
Succulent plants hold on until the autumn is crisp and turn around is a beautiful girl.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The preface follows the encyclopedia meets the beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text begins: thank the author [smiling half step crazy] for the original contribution sharing editing: encyclopedia coordinates: Guangxi Guilin before I used to be in the official account of Wechat.


Follow encyclopedia to meet beauty (WeChat account: duoroubaike)

The text begins:

Thank the author [smiling half step] for his original contribution and sharing.

Editor: encyclopedia

Coordinates: Guilin, Guangxi

Before, I published an article entitled "motivational comparison: raising succulent plants, I am a serious novice!" in the official Wechat Encyclopedia of succulent plants. It talks about some experience, hoping to help you all. I wanted to write another article right away, but after the picture was uploaded, I had a lazy cancer attack and the words were poor, which has been delayed until now.

I believe that in addition to the hanging area, everyone's meat spent the whole summer in torment, especially in Guangxi, Guangdong and Hainan. Just like me here, the temperature will rise above 30 degrees after Ching Ming Festival, and summer is especially long for us. I don't know if everyone will be discouraged when they look at the dishes or the empty pots one by one. What I want to tell you is that after the summer, the flesh will be reborn from purgatory, so don't give up. Let's take a look at the comparison of my meat last year.

The child prodigy, who just arrived, is green, but not an apprentice.

It blossoms, but it gets thinner, and the flowers look good, just like the bun on the boy's head in Journey to the West.

I wrote some personal opinions in the previous article, and this time I only talked about something I didn't talk about last time. In addition, different regions, there will really be differences in methods, so we can compare, there are suggestions welcome to put forward.

Pink claw, this is the way to spread the cake when you buy it.

This is the best state, I feel that pink claws are very difficult to get out of shape, and there are two trees that have always been green, helpless.

The previous article talked about shell insects, but simply said to use the god of protecting flowers, in fact, there was another way, because I forgot the name of the medicine and did not write it. There are many ways to deal with scale insects, but there is no recurrence after I use this method. The practice is to use imidacloprid to mix water according to the instructions, spray plants and irrigate roots, pay attention to spray more in places with dense leaves, once a week, spray three times in a row can be cured. Reading other people's articles before, it is said that the shell insects are already resistant to imidacloprid, but I don't think so, because when the scale insects break out, they lay more eggs and change generations quickly, while the potion cannot kill the eggs. The shell insects usually hatch in one or two weeks, so the efficacy lasts for more than two weeks. The effect of imidacloprid is supposed to last for two weeks, but for insurance, I shortened the medication cycle and added one more medication. Meat friends can appropriately change the cycle and number of times according to their own situation. I think this method is very effective, but after all, it is a pesticide, so you should be careful if you have children or meat in the house.

Te Yulian, she was small when she first came here, but the sun turned purple after a while, and the bigger the sun, the faster the color changed.

How about it? it's fat and thick, and there's a layer of powder, and it's almost a color.

Summer is a period of succulent hijacking. if you don't pay attention to it, it will grow, even black rot, so you must pay attention to careful observation, careful care, and remember not to be impatient. The key to life preservation in summer is the six words "ventilation, shade and water control". Although the appearance is low, it shows that it is still healthy, black rot is terrible, if it is not dealt with in time, it will collect the empty basin, and there are also diseases and insect pests and so on. It is difficult for succulent plants to spend the summer. Some people say that succulent plants are lazy plants, which can be left alone, but in fact, succulent plants must be observed so that they can be solved in time when insect diseases occur.

Daiwa Jin, the one in the best condition when it was bought back, was exposed to the sun before it came out.

This color is attractive, isn't it? Basking in the sun is healthier

After raising succulent meat for a year, it is found that meat should be raised in accordance with local conditions, and some succulent plants will be very difficult to raise in a certain environment. For example, Sweden Monan is very delicate in my coordinates. Although I match more than 60% of the soil particles, more water will rot, and if there is less water, it will soon dry up under the high temperature in summer. After several attempts, I have come to the conclusion that Swedish Monan is not suitable to grow in my environment. In this case, instead of spending a lot of energy to cultivate it carefully, it is better to focus on other flesh.

If the song poem, bought back has been an apprentice, no matter whether watered or not is an apprentice, there is no way to take it, can only hide the face …... I can't find the picture when I first bought it back. This is what the long apprentice looks like. I call it demons dancing.

I feel that the leaves are deformed compared with other people's pictures, but for the sake of the red color, forgive it.

The meat I bought before is not big, so they become little beauties.

The fire sacrifice and the second girl's heart, the second girl's heart was later because the potion to kill the red spider was so strong that the leaves were almost gone, but the fire sacrifice was fine, but it grew slowly.

These two are slow to grow up, ah, may be too many particles, but the appearance is quite high, I feel that I have a trait is to cultivate the original long-leaf flesh into short leaves!

Ebony juice, so far do not understand the ebony ebony juice what is going on, because some are expensive goods, do not dabble in

Red edge, red sharp, with a little jelly yellow, looks very comfortable, it can be regarded as a success.

Coral beads and red beans, a small one, very pocket-sized

The coral beads fell down again, and these two guys are pretty cute, too.

Pink apples can only be considered green apples at this time.

After he began to change color, he came to see it every day, hoping that it was all red, but it seemed that this was the most beautiful appearance of it.

Black claw, which is also a big cake, has been sunburned by an autumn tiger.

Fortunately, he was strong enough to gradually become a black claw, very cute, and brought a cub.

Arrow, the same big cake.

Now the leaves gather together, the tip of the leaf becomes sharp, and it really has the shape of an arrow.

The Black Prince, it's still a long leaf at this time.

After a period of sun and rain, the leaves became short and round, the tips were hard and sharp, and they really had the chic air of a prince.

Dharma Fu Niang, it took a long time to fully accept the basin.

Two months later, the leaves became round and the color came out, which was adorable.

PINK, the leaves have been tightened a long time ago, but they haven't changed color all the time. At one point, they skipped directly when they looked at the meat.

The clouds opened and the fog dispersed, and finally saw the beautiful shadow with fairy air.

This seems to be Dongyun. I don't know. When I bought it, the customer service said it was Arrow, but it wasn't.

Is it Dongyun? which god knows, please tell me, like the Goblet of Fire.

When I bought this, I said it was Rain Swallow. I really don't know this type of lotus.

The leaves are shorter and more beautiful, with red edges, which are very attractive.

Manlian, that's a nice name.

When I grew up, I shrunk into a steamed stuffed bun, but the color didn't change much.

Xiaomixing and the child prodigy

Can be described as graceful and graceful

Blue Bird, Pink Beauty and Green Star Beauty, the basin is not enough, put together

The blue bird has been immortal, and the pink beauty has beheaded, and now it looks good.

Agnes roses, pink apples and purple music

This basin is very good-looking, Agnes rose belt some transparent, cell phone can not be photographed, every morning to look at it.

Star Shadow Sanchez

Wrapped up and gathered together, it looks like a moon. I don't know if it has something to do with it.

Thousand bergamot, it feels quite leather and solid.

The color can only go so far, but it is also very good-looking, but also burst a few heads.

Orange Monroe, was it a little ugly when you bought it back?

The shape has changed, but it hasn't changed much all the time. I once wondered if it was a real orange Monroe, but one day it became beautiful. Can you still see that it is the same tree? But is it orange Monroe? you can leave a message.

Bai Jilian

How, is it suspected that it is not the same basin, the female big eighteen change, but also brought so many cubs, satisfied

Thin green bear

Short, fat and round, good-looking Oh, this basin is good-hearted.

The sunset dance is miserable.

Cabbage, purple cabbage, and a layer of flour.

Finally, I would like to remind you that although summer is over, the turn of summer and autumn should not be taken lightly. at this time, the heat is not gone, and the sun will be very strong at noon, which is very likely to burn the flesh, and sometimes after rain and sun, it will become common to empty the basin. So if you collect meat in summer and want to raise it outdoors, you should wait until the weather is cooler before moving out. Let's take a look at my fat people, who love them very much.

Peach beauty

Peach beauty

Peach beauty

Peach beauty

Praise the author

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