
Succulent flowering does not mean that two kinds of succulent pollination will have a baby.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professor succulent flowers will bloom in spring, and birds will bloom freely. If succulent flowers and succulent flowers are pollinated casually, will there be a new variety? Today let's take a look at the succulent pollination.


Picture and text: succulent professor

Flowers will bloom in spring, and birds will bloom freely. If succulent flowers and succulent flowers are pollinated casually, will there be a new variety? Today let's take a look at the succulent pollination.

Coordinates: Shandong


Cross pollination


Succulent cross

For the ashes-level players who collect varieties, the existing varieties can no longer meet their needs, so they will breed their own species through hybridization. Name yourself, with a unique sense of pride. Before learning how to cross, there are some basic questions you need to know!

Intra-generic hybridization

Most of the intra-generic varieties of Sedum family can be hybridized without obstacles, and many common hybrid varieties are the products of intra-generic hybridization. For example, the hybrid varieties of the genus "Ji Zhichuan", "Dragon Palace City", "Xiaomi Star" and so on, and the hybrid "Lily Lili" within the genus Lotus. The hybrid "Christmas Dongyun", "Red Edge Moon Shadow", "Black Prince", "Jade Cup", "Sunset" and so on.

Intergeneric hybridization

The reproductive isolation of most plants is obvious, and the success rate of intergeneric hybridization is very low, which is called distant hybridization. However, there are a large number of Sedum plants in the family crassulaceae. at present, the known intergeneric hybridized Sedum is evolved from Mexico as the development center. the genetic relationship of these genera is close, and the phenomenon of reproductive isolation is not typical. even some cross-generic hybrid varieties still retain fertility, such as white peony (Lysimachia roxburghii).

The genera that can be crossed across genera are: Sedum, Euphorbia, Euphorbia, Saussurea, Sarochia, Sedum, Meilianthus, Sedum and so on. These genera pollinate each other and can successfully get hybrid offspring. The names of hybrid genera are usually written jointly with the names of two genera, such as the genus Clematis, such as Frost Dynasty. The genus Sedum of windmill, such as Ji Meiyue and so on.

However, there are some genera of succulent plants that are strictly intergeneric sterile. Such as fairy cup, silver wave brocade, lotus palm, green lock dragon, evergreen grass and so on. I have seen the so-called thumb fairy cup miscellaneous Carola, Violet queen miscellaneous mountain rose on Taobao.... laugh out of court. If you want to cross the succulent plants of these genera, you should honestly try to select varieties within the genera, which is generally feasible.

Interdisciplinary hybridization

Cross-family hybridization is not possible, it must be the same family plant. For example, Zixuanyue is a plant of the genus Asteraceae, and Yulu is a plant of the 12-volume genus of the Liliaceae. Although it is all succulent, it is far from the family crassulaceae. There is no possibility of hybridization, there is no need to try, it is impossible to cross successfully.

Fertility of hybrid varieties

From the flower performance of hybrid varieties, it is roughly inferred that the sterility of hybrid varieties can be used for re-crossing.

Sometimes, a hybrid performs so well that it makes sense to cross again or provide high-quality genes.

It can be roughly judged by flowers: if the pollen on the anther of this hybrid variety develops well, then the variety is likely to be fertile. If you use it as a male or female parent, you may get seeds that can germinate. Such as white peony, Christmas Dongyun and so on, it can be found that they have a large amount of pollen in the actual planting, and they do get fertile seeds and sow seedlings after crossing.

On the other hand, by observing the anther of Tia, we can find that the development of pollen is very poor, even there is almost no pollen. After actual verification, it is found that it failed to use it as male parent and female parent.

Primordial hybrid

The hybridization between the original species and the original species is very easy, and the seed quality is also good. Generally speaking, some successful seeds can be obtained from the hybridization of hybrids and original species, and the success rate is generally higher than that of hybrids. So collecting primitive species is a homework that every flower friend who is interested in crossing must do.

Different plant characteristics

Different plants have different shapes and characteristics.

If you like Dongyun's strong plant type and waxy skin color, then it is good to choose the original species and varieties of Dongyun as the starting point of hybridization, such as Romeo, ebony, Xiangfu lotus and so on.

If you prefer sharp claw tips, then black claw, red claw, sea ice Grey, Wu hook, magic claw and other varieties are the best choice for you to be parents.

If you have a heavy taste of Diablo, then Rudolph, Heavenly Devil Dance, Tuoba Lotus, Ancient Purple and Morse Stone Lotus are definitely your type.

If you are obsessed with soft red edges and blood-stained red leaves, then Carola, Flower Moon Night, Rosima, Dahejin and so on are the high-quality genetic sources of these traits.

If you are blinded by the bright and dazzling frost, Xuelian, Guanghan Palace and Pi's stone lotus are good parents.

If you are adorned by small meat and jelly color, then quiet Night, Blue Bean, Manlian, Moon Shadow, Huanai well, Sapphire these are the varieties that should be tried more.

If you prefer delicate ruffles, keep a Shavina or a mirror lotus.

If you love the furry texture, then Qingzhu lotus, Jinshihuang, Hua Si, and White Rabbit ears are all parents you should collect.

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