
Costs and profits of raising sheep in 2017

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Costs and profits of raising sheep in 2017

Sheep are relatively easy to raise animals, with strong gregariousness and adaptability, to facilitate grazing management and captive management, choose a good quality, you can better raise sheep, and mutton has always been more popular, many people want to get rich by raising sheep, but they are not very clear about the costs and profits of raising sheep. Let's take a look at the costs and profits of raising sheep in 2017.

The cost of raising sheep

1. Sheep shed: suppose a 200 sheep shed is established. Usually, the area required for each sheep is 1.5 square meters for adult rams, 1 square meters for adult ewes, 0.8 square meters for young sheep and 0.3 square meters for lambs. The delivery room is set up at one end of the adult ewe house, and the area of the delivery room accounts for about 20% of the adult ewe house. According to a comprehensive estimate, a simple sheep shed requires an investment of about 30,000 to 40,000.

2. Lambs: suppose 200lambs, the price of lambs is mainly determined according to the breed, the price of a lamb is about 300,600,200 lambs need to invest about 6-120000.

3. Feed: suppose 200 sheep cost about 2 yuan per day to talk privately, and a total of 200 sheep need 400 yuan a day. It takes about 4 months for a sheep to be raised and out of the pen. So the cost of 200 sheep to get out of the pen is about 40,000 yuan.

Conclusion: the cost of raising sheep is about 15 to 200000.

The profit of raising sheep

1. Ewes: ewes make great profits from breeding. If a big ewe gives birth to six cubs a year, the net profit can reach about 1400 yuan to 1600 yuan.

2. Mutton sheep: mutton sheep is also called fattening sheep, and its profit is relatively low. The forage cost of keeping a sheep in captivity is about 1.5 yuan a day, and it takes about four months to raise a sheep, and the profit of a sheep is more than 200 yuan.

Conclusion: if you feed 200 sheep, the profit is about 40, 000 to 50, 000, and the annual profit is about 100000.

How to improve the profit of raising sheep?

1. Change mixed group grazing to single group grazing: graze lambs nearby according to their physiological and living characteristics, strengthen early cultivation, make lambs eat well, early weaning, early grazing, early feeding, and speed up growth and development. It can be seen that it is necessary to learn good sheep-raising techniques.

2. Change simple grazing to the combination of grazing and supplementary feeding: in the withered grass period, it is difficult for sheep to rely on grazing alone to meet their nutritional needs, so half-day grazing and half-day supplementary feeding are implemented in winter and spring, which can not only avoid the physical exertion of sheep, but also achieve the purpose of fattening sheep.

3. Change spring lamb to winter lamb: the growth period of lambs in winter is as long as 10-11 months, which is very beneficial to fattening after autumn and fattening in winter. It can not only avoid sheep losing fat over winter, but also save manpower and material resources, speed up sheep turnover, improve economic benefits and reduce sheep-raising costs.

4. Change extensive feeding management to fine feeding management: autumn is the golden season of grazing, grazing as much as possible to make sheep eat more grass; less grazing in cold winter, appropriate amount of exercise to supplement high-quality hay and concentrate. Make full use of self-produced green concentrate feed for supplementary feeding. Especially lambs, pregnant ewes and breeding rams, grazing alone can not meet their nutritional needs, so sheep feed and forage should be supplemented all the time.