
Management technique of early weaning of Rex Rabbit

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Management technique of early weaning of Rex Rabbit

enzyme supplement

The development of digestive enzyme system of young rabbits is not perfect, and eating plant solid feed completely after weaning will inevitably bring huge burden to digestive system. A large dose of exogenous digestive enzymes can make up for congenital deficiency. Attention should generally be paid to the addition of protease, cellulase and amylase.

Use of microecological agents

In view of the vulnerability of intestinal microecosystem in early weaning rabbits, microecological preparations should be used at the beginning of weaning to prevent the invasion of harmful microorganisms in vitro and the violent proliferation of endogenous harmful microorganisms due to weaning stress, so as to control the occurrence of digestive tract diseases.

Supply of high nutrient diets

The nutritional value of breast milk is very high, to adapt to the rapid growth and development of young rabbits. In order to ensure the supply of nutrition after weaning, high nutrition diet should be prepared. General crude protein should reach 22%, crude fiber 8%~12%, choose easily digestible feed raw materials.

Vitamin supplementation

Microbes in the caecum of rabbits can synthesize some vitamins and provide them to rabbits in the form of soft feces. However, the microbial flora in the caecum of early weaning rabbits is not sound, and the intake of soft feces is very limited. In addition, the strong stress of weaning, the demand for vitamins far exceeds that of growing period. Therefore, for early weaning rabbits, vitamin supplementation should be strengthened, especially vitamin A, D, E and complex vitamin B, and vitamin C can be supplemented if necessary.

fine management

Provide suitable environment, including temperature, humidity, ventilation, light and sanitary conditions. Carefully observe the performance of young rabbits after early weaning, and take timely measures if abnormal.

The survival rate of early weaning has a lot to do with feeding management. The following aspects are the key points of feeding management:

1. Reasonable grouping: The method of weaning without leaving the cage should be adopted, that is, the method of removing mothers and keeping young. The young rabbits were kept in their original cages. Try to keep feed, environment and management unchanged to prevent all kinds of adverse stress reactions.

2. Early feeding: feed more in l6 ~l7 days, so that the young rabbits can adapt to the feed in advance and promote the development of the digestive tract of the young rabbits. Provide comprehensive nutrition, good palatability, digestible high-energy high-protein diet.

3, less feeding and frequent addition: regular feeding can prevent various diseases induced by bulimia in rabbits.

Avoid sudden changes in feed.

5, adequate supply of drinking water: a certain amount of micro-ecological agents and electrolytic multi-dimensional can be added to drinking water.

6. Control the environment of rabbit house: pay attention to ventilation, reduce humidity of rabbit house, cool down in summer and keep warm in winter.

7. Do a good job of sanitation and disinfection: keep the cages clean and wash and disinfect them frequently.

8. Diligent observation: observe the feeding, drinking water, feces and mental status of the young rabbits every day.

9. Do a good job of immunization after weaning.

10. Pay attention to the prevention of coccidiosis: coccidiosis is the most important disease to be prevented after weaning. Under normal circumstances, prevention begins at 30 days of age. In case of early weaning, the prevention time should be advanced to weaning age, otherwise, serious consequences will be caused.