
Local chicken price market in 2017

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Local chicken price market in 2017

Native chicken is the local chicken, and some are called grass chicken, firewood chicken, stupid chicken and so on. Because of its delicious meat, rich nutrition and pollution-free pollution, meat and eggs are green food. Native chickens and native eggs are popular in the market, and their prices are rising. Let's take a look at the local chicken price market in 2017!

The price quotation of native chicken

The market price of native chicken is mainly determined by the quality of native chicken. If it is a native chicken raised by the farmer, it is about 25 yuan per catty. This kind of native chicken has no hormones and grows up on miscellaneous grains from an early age. It takes 8 to 12 months to grow into a chicken. The price of the native chicken raised in the farm is generally between 13 and 18 yuan, which varies from place to place. This kind of native chicken usually eats feed when the chicken is young, and then switch to miscellaneous grains when it grows to a certain weight.

Identification of authenticity of native chicken

The main results are as follows: 1. From the appearance, the head of the native chicken is small, the body is compact, the chest and leg muscles are strong, the chest skin is close to the muscle, the foot pole is slender, and the claws are slender. Due to the long growth cycle, the big toe is well developed and appears to be longer. The chicken crown is large, upright and brightly colored. Turning over the feathers with your hands, you can't see the big black roots, all the fine hard root hairs. The head and body of the non-native chicken are larger, the chicken feet are thick, the feathers are loose, and the crown is smaller. Due to the short growth cycle, the big toe is almost undeveloped and looks like a small meat ball.

2. Slaughter and wash the chicken and touch it with your hands. The native chicken has thin skin and fine pores, which are arranged in a network. The skin color of chicken is yellow and the subcutaneous fat is evenly distributed. The skin of the non-native chicken is smooth and the color is white. Some native chickens have local or large area skin bruises. It's because of the release of local chickens. It is easy to get hurt while foraging or running in the wild. Native chickens are wild by nature. I fight a lot. It is also possible to be pecked or trampled. But it does not affect the consumption.

3. The local chicken is stewed for a long time. It usually takes two or three hours. On the other hand, broilers are usually fully cooked in an hour. The soup after the local chicken stew is golden and looks very bright. Fat agglomerates on the surface of the soup, without monosodium glutamate and other seasonings, have a special fresh flavor. The soup color of non-native chicken is muddy and the chicken meat is loose. Fat reunion is less, taste light, there is no strong flavor of chicken soup.

Nutritional value of native chicken

1. Compared with the broiler we raise, the meat of native chicken is stronger, the meat structure and nutrition proportion are more reasonable, and the native chicken is rich in protein, trace elements and various nutrients, and the content of fat is relatively low. it has important value for our human health. It is a meat product that we Chinese prefer, and it belongs to high-protein meat.

2. Native chicken is rich in amino acids, which play a very important role in human body. it is the most basic substance that constitutes our body protein and is related to life activities, and it is the basic unit of protein molecules in living organisms. it is the basic substance of our life and has a close relationship with human life activities. It is an indispensable nutrient in our human body. These nutrients in native chicken are of great significance to the growth and development of our human body.

3. The chicken skin of the native chicken is rich in glial protein, which can be quickly absorbed and used by the human body. it is a very good colloid. when we make the native chicken, we will find the difference in the meat quality between the native chicken and the chicken we bought in the market. native chicken can be used as a nourishing food. before, after pregnant women gave birth, stewing soup with native chicken can promote the recovery of the body. People in the rehabilitation diet after illness stewed chicken soup is also a very good choice, often eat native chicken can strengthen our body's physique, improve our body's immunity, there are many ways to make native chicken, can use stew, barbecue, air-drying and other production methods, is a real green pollution-free meat food.