
Breeding techniques of three-way hybrid lean pigs

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Breeding techniques of three-way hybrid lean pigs

The consanguinity combination of varieties should be scientific and standardized.

The blood relationship of three-way hybrid lean pigs has a great influence on daily gain, feed-to-weight ratio, dressing percentage and lean percentage. Therefore, the consanguinity of three-way hybrid pig parents must be clearly understood, and there must be specific markers and data for investigation.

The mustache of the pig grows well in the early stage.

There was a strong correlation between birth weight, weaning weight and late weight gain. The sign of good growth and development of pigs is that they weigh more than 17.5 kilograms at the age of 45 days. This shows that the growth and development of pigs is good during the fetal and lactation period, and the daily gain and feed-to-weight ratio during the fattening period are ideal. If the age of the pig cannot be determined, it can be determined by observing the development of its sexual organs. If the testes of boars and the vulva of sows do not begin to develop when the pig weighs 20kg or 25kg, it means that the growth is good, otherwise the growth is hindered.

Rational use of full-price feed

Imperfect nutrition is the main factor that pigs can not reach the maximum production potential, nutrients in feed also affect the immune function of pigs, and the quality of carcass is also directly affected by feed breeds. Therefore, in order to obtain the maximum production benefit of three-way hybrid lean pigs, the full price of feed is one of the keys to the success of feeding.

Pay attention to saving feed cost

Feed accounts for about 70% of the cost of raising pigs. In order to meet the nutritional requirements of pigs and reduce the feeding cost, the following methods can be adopted in management: multi-stage feeding. The growing period of pigs is divided into several stages, and the ratio of concentrated premix to basic feed is adjusted every 10 days, that is, the proportion of premix is reduced by 1 percentage point every 10 days from 20%, and the basic feed is increased by 1 percentage point every 10 days. Dry feed of raw meal. Many nutrients in feed, especially vitamins, are easy to be destroyed and inactivated at high temperature, so raw feeding is better (except legume feed). Some nutrients will be lost in the water and some chemical changes will take place, so the dry feeding technology of raw meal should be vigorously promoted. Pig intake of dry feed can increase the number of chewing, promote a large number of saliva secretion, so that the digestive enzymes in saliva can play a more full role and improve feed utilization. Restricted feeding. Restricted feeding can improve feed utilization rate and carcass lean percentage of commercial pigs. Generally, when the body weight of pigs is less than 60kg, do not restrict feed, so as not to affect the daily gain; when the body weight is more than 60kg, the digestive organs of pigs have been well developed and the feed intake is large. Feed restriction can achieve the purpose of saving feed, reducing fat deposition and increasing lean meat rate. The standard of feed restriction is generally 80% to 85% of the full feed intake. Out of the column at the right time. The growth and development of pigs is carried out in the order of bone-meat-fat. The longer the feeding period or the greater the body weight, the more fat deposition, the thicker the pig skin, which will reduce the carcass lean percentage. In addition, pigs consume 9 times as much energy as protein to deposit fat, so raising "big pigs" will pay a huge feed price. The body weight of three-way hybrid lean pigs is generally 70kg to 90kg.

Improve the ecological environment of feeding and reduce stress reaction

Three-way hybrid lean pigs are more sensitive and prone to stress reaction, affecting growth and health, and even causing death. For example, in the high temperature environment, the appetite of pigs decreases and the weight gain is slow; low temperature will increase the nutritional consumption of pigs; high feeding density, noise and serious air pollution make it difficult for pigs to be quiet, resulting in tail biting, ear biting, fighting and so on. Therefore, the pig house must be kept warm in winter and cool in summer, ventilated and breathable, and the density is suitable in order to make the pigs healthy.

In addition, we should also do a good job of epidemic prevention and disease eradication, closed isolation, regular disinfection, in order to ensure the safety of pigs.