
These five kinds of flowers can also be raised by people who do not know how to raise flowers. The flowers are beautiful and have a long flowering period.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Raising flowers can make lazy people become diligent. If you stay at home all the time, it's better to plant a few pots of flowers and plants. When you're in a bad mood, take a look and suddenly become happy. But many of my friends say they don't know how to grow flowers, but they don't.

Growing flowers can make lazy people become diligent. If you stay at home all the time, you might as well use your hands to plant a few pots of flowers and plants. When you are in a bad mood, you will immediately become happy. But many friends said that they can not grow flowers, in fact, it does not matter, these five kinds of flowers can be sown, can be cut with branches, no matter how to raise, are very easy to feed, blooming pots are particularly beautiful!


These are the flowers we all planted when we were young. The seeds grow wherever they fall. If you don't want to sow them, just find some branches and come back. It doesn't matter if they are longer or shorter.

Cuttings are cut into the potted soil, watered and placed in a cool place where the sun is out of reach. They will take root in a week and blossom very quickly.

As soon as the sun blossoms, it is beautiful no matter how it looks.

Catharanthus roseus

This flower is very common, but it has several colors, pink, white and so on, and it is very easy to feed. No matter how hot the weather is, it can burst into a pot and grow very vigorously. It can not only sow seeds, but also cut with branches.

Cutting with sand is the most suitable, moisturizing and shading, the root is also very fast, usually often pick the heart to hit the top, flowering can bloom into a bouquet.


Many friends must have planted this flower when they were young, also known as henna, it germinates quickly, but it can also be used for cutting, selecting the top branch, about five centimeters long, leaving only two or three leaves.

When cuttings are cut into sand or clean river sand, they can take root very quickly.

Usually do not water too much, wait for the basin soil to dry before watering, so as not to rot roots, basin soil to maintain loose and fertile, often pruning and pinching branches, can grow luxuriantly, blossom is also very much.


Petunia is not afraid of heat, not afraid of the sun, is one of the most flowering flowers in summer and autumn, it is also easy to sow, but cutting is also very simple.

Only need to prune the branches and leaves, with two or three leaves, cuttings into the sand, shade watering, roots are also very fast.

If you want petunia to blossom and burst, you need to pinch more branches, prune more, and fertilize more.


Geranium is also a kind of flower that is easy to feed, sowing is fine, cuttage is easier, and it can be cut in spring and autumn.

When cutting, do not leave fertilizer in the basin soil, cut with sand or vermiculite sand, do not have too much moisture, maintain a certain amount of air humidity, and take root quickly.

Geranium good care, can bloom three seasons a year, flowering is very long, flowering is also very beautiful.