
Let me meet you in my most painful time-succulent

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The preface follows the encyclopedia meets beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike). The text begins: thank the author for his original contribution, sharing and editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author for his original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Qiannan Prefecture, Guizhou Province

I happened to meet you.

I happened to meet you.

Li Yugang


I am a cancer patient. I have experienced eight courses of chemotherapy. When I was most miserable, I saw the lovely succulent, bought a few pots to raise and had a look at it. I didn't want to fall in love with it as soon as I raised it. I was fascinated by it. I wanted to live to see the beauty of its four seasons. After watching the four seasons, I wanted to see it become the beauty of Lao Zhuang's vicissitudes, so I constantly encouraged myself to live, as long as I had you all the way.



Iced plum

Orange Monroe

Little red dress

Red juvenile lotus

Blue stone lotus

Jade affixes

Frank in the sun

Fat beauty

Many praise songs

Pink hint

Silk noodle sand

Rain swallow

Fire sacrifice

Evergreen grass platter

Guanghan Palace

Guanghan Palace

This is the flesh of my heart, although not very beautiful, but alive

Succulent flesh warms my heart, but I want to warm the years to come. I don't know which comes first, accident or tomorrow. Cherish what you have and live in the present!

Thanks to my husband, who took good care of me during my illness and supported me all the way to raising meat. My husband has you all his life.

Praise the author

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This article has been exclusively authorized by the author Wechat official account: succulent Plant Encyclopedia (ID:duoroubaike), the content of the article does not represent the official account's point of view and position! Encyclopedia has signed a contract with a third-party Internet copyright protection company to open a network-wide protection of rights, unauthorized reprinting of other platforms is strictly prohibited! If the theft is found, the tort will be held responsible! Netizens are welcome to report!


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