
Common diseases of ostrich and its prevention and treatment

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Common diseases of ostrich and its prevention and treatment

Ostrich breeding is becoming more and more popular. Ostrich meat and eggs have high nutritional value. In recent years, with the development of nutritional value, the market of ostrich is getting bigger and bigger. Moreover, ostriches have strong disease resistance and low morbidity, so many friends have followed suit to raise ostriches and are ready to make profits in ostrich breeding projects. However, the low incidence of ostriches does not mean that there is no disease, so the following brings you the common diseases and prevention of ostriches.

1. Newcastle disease

Symptoms: the sick ostrich is depressed, unable to stand, keeps sneezing, the head and neck will keep leaning back, and the conjunctiva begins to swell. There was an egg in the swollen mucous membrane, and dyspnea began to breathe through the mouth and keep shaking the head, in order to drain the mucus from the respiratory tract, and finally collapsed to death because the head and neck collapsed to the ground.

Prevention and treatment: there is no effective treatment for Newcastle disease, mainly in the early use of vaccine immunization, specific vaccine use can be asked the local agriculture bureau, but must be injected once a year oil vaccine immunity.

2. Yolk bursitis

Symptoms: yolk bursitis mainly occurs in nestlings within one month of age, mainly manifested as the slow absorption of yolk, the change of color from yellow to gray, and the beginning of flocculation and dilute water, accompanied by stench. The bacteria that cause the disease are mainly Escherichia coli, and there may be Pseudomonas aeruginosa and so on. Mainly due to improper management, resulting in bacterial invasion, such as temperature discomfort, humid environment, poor permeability and so on, these external factors will reduce the resistance of ostriches. It creates conditions for germs to take advantage of the situation.

Prevention and control methods: the first step is to establish a breeding bird reproductive system purification system, in the breeding birds to produce the season, in the feed appropriate amount of antibiotics. Improve the resistance of breeding birds to prevent the occurrence of inflammation, generally used in laying hens, once a month. After the birds come out of the shell, we must do a good job of disinfection, manage the birdhouse, adjust the temperature according to the weather, and ensure that the ground is dry.

3. Colibacillosis

Symptoms: the sick ostrich will first have a poor appetite, leave the flock of birds standing, it will be driven to the edge of the trough, the sick birds will peck but will not swallow. Body temperature will gradually rise to more than 40 degrees, wings spread, open mouth to breathe, limping, shaking head phenomenon. Most sick birds have unilateral conjunctivitis. The feces discharged were soft, the eyes were dull and could not afford to lie on the ground, and died in the later stage of struggle.

Prevention and control methods: the first step is to strengthen feeding management, improve the sanitary conditions of the aviary, isolate sick birds, and add bacitracin zinc to the feed for about half a month. Ostriches are sensitive to drugs, only for medical paper, but not sensitive to other drugs, so choosing a sensitive drug is the key to the treatment of Escherichia coli.

These are the three common diseases of ostriches in the process of breeding ostriches, of course, there are not only some of them, but also aspergillosis, fowlpox and so on. When breeding, we must pay attention to the occurrence of these diseases, although the incidence of ostrich diseases is low, but if we do not pay attention to management and environmental hygiene, it will still produce a lot of diseases. Pay special attention to the dryness of the birdhouse and never get wet. This article is for reference only. I hope it will be helpful to you.