

The taste is so delicious that I can't stop.

Making ancient flower paper is more challenging and patient.

Press the raw material into thin pieces of paper with a gavel

Then add water and mix fully to make pulp.

The mold is dipped into the pulp and slowly picked up.

A moist piece of ancient paper is initially completed.

Everyone shuttled back and forth in the sea of flowers to find flowers, smoothed the freshly collected flowers, placed them carefully on the dry paper, and finally applied glue and waited for it to dry. Take it home and frame it, and it will be a good hanging picture.

Bai BBQ is the best curtain call for the first day.

The girl in charge of the barbecue is cheerful and sharp.

She said that she worked more at night and didn't eat, so she had to run free.

From 200 jin to 130 jin, everyone was shocked to put down the barbecue.

Finally, I ate so much that I couldn't move ~ ~ the sky was getting dark, and the night was as deep as ink.

At this moment, time slows down and seems to miss this summer night barbecue party. Is there a happier moment than now?


Magical Vanilla Garden, Dream Glass Room

Finally, the class begins!

If the first day is "swimming", it will be a formal "learning" from the second day. ~ Learning is a laborious thing!

The class will be held in a "vanilla garden" full of vanilla and flowers.

The owner, Sister Lily, showed everyone around the garden.

She patiently explained the characteristics of each kind of vanilla

Vervain, rosemary, wild ginger flower,

Thyme, lemon vanilla, citronella.

This is a rare nature class in the city.

(for detailed vanilla knowledge, click here to review.)

The classroom is a sunny glass house, beautiful and dreamy

The room was stacked with bundles of fresh flowers

The desire to learn is instantly aroused!

Before class, many students worry that they have no foundation and will not be able to keep up with the pace. Teacher Assang broke this worry. "Flower arrangement is an art of imagination. You can make flowers whenever and wherever you like."

Although flower arrangement is not as easy as people think.

Painstaking efforts to collect, prune and maintain flowers

Everything requires patience. But it's also fair.

If you give 1 point, it will give you 2 points of happiness.

Why learn to make flowers? Each person has his own answer, perhaps in order to prepare a wedding for his daughter who is married to the United States, or to enrich his own life, maybe his own cafe and clothing store need the management of flowers and plants, or maybe he has been touched by flowers and has been accompanied by it ever since.

Happiness occurs when we do not regard flowers as a tool to make money, but just immerse ourselves in it and enjoy the beauty it brings.

In the eyes of teacher Assang, there is no bad student, just like there is no bad-looking flower in the world. As long as you are full and interested, the teacher can get something from teaching. The students loved her so much that they were completely reflected by a strong appeal and soon buried themselves in their work.

At the end of the day, we will check and accept it again. I can't believe it. This is a work after only one day of flower art class. Is it really a rookie?

Although almost the same flowers are used

But everyone's work is in a different style.

The so-called flower is like a person, but this is the case.

French flower arrangement works

A collection of wreath works

French Natural style Dining Table Flower works

Many students make bouquets by hand for the first time.

Screaming for the bouquet, but also obsessed with the mental state of the students

The girl with flowers is the most beautiful.

DAY 3 & DAY 4

Everyone is a florist!

On the first day, the theory was taught and the foundation was laid, and on the second day, the teacher taught it by hand. on the third day, the course became more difficult and more fun. Teachers no longer assign fixed flowers, and students no longer fight alone, but must work as a team and be integrated into the space for floral creation, which has always been a compulsory course for Mr. Assang.

The creation of propositional space floral art begins, and the people say that the students are divided into groups to find a suitable scene in the garden, decorate it into an ideal shape with flowers, and explain the theme and ideas of the work, so as to convince the teacher.

This is not as simple as playing with a few flowers, you need to have a keen vision and aesthetic, as well as the spirit of cooperation and game-breaking thinking, break through the frame design floral style, very test the comprehensive ability, the novice is so difficult, really good?

As a result, everyone had a good time, some chose wood and hemp rope swings, some chose European cabin steps, some chose lawns and bicycles. Flowers are not only provided by the course, but can also be picked in the garden by yourself, depending on how you use them.

It is said that the dahlias in the garden next door are ready.

The cadets were very happy when they came back with baskets on their backs.

Isn't this the real version of "Little Girl picking Flowers"?

Of course, the really excellent outdoor space florist can not be without supporting roles, people borrow cushions from the vanilla garden cafe, or use their own gauze straw hats to create a casual and romantic feeling for the scene.

In these two days, everyone has become industrious little bees, flying around every corner of the garden, picking flowers and carrying grass, and carefully building their own nests. For the final work, I won't say much about it. Look at the picture.

Works of DAY3 students

Works of DAY4 students

Looking at everyone playing with flowers, I couldn't help itching and decorated a chair with extra flower paste (in fact, peony is also a zero foundation).

Mainly pink roses and Platycodon grandiflorum

With white daffodil lilies and purple sage

Create French romantic amorous feelings.

A large amount of Phytolacca is used in the tail, which is as heavy as ears of wheat.

Thinking of autumn, this is the harvest in my heart.

It's a pity that I only did half of it in the middle of the competition.

There is not enough time.

After the three-day course, everyone was very tired. We specially arranged a delicious vanilla dinner. Have you seen, smelled or eaten it? Can you do it? I hope to go back this time and learn everything.

Make the glass room of the class look like a dining room.

Change into a white tablecloth and light aromatherapy and candles

Put the table flowers designed by everyone.

The highlight is the roasted ribs of citronella.

Prawns fried with rosemary

The barbecue is filled with the unique aroma of vanilla

The last dessert embellished with figs ends.

Although there is no wine, I am drunk.


Don't bother to stroll in the sea of flowers

Prepare for the final exam for 5 hours in a row!

The last day of flower art study is the day of the big exam. Some people are so nervous that they can't sleep, and they don't know how excited they are.

The place is a truly natural sea of flowers to be carved.

Connected with the stretch of Cangshan, accompanied by Baik Woo-Hwa sunshine.

There are so many varieties that the owner of the garden can't tell.

"these flowers can be cut", this sentence is really awesome!

It's the most rustic love talk I've ever heard this year!

Along the wet path all the way deep into the hinterland of the sea of flowers

Dahlia has a haughty posture, with patches of drunken butterflies like clouds and fog

The red zinnia in the sun is particularly dazzling.

The lotus and water lilies are in full bloom in the pond

The Reed by the water is like the feather of a bird

Two leisurely ducks are playing in the water.

In this vast sea of flowers, the question of the final big exam has been further upgraded:

Make full use of local materials, make use of natural vegetation or existing buildings, around the theme of "Dali take a rest", create an unregulated propositional space, and screen a piece of background music that conforms to the mood. Make a short video to record your work.

As if they were facing an archenemy, they began to work together carefully, discussing their ideas on the works, and struggling to search for suitable flowers in the boundless sea of flowers.

Flowers are not enough. The stage needs exquisite scenery. White lace gauze mantle, straw cushion, candlestick, tray props and so on, how to match with flowers is also a test of everyone's creativity.

Paeonia lactiflora bag has also become one of the props, holiday style straw bag into a few elegant reeds, plus candlesticks and red wine, immediately open the mode of leisurely holiday.

> > one episode: today, there are two derivatives group purchases for this trip, beautiful skirts and spliced bags, babies do not forget to move to chop hands and boots.

Students use staggered trees, poolside tables and chairs, and attic fences to decorate freshly picked flowers and plants, which seem random but have actually been carefully designed.

What was the final result?

The final examination work of the students

As a teacher, Assang is so moved that there is no opinion, and as the initiator of this trip, Shaoyao is proud of my fans from the bottom of his heart. You are really great!

I think the girls must have understood in this final exam what a "rest" is. The rest of the body is only superficial. We should always take good care of our hearts and ask it, "are you all right? are you tired?" when you feel tired, give yourself a chance to take a rest.

There are no things or excuses that do not allow you to rest. Take a rest before you start, you will be stronger than ever.

Cangshan Erhai Lake gives you the answer, fengshui grass gives you the answer, playing in the water mandarin duck gives you the answer, when you calm down, the answer in your mind naturally emerges.

Before getting on the plane on the last day, a student who was busy with the real estate project sent me Wechat: "Thank you very much for organizing this flower tour and it has been very fruitful." Let me reflect that we should not give up the pursuit of beauty because of the boredom of life. I'll make an appointment next time! "

After writing this review, my heart seems to have gained strength again.

Here comes the key question. Where will the next issue be held? How can I sign up for it? (the moments were flooded with messages in those days. I want to give a good answer.)

Emmm, the truth is, I don't know. Where do you want to go in the next issue? fans have 50% say. We have selected several places, Beijing, Xi'an, Lijiang, Taiwan, Chengdu, Xiamen, Kyoto. Let's take part in the solicitation.

Which paradise do you yearn for most? Come and cast a precious vote, maybe you will really go to this city next time.