
Planting methods and cultivation techniques of Peach Bonsai

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peach tree is a small deciduous tree of Rosaceae, which is native to China and is widely cultivated in various provinces and regions of China. Potted peach tree is a combination of fruit tree horticulture and bonsai art, which not only has the function of pleasing the eye, beautifying home and providing delicious fresh fruit, but also a way to get rich.

Peach is a small deciduous tree of the rose family, which is native to China and is widely cultivated in various provinces and regions of our country. Potted peach trees are a combination of fruit tree horticulture and bonsai art, in addition to the functions of pleasing the eye, beautifying the home and providing delicious fresh fruit. it is also a way to get rich, let's take a look at the cultivation techniques of peach bonsai.

Variety selection of Peach trees

Most varieties such as common peach, nectarine, flat peach, oil flat peach and ornamental peach cultivated in production can be potted, but it is best to choose varieties with compact tree body, open tree posture, large flower quantity, beautiful flower color, large fruit, colorful fruit, high seed setting rate of white flowers and short dormancy period, as well as special ornamental flower varieties. Such as early fragrant jade, Chunyan, Lichun, Huaguang, scattered red flat peach, morning dew flat peach and green peach, spring snow, chrysanthemum double peach, American peach and so on.

Seedling cultivation of Peach trees

1. Rootstock cultivation: potted peach trees are required to be compact and dwarf, in which the use of dwarfing rootstocks is an effective way, and the suitable dwarfing rootstocks are hairy cherry and plum. Hairy cherry and plum are wild resources widely distributed in Northeast and North China. Their common characteristics are that peach rootstocks have significant dwarfing and strong adaptability, stress resistance (cold resistance, drought resistance, barren resistance), and can make peach trees bear fruit earlier, mature earlier and improve fruit quality. The grafting affinity of hairy cherry and peach tree is strong, and the survival rate of grafted peach tree is very high all the year round, while the survival rate of grafted peach tree is low. Dwarfing rootstocks can be propagated by seeds, sown and raised seedlings in the field, and then transplanted to the pot. Wild cherries and plums growing on the hillside Weir can also be planed, and pay attention to the use of tree stump strange perennial plants, the planed rootstocks will be slightly shaped and trimmed, directly planted in the basin, survived and grafted.

2. Grafting technique: branch grafting and bud grafting can be used in grafting method. If in order to cultivate a special tree shape, "inverted bud grafting" can be used when the bud is grafted, that is, the tip of the bud is pointed down, and the branches that grow out of the grafting survive naturally form an inflection. At the same time, "inverted bud grafting" also has the function of relaxing the tree potential and reducing the tree body. According to the experiment, there was no significant difference in survival rate between inverted bud grafting and positive bud grafting of peach trees. In addition, varieties with different flower colors, fruit colors and shapes can be grafted on the same rootstock to produce flowers of different colors and fruits of different colors and shapes, so as to improve the ornamental value of potted peach trees.

Planting peach trees in pots

1. The selection of pots: the pots should be selected according to the environment, the purpose of cultivation and the size of the tree. The commonly used ones are tile basin, porcelain basin, purple sand basin and so on. Tile pot is the most commonly used pot for potted fruit trees and flowers, with low price and good ventilation, which is conducive to root growth, but the texture is brittle, easy to damage, rough surface, not very beautiful. The porcelain basin is strong in texture and beautiful in appearance, but its drainage and ventilation is poor, and the price is more expensive, so it is generally better for indoor ornamental cultivation. Purple sand basin with fine texture, harmonious color, elegant and generous, its drainage and air permeability is between tile basin and porcelain basin, the price is more expensive, suitable for indoor ornamental use. In addition, you can also choose plastic pots, cement pots, wooden cases and other containers. The size of the basin can be determined according to the needs and the size of the tree, with a general caliber of more than 24 cm.

2. Preparation of basin soil: pot soil must be cultivated. There are no strict requirements for the composition and proportion of cultivated soil. It is generally made of 2 parts of fertile pastoral soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 1 part of rotten livestock and poultry manure, or 3 parts of pastoral soil, 1 part of slag and 1 part of mature high quality organic fertilizer. When preparing, break all kinds of ingredients and sift them, and then mix them evenly according to proportion. In short, the configuration of basin soil requires rich nutrition, loose ventilation, fertilizer and water conservation, slightly acidic, pH 5.5-6.5. The prepared basin soil should be disinfected to kill the germs and pests. The commonly used disinfection methods are sunlight exposure and formalin disinfection. Sunlight exposure is to spread the basin soil thin and evenly on the cement floor and expose it for 2 to 3 days. Formalin disinfection is to spray the basin soil with 5% formalin solution, then fumigate with plastic film for 1 to 2 days, then remove the film, and then use it after the agent is volatilized.

3. Planting method: the planting time is after falling leaves in autumn or before sprouting in spring. Install the configured basin soil to about half of the basin, high in the middle and low on all sides. After properly pruning the root system of the seedling, put the seedling into the center of the basin, and stretch the root system, the root neck is 3-4 cm from the mouth of the basin, and then add the basin soil, while shaking the basin, so that the root system is closely connected with the soil, and the basin soil is slightly higher than the root neck, and finally irrigated. If the soil sinks and the root neck is exposed after irrigation, soil should be added to cover the root neck.

Shaping and pruning of peach trees

1. Shaping: potted peach trees can be treated at will according to requirements, such as open heart shape and curved stem shape. The method of drawing branches is used to adjust the direction and angle of the main branches, and the side branches are promoted by picking the core for many times, and the branches are cultivated into different shapes such as round, oblique stem, vertical branch, fan and so on, so as to increase the aesthetic feeling and enrich the crown.

2. Branch thinning: peach trees have high sprouting ability, strong branching ability and large growth. According to the principle that the strong branches are numerous and sparse, the weak branches are sparse, and the disease and insect branches, dense branches and overgrown branches can be removed.

3. Truncation: the middle branch with medium growth and good development in one year is truncated from the middle and lower part of the branch to control the outward movement of the fruit part.

4. Retraction: the longer perennial branches are retracted to a certain range to control the outward expansion of the crown.

5. De-sprouting: when the branches grow to 3-5 cm in spring, there are many latent buds and buds on erect branches that should be removed in time to reduce nutrient consumption.

6. Coring: for the strong branches with upright growth and obvious top dominance, when the new shoot grows to 25 cm, leave 5 cm to 8 cm to control the vigorous growth of the branches and make the crown compact.

Fertilizer and Water Management of Peach trees

1. Do not apply thick fertilizer: the nutrient area of potted peach trees is small. If the concentration of fertilizer is too high, or the amount of fertilizer applied at one time is too much, it will cause reverse osmosis, resulting in peach leaf atrophy and peach plant death. When applying fertilizer, we should generally grasp the principle of "using thin fertilizer, applying a small amount of fertilizer at a time, applying it many times", mainly pouring thin fertilizer solution, applying urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, special compound fertilizer for fruit trees and so on. For young peach trees less than 5 years old, the application rate is 0.05-0.25 kg each time, and 0.5-1 kg for peach trees in the peak fruiting period of more than 5 years old. The concentration of urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate sprayed on the leaves is 0.3%, the concentration of calcium superphosphate is 20.3%, the concentration of plant ash is 23.5%, the concentration of boric acid or borax is 0.2%, the concentration of ferrous sulfate is 0.2%, and the concentration of zinc sulfate is 0.3%.

2, do not apply raw fertilizer: the application of unmature fertilizer is not only easy to produce maggots and worms, give off a bad smell and pollute the indoor air, but also cause high temperature fermentation in flowerpots to harm the roots. Bean cakes, hoof slices or inedible offal such as chicken, duck and fish, as well as chicken, duck and rabbit droppings should be soaked in water in advance in the tank, fully fermented in the sun, and then applied after ripening.

3. No fertilization around root neck: the most active part of peach root absorbing fertilizer is the fast-growing area of root tip and new hairy root. Fertilization around the root neck is not conducive to fertilizer absorption, but also easy to burn the root neck of peach trees, so that the leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off, affecting the normal growth. The correct way is to bury the mature organic fertilizer or urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other chemical fertilizers into the soil beside the flowerpot, or apply it far away from the root neck, cover it with a layer of soil, and then water it.

4. Reasonable watering: peach trees are resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging, and the basin soil is moist, and the soil relative humidity is about 60%. Too dry and too wet can cause fallen leaves. It is usually watered once a week in spring. The growth is exuberant in summer, the evaporation is large, and it is watered every 3-4 days. Proper control of water in autumn to prevent overgrowth. Watering in the growing season should be carried out in the morning or evening, avoid watering in the hot sun, and should not be watered directly with cold tap water or well water, and pay attention to water thoroughly.

Flower and Fruit Management of Peach trees

Physiological fruit drop often occurs in potted peach trees, which is mainly caused by pollination and malnutrition. The measures to reduce the drop of flowers and fruits are as follows: artificial pollination, collecting mixed pollen at flowering stage every year, and manually using brush for 2 or 3 times to ensure fruit setting rate. 0.3-0.5% borax was sprayed at flowering stage to improve flower bud germination. Before the physiological fruit drop, remove the dense fruit in time, fix the fruit with leaves, and leave one fruit according to 30-50 leaves. Fruit bagging, after fruit falling in June, spraying first, and then bagging, picking bags 20 days before maturity can effectively prevent the harm of diseases and insect pests.

Disease and pest control of peach trees

The main diseases of peach trees are brown rot and anthracnose. To control peach brown rot, spray 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder 500 times. To prevent and cure anthrax, spray with 1000 times of thiophanate methyl. Peach tree pests are mainly peach borer and aphids. To control peach borer, spray with 2000 times of 20% cypermethrin EC. To control aphids, spray with 2.5% enemy to kill 2000 times.

Anti-cold and overwintering of peach trees

Most peach varieties can tolerate a low temperature of-22 to 25 ℃, so peach trees can survive the winter safely. However, it should be noted that potted peaches need a certain amount of low temperature in winter to germinate, blossom, grow and bear fruit normally, usually with a cold capacity of 600-1200 hours. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the low temperature treatment of peach in winter, do not put it into the house with heating, generally put the potted peach under the low temperature condition of-1mm 7 ℃, more in the basement and cellar to survive the winter, at the same time to prevent the basin soil from drying, some dryness should be watered in time.

Peach Taixing: peach tree bonsai in two years

The picture shows Ju Bingsheng introducing the bonsai with peaches to the villagers in the courtyard. Photo by Luo Zhongming

Ju Bingsheng, a retired teacher in Yaowang Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province, loved to cultivate flower seedlings from an early age. After retiring the year before last, he began to study the grafting techniques of bonsai peach trees. The peach bonsai he cultivated is grafted in one year, hanging fruit in two years, peach blossoms in spring and fruitful fruits in summer. The peach bonsai quick method invented by him won the national patent last year and was listed as the key project of national agricultural industrialization in the 21st century.

Cultivation of delicious and beautiful bonsai peach

Bonsai peach not only tastes delicious and has high edible and ornamental value, but also can afforest the environment, beautify life, edify sentiment, add interest to life, and is suitable for family and unit cultivation. The cultivation techniques are as follows. The main results are as follows: 1. potted peaches are mainly ornamental, and they mainly select late-ripening varieties with early fruit, easy flower formation, large fruit and good quality, such as Chinese Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling, Yangtun giant peach, Xinchuan Nakajima, Hongjun, Zhongtao 21, Ruipan 4 and so on. Second, flowerpots generally choose tile pots with a diameter of 30 cm and a height of 25 cm, because the texture of tile pots is loose and porous, and it is easy to remove excess water and air circulation, which is suitable for the development of roots, cheap and light, and easy to use. Third, the preparation of nutritious soil nutritious soil should not only be nutritious, but also have good permeability. There are two general preparation methods, one is 4 parts of garden soil, 4 parts of humus soil, 2 parts of slag and sand, this kind of nutrient soil is suitable for newly transplanted seedlings, and the other method is 6 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of humus soil and 2 parts of slag. This method is mostly suitable for the cultivation of adult seedlings. Fourth, pot planting 1. Planting period: it should be planted after sprouting in spring or falling leaves in autumn. At this time, the plant growth is relatively slow, storage nutrients, easy to root after the pot, easy to survive. 2. Seedling selection: seedlings with developed root system, more whisker roots, suitable stem diameter and height, beautiful tree shape, uniform branches and strong growth should be selected. 3, pot method: first check whether the bottom of the flowerpot is unobstructed, and then cover the hole with the convex surface of the broken pot to avoid soil leakage or blockage. When planting, the root should be stretched and closely connected with the soil, the planting depth should be just over the original soil surface of the seedling, the grafting interface should be exposed to the soil surface, and the basin soil should be installed to 80% soil for irrigation, and water should be thoroughly watered after putting on the basin. Fifth, peach tree shape should be peculiar, novel, beautiful, generous, root exposure, dense branches, compact plant shape is the most basic standard, there are generally three kinds of tree shape: 1, straight type: trunk, straight and upright, clear hierarchy, uniform fruit distribution, a sense of standing. 2. Curved stem type: the zigzag shape of the trunk is curved upward, mostly two layers, shaped like a wandering dragon. 3. Oblique dry type: the trunk is inclined, generally slightly curved, and the crown is inclined to one side, tilting out of the basin, which is interesting.