
Why are all belt fish dead?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why are all belt fish dead?

Belt fish is rich in nutrition, delicious meat, rich in fat, protein, vitamin A, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine and other nutrients. It has the effects of strengthening the heart and tonifying the kidney, relaxing muscles and promoting blood circulation, eliminating inflammation and phlegm, clearing the brain and relieving diarrhea, eliminating fatigue, refreshing and refreshing, but many people find that belt fish are dead when they are sold. Let's take a look at why the belt fish are all dead!

Why are all belt fish dead?

The belt fish belongs to marine deep-water fish, which is subjected to great water pressure under water, and there is also outward pressure in the body to resist the water pressure, so the belt fish will not be flattened. When the belt fish is fished to the surface, because the atmospheric pressure is much smaller than the water pressure, the external pressure of the belt fish will be small and the internal pressure will be high. At this time, the pressure in the belt fish will quickly expand outward, eventually breaking through the internal organs, so the belt fish will die. This is why the belt fish are dead.

Where is the origin of the belt fish?

Belt fish is widely distributed, mainly in the western Pacific and Indian oceans. The coastal provinces of China can be seen and can be divided into south and north categories. The northern belt fish is larger than the south belt fish, overwintering in the south of the Yellow Sea, swimming to the Bohai Sea in spring, forming a spring fish season, and returning to the overwintering area in autumn in groups to form an autumn fish season. on the other hand, the southern belt fish moves north-south along the western edge of the East China Sea every year, makes reproductive migration northward in spring and overwintering migration south in winter.

How to choose the belt fish?

1. Body surface: the body surface of good quality belt fish is full of luster, full body scales, not easy to fall off scales, full wings, no broken belly and decapitation. On the other hand, the body surface luster of the poor quality belt fish is poor, the scales are easy to fall off, the fish body is fragrant gray, and there are phenomena of belly breaking and decapitation.

2. Fisheye: the good quality hairtail has full eyeball and transparent cornea, while the poor quality hairtail eyeball shrinks slightly and the cornea is slightly cloudy.

3. Muscle: the muscle of good quality hairtail is very thick and elastic, while the muscle of poor quality is very soft and inelastic.

4. Smell: the good quality belt fish will not give off the fishy smell, while the poor quality belt fish will have a strong fishy smell or bad smell.

5. Fish belly: the belly of good quality fish is not damaged or softened, while the belly of poor quality is damaged or softened.

What are the benefits of eating belt fish?

1. Enhance memory: belt fish containing DHA,DHA is one of the nutrients needed by the brain, which is very important to improve memory and thinking ability. in addition, belt fish is rich in lecithin, which can improve the function of the nervous system and has a very good effect on tonifying the brain.

2. Moisturizing and nourishing hair: the silver scale on the surface of belt fish is a high-quality fat with high nutritional value and no fishy smell, which contains unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin can enhance the vitality of skin surface cells and make skin delicate and hair black and bright.

3. Tonifying spleen and replenishing qi: belt fish can tonify spleen and replenish qi, and can be used for malnutrition, withered and yellow hair, loss of appetite, nausea, body tiredness and other diseases. steaming or frying the fish can improve the above symptoms caused by spleen deficiency and weakness of qi.

4. Tonifying blood and tonifying deficiency: hairtail is rich in protein, fat, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, nicotinic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other ingredients, which can replenish blood and replenish deficiency, and can be used for post-disease body deficiency, traumatic hemorrhage, postpartum milk deficiency and so on.

5, nourish the liver and warm the stomach: the belt fish has the effect of nourishing the liver, steaming the belt fish can improve the symptoms of hepatitis, and the belt fish also has the effect of appetizing, warming the stomach and replenishing deficiency.

6. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer: 6-thioguanine in the silver fat layer of hairtail epidermis is a natural anticancer ingredient, which is beneficial to the adjuvant treatment of leukemia, gastric cancer, lymphoid tumors and so on.

7. Reduce blood lipids: the fat content of belt fish is higher than that of ordinary fish, and most of them are unsaturated fatty acids, which have longer carbon chain, lower cholesterol and lower blood lipids.

8. Disease prevention: belt fish is rich in magnesium, which has a good protective effect on the cardiovascular system, which is conducive to the prevention of hypertension, myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases.