
How to improve the survival rate of young pigeons

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to improve the survival rate of young pigeons

Pigeons have high (economic) value, but there are still many aspects to pay attention to in raising pigeons, especially for vulnerable young pigeons, it is not an easy job! If you don't pay enough attention, it can easily lead to the death of young pigeons. The physical quality of breeding pigeons has a great impact on young pigeons, good breeding pigeons will greatly improve the quality and survival rate of young pigeons, so what should be paid attention to? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Danger prevention from parent pigeons

Parent pigeons are pigeons that have just bred young pigeons. If the parent pigeon pecks or even kills the cub, most of the reasons are caused by man-made shock, such as: loud roar, grabbing young pigeon, food and so on, overreacting to human factors. There is also a very small part because the parent pigeon is in estrus again and found that the young pigeon needs to be transferred in time.

2. Suitable pigeon house environment

Under normal circumstances, the most suitable temperature for pigeon growth is between 25 and 32 ℃. Pigeons like to be quiet and afraid of disturbance, and pigeon houses should be placed in a quiet place. Because the cubs are very fragile, remember to clean and disinfect in time after each litter comes out of its shell. Common pigeon viruses or diseases are pigeon plague, pigeon pox, yellow mouth and so on. In order to reduce the harm of germs to young pigeons, pigeon houses should be kept clean and ventilated for a long time. Young pigeons have strict requirements for temperature. When the temperature is too high, it is necessary to cool the pigeon house, and when it is too low, the temperature should be adjusted.

3. The choice of feed

Young pigeons can eat coarse grains almost two weeks later, which is also a period of time for its rapid growth and development. We must pay attention to the matching of nutrition and the choice of feed. Young pigeon feed to choose the general market feed on the line, in order to save costs or special circumstances, it is possible to use chicken feed instead. With miscellaneous grains as an auxiliary, all kinds of peas, corn, wheat, sorghum, soybeans, etc., can be eaten by young pigeons after soaking in warm water, but we must pay attention to the hygiene of food. Because the young pigeon is still small and its digestive ability is relatively weak, it is necessary to control the proportion of all kinds of coarse grains and add health care sand or mineral-rich ingredients for nutrition and digestion.

4. Prevention of trampling and grabbing food

This is the most noteworthy and the highest incidence of the situation, newborn pigeons because of different physical quality, it is easy to grab food phenomenon, the weak side always can not grab food to eat, at this time can be divided into nests according to the acceptance status of parent pigeons, at the same time, we should also pay attention to the nutritional collocation and health of parent pigeons, feeding 3 to 5 times a day is the best. For large pigeons like Yuanbao pigeon, the high incidence period of stampede accidents is two to three days after the shell is broken. In addition to paying attention to putting some soft cushions on the pigeon house, remember to observe more.

These are some suggestions to improve the survival rate of young pigeons. generally speaking, although feeding pigeons is a meticulous work, it will not be a problem as long as you pay attention to the choice of food and disease prevention and control. In peacetime, we should also pay more attention to observe the situation of the pigeon house to avoid accidents with very little probability.