
Are frogs protected animals?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Are frogs protected animals?

Frogs often live in rivers, ponds, rice fields and other places, mainly in the grass by the water, sometimes lurking into the water, mostly at night, feeding on insects, and eating some field snails, snails, shrimps, small fish and so on. Most of the insects they eat are agricultural pests. Let's take a look at whether frogs are protected animals.

Are frogs protected animals?

Frogs generally belong to third-level protected animals, but some special species, such as tiger frogs, belong to second-class national protected animals. It is worth noting that frogs are protected animals prohibited by the state, and almost all species are experts at killing pests in forest and farmland. However, in daily life, many people regard frog meat as a tonic or delicacy, which leads to some vendors wantonly hunting and killing frogs, which is bound to destroy the ecological balance. Which leads to the spread of pests.

Is it illegal to catch wild frogs?

Catching wild frogs is illegal. In recent years, cases of illegal hunting for hunting more than 20 frogs have occurred frequently in various places, and the risk of eating frogs is also not small, because frogs contain parasitic "spargans". Once eaten, it will gradually grow through the intestinal mucosa into the blood, and along the blood to the skin and even the eyes, lungs, head and other important parts, the consequences are difficult to predict.

What kinds of frogs are there?

1. Rana nigromaculata: Rana nigromaculata belongs to the "three protected animals". It lives on water and land, comes out at dusk and at night, hunts, omnivorous in tadpole stage, and feeds on insects in adult stage. it often lives in the grass in rice fields, ponds, lakes, ditches or nearby waters.

2. Golden line frog: Golden line frog belongs to "three protected animals", including golden line side fold frog, Fujian side fold frog, Hubei side fold frog three species, fat body, is a widely distributed endemic species in China, mainly distributed in the eastern part of China.

3. Small spinous frogs: small spinous frogs are "three protected animals". They are large and fat, with a body length of about 9cm and 12cm, with dim body color and irregular black markings. They are endemic to China, distributed in Fujian, Hunan, Guangxi and other places.

4. Tiger frog: Tiger frog is a "second-class protected animal". It often lives in paddy fields, ditches, reservoirs, ponds, swamps and nearby grass in hilly areas below 900 meters above sea level. It is known as the "frog of Asia".