
Raising sheep in summer should be done at eight o'clock.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Raising sheep in summer should be done at eight o'clock.

Prevent heat and cool down

To do a good job of heat prevention and cooling in summer, we should often remove the weeds around the sheep house, set up air convection windows at the bottom of the north and south walls of the sheep house to strengthen ventilation and facilitate cooling; set up a sunshade on the sunny side of the sheep house to avoid direct sunlight; if the sheep house is a flat tile roof, it can be brushed with white lime or covered with sunshade; increase the green area around the sheep house and improve the microclimate. In addition, the sheephouse should also install screen doors and screen windows to prevent flies and mosquitoes from entering.

Rational grazing

In hot summer, sheep like to gather in flocks, so they don't have enough to eat. Grazing in the morning should come out early and return early, generally waiting for the dew to dry and then grazing. Let the sheep rest and graze in the enclosure from 11:00 to 3 pm, and harvest at 7 pm in the afternoon. graze in shady areas in hot days to prevent heatstroke.

Dissipate heat to dry sheep

Sheep are prone to fever in summer, so it is very important to dry sheep every day in order to ensure the health of sheep. Herding sheep at noon do not rush into the sheepfold, but directly let the sheep rest and drink in the shade of the tree. After grazing at night, you can wait for the sheep to dry for a period of time before entering the enclosure. Every time grazing and harvesting, do not rush to drive the sheep, should let the sheep walk slowly, dry the body to dissipate heat.

Strengthen nutrition

In the hot season of summer and autumn, it is necessary to strengthen the nutrition of sheep, increase the nutrient concentration of diet, and further enhance the resistance of sheep to high temperature environment. For adult sheep, about 200 grams of concentrate are fed every day, and about 100 grams of concentrate are given to lambs that have just been weaned. As the feed intake of sheep will decrease in summer, the number of feeding times should be increased to make up for the lack of nutrition caused by the decrease in feed intake.

Increase water and salt

In the hot summer season, the water basin of drinking sheep should be kept clean so that the sheep can drink freely. 0.2 grams of salt per kilogram of water was added to maintain acid-base balance in sheep.

Prevent rainstorm attack

There are more thundershowers in summer, and sheep are easy to catch a cold and have a fever after being drenched in the rain, resulting in fat loss. When grazing, you can bring a large piece of cloth that can accommodate the sheep, fasten the four corners to the root of the tree, and top it up with a thicker stick in the middle to protect the sheep from the rain in time. In addition, do not graze on steep slopes during lightning and thunder, so as to prevent sheep from being frightened and injured.

Do well in environmental hygiene

In summer, we should pay attention to the environmental hygiene of the sheep house, pay attention to ventilation and moisture-proof, and often clean the sheep house to keep it clean and dry.

Pay attention to disease prevention and treatment

In summer, we should always pay attention to the mental state, appetite and feces of the sheep, and pay special attention to the disease prevention and treatment of the lamb. When an infectious disease or suspected infectious disease occurs, it should be immediately isolated, promptly asked a veterinarian for observation and treatment, and the bodies of sick and dead sheep should be properly disposed of, buried or burned, so as to cut off the source of the disease, control the epidemic of the disease, and be extinguished in time after discovery.