
Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and Management of four Seasons Strawberry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Strawberry cultivated in open field at the end of September, sprouted in the middle of March, first blossomed in late March, began to blossom and bear fruit one after another from late March to early November, and began to buckle with the drop of temperature in late October. Combined with protected cultivation, the four seasons can blossom and bear fruit, and there is basically no obvious dormancy period throughout the year.

Strawberries were cultivated in the open field at the end of September, sprouted in mid-March, first flowered in late March, began to blossom and bear fruit one after another from late March to early November, and began to buckle in late October as the temperature dropped. Combined with protected cultivation, the four seasons can blossom and bear fruit, and there is basically no obvious dormancy period throughout the year. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of strawberries.

Selection of four Seasons Strawberry Orchard

Strawberries of the four seasons like fertilizer, water and light, but they are afraid of waterlogging and drought, so they should choose sandy loam or neutral soil with sufficient sunshine, flat ground, loose soil and good conditions for drainage and irrigation, and the pH value is 5.5-6.5. Clay soil had better be planted with more organic fertilizer or improved in Gaza. Apply 3000-5000 kg of rotten high-quality organic fertilizer per mu before planting, and 50 kg compound fertilizer at the same time, ploughing and turning about 30 cm after fertilization, so that the fertile soil is fully mixed, raked and settled, and then furrowed or ridged.

Planting techniques of four Seasons Strawberry

1. Flat border planting: in order to facilitate watering management, the border should not be too long or too wide. Generally, the border width is 1.2 to 1.5 meters (planting 3 to 4 rows), the length is 10 to 20 meters, and the ridge height is 15 centimeters. After finishing the border, rake it flat and wait for planting.

2. Ridging and planting: it can be ridged and planted in low-lying land, land with poor drainage and protected land in winter, with a ridge height of 15 cm, a ridge top width of 40 cm, a width of 40 cm, a bottom width of 60 cm, and a furrow width of 15 cm. After making a good border and ridge, you can irrigate a small amount of water or properly suppress it, so that the soil can be settled.

3. Planting period: strawberries of the four seasons are generally planted in spring or autumn, and can also be planted in winter using a warm greenhouse. Spring planting is generally from mid-late March to early April, and autumn planting is from mid-late August to mid-late October.

4. Planting density: strawberry fields in the four seasons should maintain good ventilation and light transmission conditions and larger soil area in order to achieve high yield, high quality and large fruit. The planting should not be too dense, and the row spacing should be 30 × 40 cm × 40 cm. Triangular planting should be adopted and 8000 trees per mu should be planted. The planting depth should be "shallow without revealing roots, deep without immersion".

Post-planting Management of four Seasons Strawberry

1. Weeding in the field: weeds compete with strawberries for water, glory and nutrients, which will reduce strawberry yield and quality. Therefore, weed control is an important guarantee for the production of high quality big fruit strawberries. Comprehensive measures such as artificial weeding, plastic film mulching and crop rotation can be adopted for weeding in the field. In order to reduce labor, herbicides can also be used to control weeds.

2. Fertilizer and water management: strawberries in the four seasons need underground topdressing and foliar spraying for many times during the growing season. Underground topdressing is generally applied 4-6 times a year, each time about 50 kg compound fertilizer or multi-compound fertilizer is applied per mu, and the fertilizer is evenly sprinkled in the strawberry border. After topdressing, water in time, do not sprinkle fertilizer in the heart of strawberries, so as not to burn young leaves. Foliar fertilizer was sprayed every 20 days or so, mainly nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, with a concentration of 0.2-0.3%. Water should be watered in time after each topdressing, and watered several times during the growing season in dry years, so that the soil water content can be kept at 70-80% of the maximum field capacity. Strawberries are not resistant to waterlogging and should be drained in the rainy season.

3. Flower and fruit thinning: strawberries can blossom and bear fruit about 60 days after planting. In order to produce high quality large fruit, high yield and high efficiency, it is necessary to plant strong seedlings and raise big seedlings. Especially the seedlings planted in spring, be sure to raise the seedlings, grow strong and then bear fruit, pay attention to the timely thinning of flowers and stolons in the early stage, and leave flowers and fruit when the crown of the seedlings grows to 30-40 cm. Or planting seedlings in spring, strengthening the culture tube, bearing fruit in late summer and early autumn, not only large fruit with high quality, but also high yield and high efficiency. Keep 4-5 early and large flowers at flowering stage, and remove small and late flowers. The sooner you spend time, the better. After fruit setting, small fruits and abnormal fruits are removed, and each plant can retain 3 or 4 large fruits. After the previous fruit is ripe, another 4-5 large flowers are selected to keep blooming and fruiting continuously.

4. Rational pruning: in order to reduce nutrient consumption and ensure high yield and continuous fruit, stolons should be removed continuously in the growing season. Early removal of stolons can increase the yield of strawberries by about 20%. Four seasons strawberry has new leaves and new stems all the year round. In the whole growing season, the lower old leaves should be constantly removed to promote the growth of new leaves and stems in the upper part. Old leaves are generally yellowed at the beginning of the petiole and can be removed from the base of the petiole when the petiole changes from erect to flat.

5. Fruit cushion grass: with the increase of fruit, the inflorescence gradually droops down and touches the ground, which is easy to be contaminated by soil, which not only affects coloring and quality, but also causes rotten fruit. Strawberry orchards without plastic film mulching should cover the strawberry plants under the fruit 2 or 3 weeks after flowering, or wrap the straw into a straw ring and put the fruit on the straw ring.

6. Winter management: strawberries of the four seasons can blossom and bear fruit every year as long as the temperature is suitable. Therefore, it can be cultivated in open field in spring, summer and autumn. In the middle and last ten days of October, when the temperature drops to 5: 7 ℃, the shed should be fastened in time to ensure its continuous flowering and fruiting. The management in the shed is the same as ordinary strawberries.

6. timely renewal: under general management conditions, the growth began to decline in the third year after planting, the yield decreased, the quality decreased, the diseases and insect pests occurred more, and the economic benefit decreased. In order to ensure that the four seasons strawberries can not only blossom and bear fruit continuously, but also have high yield, high quality and high efficiency, it is generally required to be renewed every 2 ~ 3 years, and it is more suitable to plant strawberries once every two years in the open field.

Disease Control of four Seasons Strawberry

Leaf spot disease

[symptoms] Leaf spot disease, also known as snake eye disease, is mainly harmful to leaves, petioles, fruit stalks, tender stems and seeds. Small dark purple spots are formed on the leaves, which are enlarged to form near-round or oval disease spots, with purple-red-brown edges, gray-white center and slightly fine wheels, so that the whole disease spot is snake-eye-like, and small black grains are not formed on the disease spot.

[prevention and treatment] remove diseased leaves and old leaves in time. The initial stage of the disease with 70% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 times 700 times liquid, ten days later spray again. Or spray 75 kg of water with 70% mancozeb wettable powder, 200 grams per mu.

2. Powdery mildew

[symptoms] powdery mildew is mainly harmful to leaves, but also to flowers, fruits, fruit stalks and petioles. The leaves are rolled up in the shape of a spoon. The flower buds and petals are purple-red, cannot bloom or bloom completely, the fruit is not inflated, the fruit is long and thin, and the young fruit loses luster and hardens. Near-ripening strawberries will lose their commercial value when they are damaged.

[prevention and treatment] focus on spraying Baume 0.3 degree stone sulfur mixture in and around the disease center strain. After harvest, the leaves of the whole garden were cut and sprayed with 1000 times of thiophanate methyl or 5000 times of methamphetamine and 5000 times of Teflin.

3. Grey mold

[symptom] Botrytis cinerea is the main disease after flowering, which can occur on flowers, petals, fruits and leaves. Brown spots were formed on the fruit during the expansion period, and gradually enlarged. Botrytis cinerea caused the fruit to soften and rot, which seriously affected the yield.

[prevention and control] from budding to flowering, spray with 300 times of 25% carbendazim wettable powder, 800 times of 50% carbendazim wettable powder, and 500 ~ 700 times of 50% propofol.

4. Root rot

[symptoms] starting from the lower leaves, the edges of the leaves turn reddish brown, gradually wither upward, and even wither to death. The pillar begins to turn dark brown and rotten in the middle, and the central column of the root is red.

[prevention and control] before transplanting strawberries were treated with 40% asparagus green powder 600 times, poured on the border, and then covered with soil to flatten and transplant, so as to effectively kill the bacteria in the soil, reduce the number of bacteria in the field, and reduce the chance of infection.

5. Verticillium wilt

Verticillium wilt is a soil disease. The main symptoms are deformity of young leaves, yellowing leaves and rough surface of leaves. Then the leaf margin browned and withered inward until it died.

[prevention and control] strictly introduce the planting of disease-free plants, shorten the renewal life, and disinfect the soil with 13.5 ~ 20 liters of chloropicrin or solar film irrigation. Those who have developed the disease must be removed and burned.

Planting techniques and key points of cultivation and management of passion fruit

Passion fruit, also known as egg fruit, passion fruit family tropical, subtropical perennial evergreen vines, native to southern Brazil, it has strange leaves, bright colors, evergreen four seasons, its fruit is an oval berry, a single fruit weighs 60 to 120 grams, fruit juice is yellow, sweet and beautiful, with pomegranate, pineapple, strawberry, lemon, mango, sour plum and other fruits, so the name passion fruit. Passion fruit is rich in protein, fat, alkali acid, sugar, vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium and other compounds and 17 kinds of amino acids. Passion fruit is known as "king of beverage". Its fruit juice can be processed into pure natural high-quality beverage, which not only has unique flavor and rich nutrition, but also nourishes fitness and helps digestion. Market supply exceeds demand. Can also be processed into sherbet, jam, jelly, preserves. Passion fruit is a treasure all over the body, the oil content of passion fruit seed is up to 25%, and the oil quality is comparable to sunflower oil, which is suitable for edible oil; pectin extracted from pericarp is a good stabilizer and thickener for food processing; roots, stems and leaves can be used as medicine, it has the effects of anti-inflammation and pain, promoting blood circulation and strengthening body, reducing fat and blood pressure, etc.; the essence extracted from passion fruit is a good additive for dim sum and wine.

The planting and processing industry of passion fruit is in the ascendant and has great potential for development. Passion fruit was planted in the same year, the fruit yield is about 110 jin, and the income per mu is about 10,000 yuan, which can be used for ten consecutive years. Therefore, planting passion fruit is a way to get rich with less investment and quick results.

Environmental requirements

1. Temperature. The most suitable growth temperature of passion fruit is 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃. Generally, it grows well at the temperature of no less than 0 ℃, and the plant will be seriously damaged or even die when it reaches-2 ℃. The area with annual average temperature above 18 ℃ is the most suitable for planting.

2. Moisture. The passion fruit grows best when the annual rainfall is between 1500 and 2000mm and is evenly distributed, and the annual rainfall in the commercial development planting area should not be less than 1000 mm.

3. Light. As a tropical fruit, passion fruit likes plenty of sunlight to promote vine growth and nutrient accumulation. The condition of long-day sunshine is beneficial to the flowering of passion fruit. In the area with annual sunshine hours of 2300-2800 hours, passion fruit has good vegetative growth, more nutrient accumulation, fast branch growth, early fruiting and high yield.

4. Soil. Passion fruit has strong adaptability and low requirement for soil. However, the soil layer produced in a large area is at least 0.5 meters, and the soil is fertile, loose and well drained, and the soil ph value is 5.5 to 6.5.

Variety selection

Passion fruits are widely planted, such as purple passion fruit, yellow passion fruit and hybrids, but the natural pollination fruit setting rate is about 10% to 29.6%, which requires artificial pollination. The fuchsia passion fruit introduced from Hawaii, USA, has a natural pollination setting rate of 60%, high sugar content (14.4%-21.9%) and vitamin c (49 mg / 100 g pulp), strong aroma and high yield. It was planted and harvested that year, and the yield per mu was more than 2000 kilograms.

Establishment of orchard

1. Land selection and reclamation. Passion fruit planting and development garden should be planted in the area with convenient transportation, sunny leeward and thick soil layer. Can be gentle slope land, platform or flat land, require deep soil layer, more fertile, good drainage, preferably irrigation conditions. The deep, fertile and loose sandy loam is more suitable. Clayey soil, tight sandy soil, cold sandy soil and places that are easy to scour should not be planted or improved. Can be completely reclaimed or hole reclaimed. Concentrated into a piece of orchard, the sloping land will be changed into a terraced land with a width of more than 1.1 meters, introverted, and a small ridge with a height of 20 cm and a width of 30% on the outer edge of the planting belt. And orchard irrigation and drainage, road system at the same time set up planning.

2. Set up a fight. Passion fruit is a trailing plant, which depends on the support of scaffolding to grow normally. There are flat roof type, upright fence type, "human" shape and "door" shape fence type and so on. The general height of the shed is 1.8 to 2 meters, and the scaffolding materials can be made of cement columns, stone columns, wooden columns and bamboo poles, wooden poles, iron wires and so on.

3. Digging holes. The row spacing of planting holes is 4 × 5 meters, and 25 plants are planted per mu. The depth of the hole is 60 × 60 × 60 (cm). 25 kg of farm manure and 0.5 kg of phosphate fertilizer were applied to each hole.

4. Planting. Passion fruit can be planted all year round, but spring and autumn are the most suitable. Cloudy days or sunny days after rain should be chosen for planting. When planting seedlings, the old leaves should be cut off properly, and the nutrition bag should be broken and taken out and should not be buried in the soil. When fixing the seedlings, mix the appropriate amount of mature organic fertilizer with sandy loam soil to make planting soil or cover soil. When planting, we should straighten out the root system, fill the soil layer by layer, and tighten the compaction. Water the roots in time after planting. When planting the newly dug planting hole, the root neck of the seedling is slightly higher than the ground plane by 8cm to 10cm. After planting, the tree plate is cut out and covered with grass or film to keep warm and moist.

Orchard management

1. Fertilization. The newly planted passion fruit was dominated by nitrogen fertilizer in the early stage to promote plant growth. The root system began to grow 10-15 days after planting, 0.5% dilute urea or rare human feces and urine could be applied, and then every 20 days, 5 kg of mature human feces and urine or 0.1 kg of compound fertilizer should be applied to each plant. Every year, each plant applies 2030 kg of farm manure, 0.6-0.7 kg of urea, 0.6-0.9 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 1.2-1.3 kg of potash fertilizer. After retting and ripening, farm manure and phosphate fertilizer were applied in the ditch before and after the Beginning of Spring, urea and potash fertilizer were applied once a month during flowering and fruiting, and 0.3 kg of mixed fertilizer was applied to the plant.

2. Irrigation. Passion fruit is a shallow root plant, like moisture, not only avoid stagnant water but also afraid of drought. Therefore, first of all, a good drainage ditch should be opened to prevent stagnant water in the orchard; at the same time, weeds should be laid to conserve water, and irrigation should be considered when it does not rain for 15 days.

3. Soil management. After clearing the garden in winter, the whole garden should be turned over, which is combined with the weeds and fallen leaves buried in the garden. Then 25,30kg of lime is applied per mu.

Fruit tree shaping

1. Plastic surgery is on the shelf. After the seedling resumes its growth, the buds are sprouted every 5 days to make the main vine grow fast and sturdy. When the main vine grows to 40-50 cm, a pillar should be inserted in time to guide the main vine on the shelf. After the main vine is on the shelf, it is often necessary to lead the side to spiral and grow on the wire rack. After the side vine is full, the top is tied. The trend of the lateral vine is one branch on one side, which is beneficial to the early harvest of the full branch.

2. Shaping of young trees. The method of double-layer four-branch plastic surgery of single main vine was used. When the main vine grew to 70-80 cm, 2 lateral vines were left, which were pulled on the shelf respectively to make the first layer of main vine. When the plant grows to 150cm to 160cm, a strong lateral branch is left, which is used as a second-layer main branch at the same time as the extended branch of the main vine, which is pulled up in the opposite direction to form a double-layer four-branch vine shaping. During this period, the lateral branches and sprouting branches between 80cm and 80cm of the main vine should be cut off or erased.

3. Reshaping the old tree. The shoots that germinated after fruit harvest in the previous year drew fruit vines in almost every node above the middle. Last year, we should leave as many fruiting mother branches as possible, but in order to prevent the greenhouse from being too dense, we should prune it as soon as possible after fruit harvest. Leave the vine according to the two main branches, and the branches near the trunk are full of fruit at first, then prune to 2-3 nodes immediately after ripening and harvest, and the buds that germinate from the base of the main branch can form new fruiting branches. After the last batch of fruits are harvested in winter, all the fruiting branches are pruned from the base.

Pest control

1. Main diseases and their control. The main diseases are seedling quenching disease, mosaic disease, blight disease and stem rot disease.

① should choose pure land to raise seedlings, maintain the wetness of the field, especially prevent the soil from being too wet, stay away from bananas, melons and eggplant fruits and vegetables, and remove burning, washing and diseased leaves in time.

② drug control: choose 0.5% Bordeaux solution or ethyl aluminum, Ruidu, Kangkuling 1000 times solution, 75% chlorothalonil 800times solution, 50% carbendazim temperature powder 1000 times solution to control.

2. Main insect pests and their control. The main pests are small fruit flies, mites, shell insects and so on. Select 1000 times of trichlorfon, 1000 times of Nongdi Le, 800 times of Lesbon, 2000 times of mite death, and so on.

Timely harvest

Generally, 10 days before fruit drop, the fruit color becomes purple (purple) or yellow (yellow), red (red) and slightly fragrant, but fresh fruit can also be picked up underground.

Key points of pot culture technology and culture management of strawberry

Strawberries need to be planted in a sunny, warm environment. In addition, the hydrophobicity of soil is better. If you want to plant in the field, be careful not to use the land where potatoes have been planted before, because strawberries are easy to be infected with a germ on potatoes. When strawberries bear fruit, strawberries need to be separated from the soil, so growing strawberries in flowerpots is a better choice. You can choose a multi-purpose flowerpot and lay a layer of stone on the surface of the soil in the pot so that it is not easy to splash the soil on the strawberries when watering. If it is planted in the soil, you can use some hay or cushions to protect the strawberries.

Selection of basin, soil and variety

It is appropriate to choose ceramic pots with a diameter of 20-30 cm in pots. The basin soil is selected with high humus content. It is better to use European four Seasons Red, Changhong No. 2, 83-38 and other excellent four Seasons Strawberry varieties. It can blossom and bear fruit many times throughout the year.

Cultivation techniques

Potted plants can be planted all the year round. But from the garden seedlings on the pot, it is best to carry out in autumn. Choose strong seedlings, take more soil when you start the seedlings, remove the old residual leaves, and cut the roots of the seedlings to about 10 cm. Let the roots stretch and plant in the potted soil. The depth of planting is based on the principle of not showing roots and not paying attention to it. The soil should be solid, fixed seedling position, so that the soil surface and basin mouth to maintain a distance of 3-4 cm. Water thoroughly after planting, leave it in the shade for 3-5 days, then move to a place with plenty of light.

Fertilizer and water management

Strawberries of the four seasons blossom and bear fruit many times a year, and the nutrition consumption is high, so it is necessary to strengthen the nutrient supplement. Can be used animal hoofs, fish bones, poultry viscera, bean cake, etc., add water to mature fermentation, retting into liquid fertilizer or topdressing compound fertilizer. Usually top dressing once a week. Outdoor potted plants, watered once every morning and evening. When watering, you should warm the water in advance and reuse it, and do not use well water or tap water directly.

Seedling management

Plant management of potted strawberries should be strengthened. First, timely thinning buds, picking leaves, removing stolons. The high-level flowers that are about to be ineffective should be properly thinned in the bud dispersion period. Old leaves, residual leaves, diseased leaves and excess stolons were removed to reduce nutrient consumption and improve fruit quality. The second is fruit shaping. That is, the fruit racks of different shapes are made with iron wire or bamboo sticks and put into flowerpots to make the ears ventilated and transparent, the fruit coloring evenly, prevent the soil from polluting the fruit and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. At the same time, stolons can also be used for artistic modeling to improve the ornamental value. Third, corresponding comprehensive control measures should be adopted for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

Change the basin

After potted strawberries bear fruit for 2 years, the pot or soil should be changed after the fruit. When changing the pot, first take the plant out of the basin, cut off the senescent root, dead root and lower aging rhizome, and then plant it into the new potted soil.

Temperature and humidity

Generally, the temperature of potted strawberries is 20-25 ℃, and the room temperature is above 15 ℃ in winter. The flowerpot should be placed in a ventilated and sunny place, and the pot soil should always be kept moist.