
How to control bean anthracnose?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What are the dangers of bean anthrax? How to control bean anthracnose? Please also understand the net friend to help introduce the cultivation network collated bean anthracnose harm and prevention methods, the following detailed list for the reference of netizens. The harm of bean anthracnose: bean anthracnose belongs to fungal disease, in more dew,...

What harm does bean anthracnose have? How to prevent and cure bean anthracnose? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the farm network to sort out the harm of bean anthracnose and its prevention and control methods, the following detailed list for netizens' reference. Harm of bean anthracnose: bean anthracnose is a fungal disease, which is easy to occur under dewy and wet conditions. at the initial stage, fusiform or long stripe disease spots are produced on the stem, which are initially purplish red, sunken, and seriously harmful to pods, forming reddish-brown disease spots, waiting for the disease spot to surround the stem for a week, it will cause the plant to die. Methods of prevention and control of bean anthracnose: method 1. Rotation of beans: establish a rotation system with non-melons. Seeds can be soaked in warm water at 55-60 degrees Celsius for 15-20 minutes before sowing. Before planting, the soil and pole should be sprayed with 800-1000 times potassium permanganate solution. Second, strengthen field management, improve plant disease resistance, strengthen management, increase the application of organic fertilizer, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer appropriately. During the growing period, Huawang No. 3 was sprayed at the right time to inhibit the growth of main shoots and promote flower bud differentiation, and at the same time, vegetable fruit Zhuangtieling was sprayed before flowering, podding stage and fruit expansion stage to enhance pollen pollination quality, promote fruit development and improve bean quality. achieve high yield and high quality beans. Method 3. Diseased plants should be taken out and taken out of the field for centralized burning, and targeted agents should be sprayed according to the requirements of plant protection. 1000 times solution of prochloraz (Shibao Gong) or 43% tebuconazole (Haolike) 3000 times solution should be sprayed on the stem. Click to get more bean planting techniques click to get more vegetable planting techniques