
Captive technique of Black Goat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Captive technique of Black Goat

With the further development of agricultural breeding in our country and the abundance of straw resources in rural areas, by vigorously developing the production of captive black goats and increasing farmers' income, it has laid an important supporting industrial foundation for building a well-off society in rural areas in an all-round way. the technical problem is the most critical, let's take a look at the captive technology of black goats!

Captive advantages of Black Goat

The main results are as follows: 1. black goats grow and develop rapidly. due to the reduction of walking and foraging activities, the proportion of forage grass transformed into mutton is increased, and more mutton can be produced per unit of grass, the feeding cycle can be shortened by half, the turnover is fast and the benefit is high.

2. Accumulate a lot of fertilizer, the average annual fertilizer accumulation of a sheep in stocking is 500kg, but it is 1000kg in captivity.

3. There are few diseases and high survival rate of lambs. Black goats are easy to be infected because of "wind eating and sleeping", and it is not easy to find sick sheep in time, so the phenomenon of premature death of lambs often occurs. Captive black goats can be carefully managed, do not drink dirty water, less chance of infection, so the mother is fat and strong, and the survival rate can reach almost 100%.

4. Captive cultivation of black goats can also promote the restoration of vegetation, solve the contradiction between forest and animal husbandry, facilitate the commercialization of forage industry, and promote the intensive and large-scale development of herbivore production.

Construction of the Black Goat's Sheep House

1. Sheephouse area: the sheephouse should have sufficient area so that the goats are not too crowded in the shed and can move freely. The average minimum area of each goat is 1.2 square meters for breeding male goats, 0.8 square meters for adult female goats, 2.0 square meters for lactating female goats, 0.5 square meters for young male and female goats and 0.6 square meters for castrated goats.

2. Sheep sports ground: there should be a sports ground outside the goat house, and the area of the sports ground is 2 to 5 times the area of the goat house. The height of the fence of the playground is 1.5 meters for young goats, 2 meters for females and 2.2 meters for males. Drinking water devices, grass racks, food troughs and so on should be set up in the sports ground.

3. Heat prevention and cooling: the sheep house should be built into an open sheep house with dry interior, good ventilation, sufficient light, warm in winter and cool in summer. The eaves are more than 3 meters high, and the sheep bed set up in the house is 1-1.5 meters above the ground. Trees should be planted outside the house to prevent heat and cool down.

4. Roof waterproofing: the roof should be completely impervious, well drained, fire-resistant and durable, and should have a certain slope. In addition to the flat roof and dome, if the roof is made of bark, tiles and forage, it needs a slope of 15, 35 and 50 degrees respectively to facilitate waterproofing and drainage. The climate of Mashan County is hot, and the roof of the sheep house should focus on heat prevention, so heat insulation should be set up when using cement roof.

5. Ground doors and windows: the floor of the sheep house should be 20cm higher than the ground outside the sheep. the ground is dense, solid, flat, crack-free, and should have a certain inclination from the inside to the outside. a ditch should be set up in the lowland near the outside. Doors, windows and walls should be strong and durable, and a manure storage tank should be built outside the sheephouse.

Breeding techniques of Black Goat

1. Sexual maturity: male sheep are generally 3-4 months old, testes can produce sperm and testosterone, ewes at 4-5 months old, ovaries can produce eggs and estrogen. It is possible to reproduce in this period.

2. The performance of estrus: restless grazing, singing and shaking the tail, some climb across the sheep, transparent mucus flows out of the vulva at the initial stage, and the mucus becomes gelatinous (sticky) at the end, from the beginning to the end of estrus, usually 1-2 days, and the estrous cycle is 18-21 days.

3. Timely breeding: the suitable initial mating period of ewes is 8 months old, the first birth is in early April, the first birth is in early September, the second birth is in early October, and the next March. Most of them are natural mating. Due to the high equipment and technical requirements for artificial insemination, the technical conditions for popularizing artificial insemination and embryo transfer in goats are not yet mature.

4. Pregnancy and delivery: ewes are no longer in estrus 20 days after mating, indicating that they may have become pregnant. The pregnancy period of sheep is five months. After one or two months of conception, the ewe has developed breasts, ruddy color, slow walking before delivery, sunken armpits, prolapse of the abdomen, vaginal swelling and mucus, restless behavior, rising or looking back at the abdomen when lying down. When pudendal outflow of transparent mucus, lying or blame is regarded as parturient labor, should be prepared for delivery. Usually bleed mucus is live fetus, red mucus is stillbirth, fetal water is normal birth, fetal water is dystocia first.

Management Technology of Black Goat

1. Castration in time: for rams that are not suitable for breeding, except for some rams left as trial rams, others should be castrated at the age of 7-60 days. After castration, the rams are gentle and easy to manage.

2, feed collocation: sheep herbivores, feed should be forage, leaves, concentrate as a supplement, in summer and autumn, should be fed more forage, leaves or forage (generally planting Guimu No. 0.15mu can cultivate an adult sheep), Gramineae (such as Guimu No. 1, elephant grass, corn, etc.) and legumes (such as Leucaena leucocephala, Ren Doushu, sand bark leaves, etc.) forage feeding proportion is 4:1, appropriate supplement concentrate. There is a lack of forage grass in winter and spring. Where there are conditions, ryegrass should be planted in winter fallow fields as a supplement, and the problem of forage shortage can also be solved by feeding more mixed feed. The reference formula of the mixture is 54% corn meal, 40% grass meal, 4% soybean or peanut cake, 2% wheat bran, plus the right amount of minerals, and each sheep is fed with 5 grams of salt every day.

3. Adequate drinking water: in order to digest the roughage, goats must secrete a large amount of digestive juice every day. At the same time, internal circulation and nutrient transport are also inseparable from water. Therefore, the consequences of lack of water in goats are often more serious than lack of materials, which can easily lead to loss of appetite, indigestion, decline in fat, and so on. Therefore, adequate and clean drinking water should be provided, and warm water should be drunk in winter.

4. Careful management: clean the floor of the sheep house once a day, disinfect the enclosure and its surroundings regularly, remove the sheep dung under the sheep building every half a month, and keep it away from the sheep house for accumulation and fermentation. Heavy-born ewes, lactating ewes and their lambs should be raised in a small room (2 square meters per room) to prevent ewes from miscarriage and lamb crushing caused by crowding. The cubicle should be kept dry, clean, sunny and fresh, and the temperature should be 18: 20 ℃.