
Management techniques of captive black goats in rural areas

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Management techniques of captive black goats in rural areas

How to invest in the management of captive black goats in rural areas? What are the management techniques of rural planning breeding black goats? This is a topic that many people are studying now. Generally intensive breeding of black goats is carried out in captivity. The farm should have a first-hand management method for the captivity of black goats. In the management of black goat captivity, the farm must establish a cadre and worker team with one specialty and many abilities, who not only understand sheep raising but also master mechanical operation technology. Then through strict labor combination and labor management, mobilize the enthusiasm of all staff in the black goat farm to achieve the expected business objectives.

Nutritional requirements and variety selection

1. To breed black goat meat sheep, it is necessary to have sufficient coarse feed to meet the needs of rumen microorganisms, and then according to the production objectives and economic benefits of black goats at different stages, the diet should be formulated.

2. In terms of breed, excellent black goats suitable for captivity should be selected, such as Weiyan black goat, which has the characteristics of strong physique, disease resistance and tenacious survival ability, and has obtained the scale development of many agricultural areas. Such black goats are suitable for intensive captivity or stocking.

3. Attention should be paid to the diet of captive black goats. The feed should be fully nutritious, diversified, palatable, easy to digest, and the fine, coarse and green feeds should be reasonably matched.

4. Lambs should feed colostrum early to ensure health. Lactating lambs can graze early, feed plant feed, promote rumen function development, and strengthen lambs 'adaptability to external environment. Growing sheep diet is mainly coarse feed, and according to production purpose and coarse feed quality, reasonable proportion of concentrate feed, black goat fattening sheep is mainly high concentrate diet for fattening, and supplement feeding for breeding ewes in late pregnancy to ensure normal growth and development of fetus in late pregnancy.

How to prevent winter diarrhea in black goats?

Black goat winter dysentery is a seasonal outbreak of extremely strong disease, epidemic in late autumn to early spring, lambs occasionally disease, but also easy to cause great economic losses, farmers should do a good job of its preventive measures:

1. Strengthen feeding management, enhance body resistance, reasonably match diet, and maintain feed stability.

2. Reduce stress reaction, drink warm water as much as possible in cold weather, keep the house dry, lay soft bedding in the sheep house, and never feed frozen feed and drink frozen cold water.

3. Strengthen epidemic prevention and disinfection in the shed. 2% caustic soda solution or other disinfectants can be used to spray and disinfect the sheep shed and sports ground regularly.

Forage processing and sheep raising technology

Captive black goat, in forage, rural areas should vigorously promote forage processing sheep technology. The forage grass fed by traditional black goat breeding is often not processed, such as corn straw, which is fed with whole plant dry straw. The digestion and utilization rate is low after feeding, which not only causes great waste of forage resources, but also slow growth of sheep, long feeding cycle and low slaughter rate. Therefore, silage, ammoniation and fermentation feed processing technology should be widely popularized to improve the economic benefit of black goat breeding. (Country Notes)