
Common diseases and prevention of wild geese

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Common diseases and prevention of wild geese

Wild goose, also known as wild goose, is a large migratory bird in China, which belongs to the national second-class protected animals. the feathers of wild geese are very rich and their chest muscles are very developed. Meat is rich in protein, fat and other nutrients, is now a better nutrition and health care products. Wild goose meat can dispel wind and cold and benefit yang qi. Feathers also have good warmth and can be used as filling materials for pillows, clothing and so on. But in the process of breeding, there are often some diseases, what diseases will occur? How to prevent and cure it? Let's take a look at it.

1. Gosling plague

Symptoms: Gosling plague is an acute infectious disease caused by Gosling plague virus in goslings, which mainly infects the digestive tract of goslings. Gosling geese are most likely to get sick within three weeks. After getting sick, the young geese are in poor spirits, depressed, shrunken, difficult to walk, and often walk alone. Then you will begin to have diarrhea, eat little or not, and later develop severe dysentery, with turbid gray-white or yellow bubbles in the feces. Before dying, the neck twisted and the whole body twitched.

Prevention and control methods: goslings should be vaccinated with attenuated Gosling plague vaccine after birth, and the serum made by adult geese can be effectively prevented by injection. If the young geese begin to get sick only 3-5 days after birth, which means that the incubator has been contaminated, the incubator should be stopped immediately and thoroughly sterilized before digesting.

2. Wild goose influenza

Symptoms: wild goose influenza is exudative septicemia, mainly caused by Shigella. The pathogen can spread infection through contaminated feed and water, as well as through respiratory infections. The incubation period of the disease is very short, and it occurs a few hours after infection. There will be serous rhinorrhea, shortness of breath, loud sound and sometimes strong head shaking in the nasal cavity of wild geese. In severe cases, both feet are paralyzed and cannot stand normally, and they will die a few days later, and diarrhea will occur before death.

Prevention and control methods: when diseased geese are found, they should be isolated immediately to prevent further transmission to other geese, and dead geese should also be buried or burned immediately. It can be treated with antibiotics or sulfonamides twice a day for about four days.

3. Wild goose egg plague

Symptoms: wild goose egg plague is mainly caused by infectious diseases caused by female geese laying eggs, caused by inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes of female geese. After the onset of the disease, female geese will have foul-smelling feces, which contain small pieces of protein and yolk, do not eat or drink water, and are often weakened to death due to lack of water after 2-6 days.

Prevention and control methods: the treatment of wild goose egg plague should ensure the growth of female geese, feed and water must be disinfected to ensure that there are no pollutants. After the disease, wild geese are given oral furazolidone, at least 25 mg per goose, which can be mixed with feed or water for about three days, or chloramphenicol and other drugs can be injected into the muscle.

The above are common diseases in the process of breeding geese. In breeding geese, we must keep the wild goose house clean and sanitary, and disinfect it regularly and regularly. Control the feed and water of the geese, and do not feed the deteriorated feed to the geese, which is very likely to cause digestive or respiratory diseases of the geese, resulting in infectious diseases. Therefore, I hope that we must manage the environmental hygiene of the wild goose house well and provide a good growth environment for the wild goose.