
Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of inbreeding in raising sheep

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Attention should be paid to the prevention and control of inbreeding in raising sheep

In raising sheep in rural areas, there is a common problem of not exchanging rams for many years, and inbreeding is very serious. The inbreeding of sheep has the malpractice of "two drops and one high". Namely: sheep reproductive performance decline, breed degradation, stunting, growth retardation, meat and wool production reduced by 50%; reproduction rate decreased, freaks, abortion, metamorphosis, stillbirth continued to appear; sheep poor disease resistance, high mortality. These problems must be paid great attention by sheep farmers and measures should be taken to solve them seriously.

Change the breeding ram at the right time

After two years of continuous use, the breeding ram of one flock is exchanged with the same breed of ram in other sheep flocks to avoid inbreeding.

Breeding rams should be raised separately.

When it comes to the breeding season, breeding rams with distant blood relationship are used for breeding.

Set up artificial insemination stations in villages with a large number of sheep

The insemination station should establish a file system, including breeding sheep breeding registration form, lamb registration form and offspring testing record form, etc. With these files, the blood relationship will be clear, and there will be plans for seed selection and mating, so as to avoid inbreeding.