
Why don't jasmine blossom? Only branches do not blossom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Many flower friends asked on Wechat to find that their jasmine only grows branches but does not blossom. Looking at other people's jasmine blooming so well, they very much want to know why jasmine does not blossom. In fact, as long as we take care of it properly, most jasmine can blossom.

Many flower friends asked on Wechat to find that their jasmine only grows branches and does not blossom. Looking at other people's jasmine blooming so well, they very much want to know why jasmine does not blossom. In fact, as long as we maintain it properly, jasmine can blossom in general. Not blooming means that we have not done a good job in the process of maintenance.

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No more nonsense, let's pick the main one and say that there are several things that must be done if jasmine is to grow and blossom normally.

1. Plenty of light.

2. Good ventilation environment.

3. Prune frequently.

As long as we do a good job of these three points, do not worry about jasmine blooming, as for things like fertilization, but affect the amount of flowering, which we can add later, in this paper, we mainly talk about the reasons why jasmine does not bloom.

I have seen jasmine raised by some flower friends. because of the conditions, jasmine is raised in an environment with poor light and poor ventilation, and the technology is not too high. as a result, the jasmine grows, the branches grow and wilt.

Flower cultivation can not be forced, must be combined with the environment of flower cultivation to choose suitable flowers, below we focus on the basic conservation of jasmine, flower friends contrast reference, to see where they are not in place, to improve it, must be able to let jasmine bloom.

First of all, simply talk about the basin soil, the general basin soil will not directly affect whether jasmine blossoms, like fertilizer, affect the number of flowers and growth strength, jasmine soil is better with soil rich in organic matter, basin soil should have a certain degree of water retention, but also breathable and permeable at the same time, so that jasmine can grow well. Generally, garden soil, rotten leaf soil and large particles can be mixed, and the proportion can be adjusted as appropriate.

Light is very important to jasmine. Jasmine can be exposed in the open air. Good light can not only prevent jasmine from growing, but also promote flower bud differentiation. We know that most plants blossom and need sunlight.

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Pruning is as important to jasmine as the sun. Jasmine is very resistant to pruning. Generally, it can be re-pruned before sprouting in spring, retaining the base of 10-15 cm, so that most sturdy new branches occur. If the growth of new branches is very prosperous, they should be coring when growing up to 10 cm. Promote secondary shoots, then bloom more, and wipe compact, high ornamental value.

After light pruning, jasmine flowers should be pruned in time after blooming, so that new branches can germinate again at the pruned branches, and flower buds will differentiate again after the new branches grow to a certain extent (usually three or four pairs of leaves grow). So post-anthesis pruning is very important for the maintenance of jasmine.

For fertilization, although jasmine has a great demand for fertilizer, we usually try to apply thin fertilizer as much as possible, about once a week, not when dormant in winter.


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