
Measures for the management of bullfrogs during overwintering

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Measures for the management of bullfrogs during overwintering

With the higher and higher living standards of modern people, the dish of "bullfrog" gradually appears in the recipes of many restaurants, coupled with its high nutritional value and delicate meat, the consumer group of bullfrogs is also getting larger and bigger. many farmers began to devote themselves to the bullfrog farming industry. For bullfrog farming, the more difficult is the problem of overwintering. Many bullfrog farmers have responded that bullfrogs are easy to die on a large scale in winter. How to survive this winter has become a big problem that farmers must face. As we all know, when the ambient temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius, the bullfrog's body temperature decreases, feeding stops, activity decreases, latent caves and underwater, this is the bullfrog hibernation phenomenon. Let's take a look at the overwintering management of bullfrogs.

1. Overwintering temperature

The overwintering management mainly controls the overwintering temperature, the overwintering ambient temperature is best controlled at l0-l5 degrees Celsius, and the overwintering water temperature is best controlled at 5-l0 degrees Celsius. In this temperature zone, bullfrog is in a semi-dormant state with low metabolism and low oxygen consumption, which is easy to manage. If there are conditions, the water temperature can be adjusted to 23 degrees Celsius, 28 degrees Celsius, in order to facilitate the bullfrog to hibernate for winter length. During the overwintering, the lowest water temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius, otherwise the bullfrog will be frostbitten or even frostbitten to death. Therefore, during the bullfrog overwintering, it is necessary to observe the air temperature and water temperature every day and regulate the temperature.

II. Overwintering environment

Pay attention to the regulation of water quality, properly inject and change water, and maintain good water quality. For the bullfrog overwintering in the semi-arid type, it is necessary to keep the soil moist for a long time and keep the environment quiet. During the overwintering period, the bullfrog does not eat or move, it is in a dormant state, the metabolic level is very low and the energy consumption is the least. If the environment is noisy or man-made interference will cause discomfort or migration of the overwintering bullfrog, it will increase the metabolic level, increase energy consumption, significantly lose weight, and even get sick and die in serious cases. In addition to the necessary water injection, change of water and drinks, do not frighten and interfere with bullfrogs.

III. Overwintering food

If the bullfrog is fed with an appropriate amount of feed, the bullfrog will consume a lot of energy to maintain its life during the overwinter. about 0.5 minutes before overwintering, it is necessary to feed the bullfrog more animal feed rich in fat and protein, so as to make the bullfrog accumulate more fat before overwintering, so as to improve its resistance to severe cold so as to survive the winter safely. In the later period of overwintering, when the air temperature and water temperature gradually rise above 10 degrees Celsius, the overwintering bullfrog gradually wakes up, and some high-protein fodder, such as earthworms and yellow powder insects, can be fed appropriately at noon on a sunny day, with a daily feeding rate of 0.5%. 1.0%. It is also necessary to do a good job in preventing enemy attacks and timely prevention and control of frog disease.

IV. Nursing care of tadpoles during overwintering

In order to make the tadpoles survive the winter safely, the water level of the tadpole pond can be deepened to about 0.3 meters, and the input amount of water lilies or other aquatic plants can be increased on the water surface, generally with a degree of 2 beat 3 covering the water surface, in order to maintain a slightly higher water temperature. If the temperature drops below 0 ℃, the water in the tadpole pond should be deepened to 1.1m, so that even if the water surface freezes, the water temperature in the deep layer of the pool can be maintained at about 4 ℃. At a water temperature of 4 ℃, tadpoles can survive the winter safely and grow slowly only by feeding on organic matter in the pond water.

These are the management methods of bullfrogs during the overwintering period. from the above, it is not difficult to see that the management of bullfrogs during the overwintering period is mainly carried out around the temperature and environment, while during the overwintering period, because the bullfrogs are in a state of hibernation, the requirements for food are not very high, only need to supplement adequate nutrition to bullfrogs before and after overwintering. Because of its small resistance, tadpoles need to pay special attention to the control of water temperature in order to survive the winter safely.