
How can peacock fish not die easily?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How can peacock fish not die easily?

Peacock fish, also known as peacock medaka, anchovies, rainbow guppies, etc., is a kind of tropical fish of the genus guppy family. There are great differences in size and color between male and female fish. Now they are introduced to countries all over the world as ornamental fish. They are very mild in temperament and can be mixed with mild small and medium-sized tropical fish. They are usually lively and active, but have a short life span. Let's take a look at how peacock fish are not easy to die.

What kind of environment does peacock fish want to grow?

Living in warm spring water and overgrown ditches and canals, peacock fish is a small omnivorous fish species with strong adaptability to the environment. It lives well in an aquarium without temperature control and inflatable equipment, can withstand 16 ℃ low temperature and dirty water quality, and the most suitable growth temperature is 22 ℃. It likes slightly alkaline water and can adapt to medium nature. Eat zooplankton, small insects and detritus, but mainly eat insects including Ceratopogonidae, Chironomus, domestic mosquitoes, Diptera, Homoptera and Hemiptera.

How to reproduce peacock fish?

2. Selection of fish species: the breeding of peacock fish should avoid inbreeding, so it is best not to grow fish for more than three generations in the breeding aquarium, so as to avoid inbreeding leading to the degradation of aquarium species, and it is best to introduce fish of the same species for purposeful distant hybridization.

3. Mating waiting to give birth: after the peacock fish is in estrus, the female fish gradually expands and black fetal spots appear. At this time, the male fish chases the female fish and inserts the copulatory apparatus into the female fish's cloaca for in vivo fertilization. When the female fetal spot becomes large and black and the anus protrudes, it can be fished out for delivery.

4, breeding environment: when the peacock fish breeds, it is best to prepare a large aquarium, the water temperature had better be kept at 26 degrees Celsius, pH6.8~7.4, at the same time to a variety of aquatic plants, and then according to the ratio of 1 male to 4 females to prevent peacock fish.

5. Management of juvenile fish: after giving birth, the peacock fish should be fished out of the female and male fish in time to prevent the larvae from being eaten, or they can be immersed in the water in a funnel-shaped wall surrounded by plastic sheets. put the female larvae in the funnel so that the larvae fall from under the funnel into the water outside the funnel.

How can peacock fish not die easily?

1. Raising fish tanks: the fish tanks of peacock fish should be cleaned and disinfected. Disinfection is the method of boiling water disinfection, which is not only thorough, but also has no problems left over from chemical disinfection. At the same time, it is also the most environmentally friendly method.

2. Raising water and releasing water: keep the tap water for 3 to 5 days, volatilize the chlorine in the water, then add the water to the disinfected tank, add nitrifying bacteria, and then add the carcasses of fish and shrimp to make the food of nitrifying bacteria. Use water leprechaun to oxygenate continuously for 24 hours.

3. Feeding density: the feeding density is too large, the water quality is not suitable to control the disease, the density is too small, there are few big fish in the tank, and the fish do not have to rush for food will lead to the lack of excitement and exercise, thus affecting the growth rate, the appropriate feeding density is very important.

4. Water temperature control: the water temperature in the tank is stable between 22 and 26 degrees (all tropical fish can adapt to this temperature zone), adults are generally controlled at 22 to 24 degrees, and young fish are controlled at about 24 to 26 degrees.

5. bait feeding: do not feed the new fish on the same day after entering the tank. After the fish are restored, the food that cannot be eaten should be fished out in time, and the eating time of the fish should be controlled within five minutes. At the same time, with the increase of the age of the fish, the variety of food and the amount of feed are continuously increased.

6. Water quality management: the quality of water quality has a direct impact on the growth of fish. Before the new fish enters the tank, the water quality in the tank must be well controlled, such as the water circulation and filtration system of the fish tank. It is best to cultivate some aquatic plants.

Prevention and treatment of diseases of peacock fish

1. White spot disease: when peacock fish have white spot disease, they can be treated by changing water and heating with salt, that is, change half of the water first, then add 3g / L sea salt according to the volume of feeding water, and finally raise the water temperature to 3032 ℃, which can be effective after 3 days.

2. Tail rot: when peacock fish develop tail rot, soak in salt water with a concentration of 3% for 10 minutes, once or twice a day, and keep the water quality good, and the necrotic tissue will fall off naturally in a few days.

3. Water mildew: when water mildew occurs, peacock fish can be soaked with iodine-containing disinfectants, such as 20 mg / L povidone iodine solution or 2 mg / L potassium permanganate mixed with 1% salt water for 20 minutes. Or take antibiotics (such as sulfonamides).

4. Pine ball disease: when peacock fish develop pine ball disease, the diseased fish can be immersed in tetracycline solution with a concentration of 1/50000 units for 1 hour, and the% sodium chloride solution can be mixed with 3% sodium bicarbonate solution for 10 minutes.

5. Mouth rot: when peacock fish develop mouth rot, some commercially available fungicides can be used for medicine bath, and most of the situation will be improved. If it is still not cured, the reason may be that some of the factors that lead to bacterial infection have not been eliminated.