
The fengshui function of raising turtles at home

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The fengshui function of raising turtles at home

Tortoise is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient China (Black Tortoise). Chinese people especially like tortoises because turtles live very long, can witness the rise and fall of hundreds of years, and have been regarded as a symbol of longevity and auspiciousness since ancient times. and the tortoise shell is one of the earliest instruments used in divination, so the tortoise is a kind of divine animal, so let's take a look at the fengshui function of raising turtles at home.

The fengshui function of raising turtles at home

1. Add longevity yuan: turtles are auspicious animals that symbolize longevity. Raising them at home can help increase longevity yuan at home, and it is better to feed them in homes with old people.

2. Block the evil spirit: the tortoise shell has the function of blocking the evil spirit in fengshui, and this is the reason why the turtle is fed in the place where there is a crossbeam.

3. Protect the family: the tortoise is a spiritual creature and can be fed properly through its divinity to protect the whole family.

Where can turtles be kept in fengshui?

1. Walk freely: turtles that walk everywhere are called "evil spirits" in fengshui. When they are extremely unlucky or lack of fire, they can raise turtles at home and let them walk around. On the one hand, they can block evil spirits and drive away bad luck with the help of turtle shells. On the other hand, it can strengthen fire luck and drive negative evil spirits away.

2. location: the tortoise is a branch of Black Tortoise, the five elements belong to water, and the water is in the north, so it is best to raise turtles in the north. It is suggested that some green plants should be placed next to them to form a pattern in which water and trees grow together. In this way, the life of the tortoise is also long. the owner's luck is also better.

3. Display environment: do not put fire items and electrical appliances next to the tortoise, which will cause damage to the tortoise and affect the luck of the owner. And the display of items belonging to fire will form a pattern of combining water and fire, which will also have a bad impact on the owner.

4. Placement: turtles are usually placed in the living room (Ming hall). Fengshui in the Ming hall is related to the health and fortune of the house owner, and each house has its own financial position, so as long as it is placed in the living room, it can promote the wealth of the house owner, but the living room property position is different because of the situation.

How to raise turtles at home?

1. Tortoise selection: first, observe whether there are always open mouth breathing or runny nose, and at the same time check whether there are wounds, shell defects, pull tortoise claws, etc., after buying home, you must first isolate and observe. In addition to adapting to the new environment, we should also pay attention to whether there are signs of disease.

2. Fish tank selection

① fish tank size: do not buy too small fish tank to raise small turtles, fish tank size as far as possible more than 5 times larger than small turtles. At the same time, do not let the turtle soak in the water all the time, as long as half of the body is enough.

② fish tank layout: keeping turtles in the fish tank with some sand or stones is good for the little turtles to sun their backs and ventilate. To avoid rotten turtles, the water should be changed once a week.

3. Light control: put the turtle in a place where the sun can be exposed, but to avoid exposure, there should be a cool place and a pool or basin for rest and play. And the amount of exercise of the little turtle is relatively large, proper exercise of muscles and bones is conducive to the development of bones.

4. Feed selection: turtles are omnivorous animals, eating not only animal feed such as small fish, shrimp, snails, clams, earthworms, maggots, scraps of livestock, etc., but also plant feeds such as tubers, vegetables, grains, aquatic plants and so on.

5. Feeding: turtles are usually fed once every 3 days, and the feeding amount can be increased or decreased according to the size of the turtles. Generally, they can be fed at 5: 10% of their body weight. When the temperature is moderate and the appetite is strong in spring and autumn, the turtles should be fed more than usual.

① timing: the temperature is relatively low in spring and autumn, so feed should be put into use at 8: 9 a.m. It is the peak feeding season from Grain Rain to the Autumn Equinox, but it is during the summer vacation, so it is advisable to put in the feed at 16: 17 p.m. Timing can make turtles feed on time and get more nutrition.

② positioning: set a fixed feeding point along the bank of the pool, and the table of the feeding point should be close to the water surface to facilitate the turtle to swallow water and bite. Positioning feeding can make turtles develop habits, make it easy to find food, and at the same time easy to observe the condition of turtles.

③ quality: the feed should be kept fresh and the leftover food should be removed in time after feeding to prevent the feed from rotting and smelling, affecting the turtle's appetite and polluting the water quality.

④ quantity: the amount of feed depends on the air temperature, water quality, turtle's appetite and its activity, and it is appropriate to have a little surplus during the meal, usually every 2 to 3 days.

6. Water quality management: whether or not to change water should be decided according to the cleanliness of water quality. Water should be changed when it is found to be polluted or turbid. Water should be changed frequently in summer, less in winter, even more unsuitable for hibernation and the new water temperature should be slightly higher than the usual water temperature by 1 / 2 ℃.

7. Temperature management: the tortoise is a variable temperature animal. When the water temperature drops below 15 ℃, it begins to hibernate at the bottom of the water. When the water temperature rises to more than 15 ℃ at the turn of spring and summer, it begins to move and look for food. The most suitable temperature is 25: 30 ℃, and stop feeding when it is more than 35 ℃.

8. Disease control: turtles are often disinfected with potassium permanganate solution when raising turtles, and appropriate amounts of oxytetracycline or dysentery are added to the feed. These measures have a very good effect on tortoise disease prevention. In addition, it is necessary to prevent the invasion of turtles by rats, snakes, cats and other enemies.

9. Hibernation management: turtles begin to feed at the beginning of April every year, and their feeding activities reach the peak from June to August. The temperature drops below 18 degrees and begins to stop eating. Hibernating begins below 15 degrees Celsius. Generally, they hibernate from November to April every year. But the situation of each kind of tortoise is different. Management needs to be strengthened.