
What if I get bitten by a hidden-winged bug?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What if I get bitten by a hidden-winged bug?

Staphylinidae beetle is the general name of Coleoptera Staphylinidae beetle, also known as shadow worm, green waist worm, etc., its toxicity is very strong, but experts pointed out that Staphylinus is not as poisonous as imagined, and it will induce skin allergic reaction after pat Staphylinus angrily. Washing the skin with some alkaline liquid can have a better therapeutic effect. Let's take a look at what to do if we are bitten by the cryptopterus.

What if I get bitten by a hidden-winged bug?

Staphylinus does not bite or sting without poisonous glands, but when crawling on human skin, it secretes body fluid from the joint cavity, causing skin lesions and linear scars. When you find a cryptopterus, do not beat it, because when the worm is killed or crushed, it will cause a large amount of venom splash. if the patient's fingers touch the venom and then touch other skin, it will cause skin pathological changes. You should use your mouth to blow the bug away, then put it out with one foot, and then quickly wash the crawled skin with soap or toothpaste.

How to deal with the cryptopterus after climbing?

1. When you come into contact with Staphylinus, rinse with salt, soapy water, 4% soda solution, 10% ammonia water or wet compress with furacilin salt water to neutralize toxins and reduce skin damage.

2. 0.1% Rivnaur, 3% boric acid water or skin-cleaning ointment, Piyanjing can be used for external use, and antihistamine or corticosteroids can be taken internally if necessary.

3. After the occurrence of herpes, anti-inflammatory and astringent drugs should be used to reduce irritation, oral, intramuscular or intravenous infusion of antibiotics, and if necessary, hormone drugs should be added to improve the curative effect.

4, when the illness is serious, you should go to the hospital in time, although it is not enough to cause death, but the pH value of its body fluid is equivalent to concentrated sulfuric acid, and if not treated in time, the skin will fester.

How to prevent cryptopterus?

1. Mobilize the masses to remove weeds, rotten wood and rubbish around the houses, and destroy the habitats and breeding places of poisonous hidden-wing insects.

2. Do not pile up waste materials indoors, keep the room clean and tidy, so that there is no hiding place for the poisonous hidden-wing insects that invade the room.

3. Install screen doors and screen windows in summer to prevent the poison hidden-wing insect from flying into the room and reduce the chance for the human body to contact the insect.

4. Do not open the window and turn on the lights to sleep at the height of summer, use mosquito nets or minimize body exposure.

5. Spraying with insecticides such as deltamethrin or Fenna can effectively kill indoor and outdoor cryptopterus.

6. When you find a poisonous cryptopterus crawling on your body, don't pat or rub it with your hands, gently blow it off or use something to poke the bug off.

7. Try not to play in the light. Wear sheltered clothing or use insect repellent when you have to.